
In Marvel with Gacha

A boy wakes up in a new world with gacha.

Yogun_Van · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs



"They should have the tesseract right?" Victor muttered as he slowly floated towards the helicarrier.

It was invisible to normal human sight, but he was able to see it very easily. He didn't bother going around and stopped right before the helicarrier.

The helicarrier didn't stop and kept moving forward.

"Will you stop or should I make you stop?" He spoke loudly.

His voice was even heard by people inside the helicarrier.

Slowly the helicarrier stopped and stopped becoming invisible.

"Hello there director" Victor greeted Furry who was standing directly in the front, staring back at Victor with a poker face.

"Who are you?" Furry didn't ask anything besides that.

"I don't go by any name." Victor didn't reveal his name and asked what he was there for, "I'm here for the tesseract"

"The what?" Furry acted like he wasn't aware and signalled something to his henchman.

"Don't try to play the fool Furry…" Victor rolled his eyes, "I know about the Tesseract very well."

Victor floated forward and went inside the helicarrier, breaking past the glass.

Seeing him enter all the agents were pointing their guns at him in caution.

"Really? You believe those will work on me?" Victor sighed, finding them too cliche, "Whatever, I'm not here to kill you."

"Then what are you here for?" Furry asked, while still pointing his gun at him.

"Are you deaf? I just asked you where the Tesseract was" Victor asked as he casually started typing on a nearby computer.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh nothing." Victor shrugged as he typed even faster.

The agents were confused on what to do, they knew none of their weapons could hurt someone who just took down a hulk-level monster.

"Ahhh…Joint Dark Energy Mission Facility in the Mojave Desert. That's where it is huh?" 

Hearing Victor mutter that Furry's eyes widened in shock and he didn't waste a second to shoot the computer. Only for the bullet to be caught by Victor who didn't even turn back.

"Tch.. Tch…You guys are too quick in wasting taxpayers' money." Victor shook his head and threw the bullet away.

Seeing his feat, the agents completely lost the little hope they had in trying to hurt him.

The screen in the computer Victor was working on changed to a map, showing a large desert in California where the research facility where the tesseract was being researched on.

"So that's where the dessert is huh" Knowing where the dessert was.

Victor didn't stay there any longer and just flew away, making the agents sigh in relief except the ones in higher position who knew what Victor was heading for.

"Goddamn It!" Furry yelled in anger as he punched the desk nearby, "Prepare the jets! Put JDMF on full lockdown and evacuate everyone except the guards!"

"Sir about the tess-" Agent Colson was about to say something.

"Inform Dr. Erik to evacuate and flee with the tesseract! At no cost it should fall on this… monster's hand!"

-Victor Bane's POV-

I wonder how fast I'm going currently?

Considering the numerous sonic booms I created and the fire around me, I should be going at speeds faster than the escape velocity right?

I hope this is the direction of California.

It didn't take me long to reach my destination, all the sounds of choppers and planes flying made it pretty obvious. 

To be honest, this timeline is pretty bad for me. If it weren't for abomination beating be to a pulp, this trip would've been pretty much useless. The ones I was excited to copy the power of didn't get their powers yet.

The X-men movieverse would've been much better, I should've gone there. But my creerent gains aren't bad either.

Reaching more than 80% assimilation with Omni-man is already a great reward. It makes many of my future plans change.

All I lack now is some form of mental and magical defence. If the timeline was just a bit into the future, I would've been able to get my hands on Scarlet witch and the mind stone. With both of them I'd be unstoppable.

But space stone could also prove to be useful. If a normal human like Carol could become so powerful by just getting introduced to the cosmic rays of the tesseract. With mimicry, which alters my very body to host an ability.

Shouldn't I become even stronger than her?

This is only my prediction, after all I don't know for sure how the space stone would react.

But no harm in trying right? With my current level of durability I should be able to survive even in space if I somehow get teleported there.

Now where is the tesseract?

I observed the facility from the above, everyone below was evacuating in a rush in various vehicles. But I didn't need to search for long as I spotted the professor guy who was experimenting with the tesseract running towards a chopper with two armed guards beside him and a large suitcase.

Did I give them too much time to escape? I should've arrived here quicker.

"Hooo…" I released my breath and flew directly in front of Erik.

The guards with him immediately started shooting me the moment I stopped in front of them while Erik crouched down covering his ears.

"Really? When will you ever learn?" I asked the guards who unloaded their full rounds on me. 

I just ignored them and walked closer to Erik. The guards subconsciously stepped back each step I took forward.

"I'll be taking this." I said to him as I took the suitcase from him.

It was locked, but that can't stop me. I just ripped open the suitcase and thankfully, the tesseract was indeed inside there.

"Damn… it truly is beautiful isn't it?" I asked no one.

"What are you going to do with it?" Erik asked.

