

in a world so dangerous and and thrilling our MC John Eisenhower will have to overcome this and become someone important.

Hunter_Smith_6632 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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going to new York city

my father has been reluctant to let me go to new York city [NYC] but since it's my summer vacation he has decided to let me go to NYC if I go to a boarding school next year. I plan to have my dad send to Charles exavers school of mutants, he doesn't know that it's a school for mutants. but while I'm here in NYC it's time for me to get some powers but before that I need to scope out the place. [three months later.]

ok my dad has decided to send me to Charles exavers boarding school until I'm old enough to inherit the company. right now I'm entering the school and i see charles waiting for me, I use my ability on him and copy his powers. hello young man do you know what you are, yes im a mutant, ahh great so I don't have to explain it to you then. Do you know what your mutant power is? no I don't well that's ok we'll figure it out, hey, what, I said that I don't know what it is but I do have an idea. ok what do you think it is then, well I can hear people thoughts but I can also control there minds so im not really sure what it is.

my young friend it sounds like you are a telepath just like me but don't worry we'll get this figured out in no time.