

in a world so dangerous and and thrilling our MC John Eisenhower will have to overcome this and become someone important.

Hunter_Smith_6632 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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meeting the wolverine

charles has been showing me around the place and as I was walking by people I had used my ability on several people. I had now gained the power of flight phasing and cryokinesis, as charles is leading me to my room I bump into someone, watch it bub. I recognize him as the wolverine and use my power on him gaining heightened senses agility and strength while also gaining bones claws along with a healing factor.

hey charles who is that, that is logan or as you may know him bye the wolverine. I've heard of him but I had never really seen him before I say as charles leads me to my room. when we arrive to my room I see a person in my room who I can only assume is my roommate, he walks up to me and introduces himself as Scott. as he says this i use my power on him. well hello my name is john, well it's nice to meet you john he says as he leaves the room.

The next day I head to to the training room with charles Xavier where he teaches me how to better control my telepathic ability's. after that's done I try to find a mutant in the school with duplication ability's and luckily i find one I copy his powers and leave a double at the school while I go off the look around NYC. I walk through an ally way seeing a woman getting mugged. I go over to him and freeze his hand and punching him I pick up the bag for the woman but when i try and give it to her she runs off screaming mutant. I guess people in this world really do hate mutants.

Suddenly I hear sirens in the distends, I better get out of hear quick. i fly up of top of a building and see the cop cars going past me, I guess they weren't after me. But what are they after then? I decided to follow the cars while flying and see a bank robbery and it looks like electro is robbing it and spiderman is trying to stop him. I put on a mask that I bought at a cheap convivence store then i jump down and ask spiderman if he needs some help.

I pretty much got it covered but you can help. [electro] im gonna kill you web head, like you could egg head, as spiderman is distracting electro i fire some ice at him but electro see's it coming and and shoots out electricity and destroy my ice blast but as he does that spider man comes in and drop kicks him in the stomach. electro gets back up and shoots a continues blast of electricity at spiderman and before it hit's him i shoot a continues blast of ice at him where in a stand still but slowly i start to overpower him as my ice starts to slow down the electrons and i overpower him and freeze him. As i did that i fly away seeing the cop's arrest electro and i head back to the school.