"Don't worry I just wanna test something." I told him as I held the cube in my arm.

Without any delay, I felt undefinable energy coursing through my body. It seemed almost unending and infinite without any end. Like an ocean full of energy.

My range of awareness exploded beyond a point where I felt like the whole universe was just on the palm of my hand. 

 I felt my body change, to host and produce this energy even without the stone. But the process was slow, presumably due to the stone not directly being in contact with me.

So I decided to pull a Thanos and started to crunch the tesseract.

But my move shocked the others around.


"Like I care. Your world is gonna be erased in a while anyway when the TVA finds out." I ignored him and continued to crunch the tesseract.

I felt it pulse for a few seconds before cracks started to appear on its surface and I felt my fingers closing in. The pulsing got even more prominent.


A huge shockwave of cosmic energy got absorbed into my body as the tesseract finally broke revealing the shining blue space stone inside.

The moment the stone made physical contact with me, the rate at which my body absorbed the cosmic energy exploded.

I shook off the tesseract dust and held the space stone in my palm, charging my body with the very concept of space.

"What?" Erik was shocked at the sight, "what is that?"

"This is the true power source of the tesseract." I showed him the stone, "You morons couldn't even guess that after all those years of research?"

"How did you know? Are you even human?" 

"Hmmm… I wonder If I still am?" I thought for a moment.

Am I really human now? I don't know how fucked up my dna is after assimilating with a Viltrumite, whose genes are known to override and other genes.

Maybe I should look into it in the future.


"That's it for today man. See ya" I bade my farewell to him and opened a portal to a special place.

Arriving at the place I wanted to be, I opened my status window.

[ Name: Victor Bane


 GP: 07

 Species: Human



 -Cosmic Energy production(New), Cosmic Energy Manipulation(New), Space Manipulation(New), Portal Creation(New), Wormhole creation(New), Teleportation(New).....]

 Summoned Characters:


 Character Assimilation

 -Assimilated Character: Dick Greyson

-In Progress: [Nolan Greyson Progress:91%]

 Inventory: [Empty]


So I'm still a human huh? That's good to know. Now I won't be scared to assimilate with a monster or something in fear I'll lose my humanity.

And.. Sheesh…

Didn't really expect this much by touching the space stone, not that I'm complaining. Cosmic energy production huh? So that's the new form of energy I feel inside me huh.

Space stone is great and easy to use. I wonder if the other stones are this easy too? Power stone is shown to kill anyone who touches it, even a half-celestial like Star Lord only survived for a few minutes.

Even Thanos didn't touch it directly for more than a few seconds.

Unlike Space Stone, which is almost too easy to use and control. In fact, I realised how it works by just touching it, almost as if it told me that knowledge.

I know there were a few theories that the infinity stones had sentience, but I wonder if that's true though?

"Can you understand me buddy?" I asked the stone.

But I received no reply.

"Honestly, what was I even expecting?" I sighed and started to look around this planet.

Currently, I'm on Morag.

The planet which holds the power stone.

But before going for that, I need to test my new powers.

Concentrating, I tried to use the cosmic energy that was being produced by my body. It didn't take me long to get a hold of it.

Soon my whole body was covered in a golden plasma-like energy. I shot an energy blast at the nearby water, instantly vaporising it along with melting the rock below it.

The energy output was beyond what I expected, I didn't even blast for more than a second, yet it melted the rock below.

Now for space manipulation.

On my mental command, my whole world view changed. I could 'see' the space around me… like it was something like air or water.

I could grab it, mould it, crush it, crack or even create it. To the point I was able to manipulate gravity by changing it.

"Damn… this is broken." I didn't do anything more, as there's a great chance I accidentally created a goddamn black hole by mistake.

As for the rest, all of them were basically the same.

Portal creation allows me to create portals and wormhole creation does the same, but they're a bit different. Portals are smaller while wormholes could be even bigger than a star. And portals can be one way while wormholes can't. Both of the portals look like the ones created by the space stone. Which makes sense as my body just copied it from it.

And I can only use star-sized wormholes if I have a large amount of cosmic energy source like space stone, if I use it without it I'll probably burn out.

Teleportation is simple, it just changes my coordinates to any place I wish. And the best thing is, none of these powers require a condition and will activate by just a thought.

If Space stone can give me this much, I wonder what power stone can give me.

Well only one way to find out.

I started searching for the place powerstone was. This planet was a lot bigger than Earth, it took me nearly 20 minutes to find the temple where the Power stone was hidden.

"This is too easy…" I muttered in suspicion as I entered the temple.

If this was a movie verse, shouldn't there be some guards or someone there just to make things harder for me? Till now, everything has been really easy.

Well not that I'm complaining.

I walked closer to the laser vault where the orb containing power stone was stored in. 

I created a small portal without the help of a space stone and took the orb out. The moment I took it out the laser turned off.

"This is heavier than I expected." The orb should at least be about 3 pounds and looks and feels just like vibranium I got from Gacha.

Which means, vibranium can even store infinity stones. This information will be useful in the future when I collect the infinity stones of my world. 

After all, no way I'm letting anyone than me have it. It's too dangerous for me and I can't sleep at peace knowing someone out there could do anything with the 6 infinity stones.

I fiddled with the orb for a while, trying to open it and finally on a twist to the side, it opened.

Revealing the bright purple power stone stored inside.

Unlike a space stone, I could feel the power behind it. As if it could turn me into dust within minutes if I'm not careful.

"Things I have to do to get busted."

Preparing myself mentally to be ready to experience the pain, I grabbed the power stone.

Just like I expected, it was horrible to touch.

My whole body burned. The pain and energy wouldn't disappear at all. 

It felt as if molten metal was poured on me while thousands of tiny needles were poking on my body making it incredibly itchy. But I knew not to scratch.

My body was desperately trying to adapt to the new form of energy it was being introduced to. 

And a few minutes passed, for me to be back to normal again. Now I was able to hold the stone with bare hands easily.

"Phew… that was horrible." I put the power stone back inside the orb and put it back inside the laser vault.

Wondering what powers I got this time, I opened my status.

[ Name: Victor Bane


 GP: 07

 Species: Human



 - Energy Creation(New), Energy Absorption(New), Energy Manipulation(New), Energy Nullification(New) Cosmic Energy production….]

 Summoned Characters:


 Character Assimilation

 -Assimilated Character: Dick Greyson

-In Progress: [Nolan Greyson Progress:91%]

 Inventory: [Empty]


Hmm.. all based on energy huh?

I guess that kinda makes sense? After all, energy is power.

Does it mean I can create, absorb, manipulate and nullify any and all kinds of energy? That's basically cheating at this point.

With these new abilities, I don't even need to copy physic abilities, I can just learn them.

To test my powers out, I absorbed some of the unlimited amount of kinetic energy of the planet and tried to use it on myself. 

Which was a bad idea as I was flung across the temple.

I steadied myself in the air by nullifying the kinetic energy before I could fall into this planet's stinky water.

"That was stupid of me."

But I'm glad it worked. Though I'm not injured, I'm not a normal guy. If I did this to some normal human, they'd be a paste.

And tested the energy creation part.

I tried creating Thermal, electric, electromagnetic, cosmic, potential, kinetic, sound, nuclear, atomic, physic and even gravitational.

It worked. All of them did, Making me realise how broken this power was.

I no longer have to worry about even the telepathy mutants(Charles, his sister, his student and his friend?) as I can just absorb or nullify the energy they're sending towards me.

While I still am not aware of how much energy I can nullify on a single go, I'm sure it would be higher than theirs as my body literally produces cosmic energy 24/7. 

Maybe phoenix powered characters can one shot me if the phoenix went all out, but who can't they one shot? Motherfucking Living tribunal.


I immediately dodged something which tried to hit me.

I quickly flew high and looked down to see who it was, and my initial prediction turned out to be right. It was a bunch of TVA goons.

"Hmm… appear to be a standard sequence code violation who travelled to this timeline by some sorts of means" The woman who walked in last said with a cocky tone.

Seeing them this careless made me pissed. These idiots act like they're all high and mighty like American cops.

"Variant unidentified. On behalf of the Time Varia-"

"Don't start yapping and ruin my mood even further. I don't really wanna kill a human, and let's keep it that way." I stopped and warned them.

"Variant hostile requesting backup." They stood on guard, pointing their weird time related batons at me, who was metres away from them in the air.

What can they even do if I just fly away? I have the literal space stone with me and can jump to any point in this universe whenever I want to.

But this situation is good too, I can get used to killing humans by killing them. Rather kill these brainwashed fools than some other guys.

"Do you guys wanna die that bad?" I asked as I charged up cosmic energy to make them scared.

But these guys were modified to the point their sense of fear was gone.

"You are under arrest for violating the sacred timeline"

"Heh, you mean the timeline your master is from?" I asked them not expecting a reply.

I just killed all of them by a blast of concentrated cosmic rays from my eyes.It cut their head cleanly off their body without making a mess. It perfectly charred their skin so there was no bleeding either. They didn't even realise their death as cosmic rays are just as fast as light.

I wonder if this is how Darkside feels? Because killing this way is too easy, all I have to do is see them, and that guy doesn't even have to do that. Maybe this is why Superman stopped using them on his villains.

Well, none of my concerns.

Again, I feel nothing at killing them. Maybe the fact that they killed trillions almost every hour is a factor.

I moved towards their dead bodies and took one of the batons to absorb the 'time energy' or whatever it had to use in the future.

After that I just left the place and dropped the space stone off on the helicarrier.
