
In Marvel Chapter 1: Live-in girlfriend is Wonder Woman

Mtl novel

Johnywalker_0705 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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50 Chs


The ground is hard!

Luke Cage has a hard head too!

But relatively speaking, the ground is a little harder.

Because the ground will not bleed!

Luke Cage was originally just a street gangster. Because of his age and some other reasons, he decided to bid farewell to the life of a street gangster.

Unfortunately, things backfired.

Not long after he changed his face, he was framed by a good friend from the past and thrown into prison.

In order to get out of prison early, he voluntarily accepted the experiment of recreating the super soldier plan experienced by Captain America.

During the experiment, a prisoner who was hostile to him broke into the laboratory and wanted to kill him who was conducting the experiment.

It turned out that he didn't expect that by mistake, he would have a gene mutation instead, his physique was greatly increased, his strength was greatly improved, and at the same time, he obtained an extraordinary physique that was generally invulnerable to swords and guns.

His musculature and bone density have been strengthened, he can lift a weight of 25 tons, and can punch through a 10-centimeter-thick steel plate with his fist.

His skin is extremely hard and can withstand the collision of 1 ton of heavy objects, can withstand the attack of cold weapons such as swords and daggers, and can even withstand close-range shooting from conventional pistols and the explosion of TNT explosives.

He also regenerates 3 times faster than normal humans.

When attacking Luke Cage, the information he had read before crossing appeared in Russell's mind.

But it turns out that there are some things that, without a real test, there is no way to know the real answer.

Whether Luke Cage could lift 25 tons, or withstand point-blank fire from conventional pistols and detonations of TNT, Russell didn't know.

But he now knew that when he smashed Luke Cage's head to the ground with all his strength, Luke Cage's head would also bleed.

Although he didn't smash Luke Cage's head directly like a watermelon falling from a high altitude, he still showed a satisfied smile after seeing Luke Cage's head smashed into a big hole and bleeding.


How dare you say that you are invulnerable?

Russell's attack was too sudden.

Not only the three Daredevils didn't think of it, but Luke Cage himself didn't think of it.

When Luke Cage's head was in close contact with the ground, the Daredevil trio finally reacted.

Without any hesitation, the three Daredevils attacked Russell at the same time.

Adults fight, children don't come to make trouble!

Seeing the three Daredevils who were attacking him by lightning, Russell not only did not let go of his right hand, but grabbed Luke Cage's head again and slammed it heavily on the ground.


The huge impact sounded again, and the small stones produced by the shattering of the ground flew out like bullets.

At the same time, four black tentacles that looked like fox tails emerged from the half-squatting Russell.

These four black tentacles gushed out from his lower back, stabbing at the three Daredevils attacking like spears.

There are only three enemies attacking him now, but he controls the venom symbiosis to spew out four sharp tentacles like tails.

This is not because he is not good at math, or because he made a wrong control for a while, but because he did it on purpose.

Now he is using the venom symbiosis to imitate the cutie Kaneki in Tokyo Foodie.

The original Kazuko form of Kaneki cutie is four sharp tails gushing out from the back of the waist.

This is also the Hezi form that Kaneki cutie inherited from Li Shi.

Among them, three sharp black tentacles were controlled by him to attack the three Daredevils.

The remaining one came to Luke Cage.

The smashed Luke Cage had no chance to resist Russell. He was not dead yet, and his extraordinary physique was already at work.

The black tentacle that came to him wrapped around his neck like a python, lifting him up.

On the other side, the three Daredevils were still resisting the attack of the black tentacles.

When deciding to eradicate Russell, a heinous and brutal killer, they investigated Russell's intelligence and knew that Russell had an extraordinary physique far beyond ordinary people.

Unfortunately, their information is somewhat outdated.

According to their investigation, Russell is an extraordinary human being who can lift a car with his bare hands and jump to a height of more than ten to twenty meters.

Although his performance is a bit exaggerated, it is nothing to Daredevil and others.

They also have people with extraordinary physiques, and there are two more.

Luke Cage and Jessica Jones can do it with their bare hands.

But they never thought that the extraordinary physique was already a thing before.

What Russell now has is not just an extraordinary physique.

But this is also normal. People who have seen him use the venom symbiosis ability, except Diana and Tony Ethan, have already gone to **** to see Mephisto.

The people in the textile factory are dead!

The Punisher is dead too!

So did the terrorists in Afghanistan and the Ten Rings!

But all those guys who have seen him use the venom symbiosis and are enemies, without exception, are all dead.

As a result, from the perspective of the outside world, Russell's extraordinary ability is still only the ordinary extraordinary physique.

The truth is, however, that his Venom symbiote is no worse than an Extraordinary Physique.

Although the three Daredevils tried to rescue Luke Cage from Russell, unfortunately, under the obstruction of the black tentacles, they couldn't even get close to Russell, let alone rescue Luke Cage.

They could only watch as Russell manipulated the black tentacles and lifted Luke Cage, who was covered in blood.

Fortunately, Luke Cage is black himself, and he looks a little less miserable with blood on his face.

After all, black is a very domineering color.

After lifting Luke Cage up, Russell manipulated the other three black tentacles to force back the three Daredevils.

"Do you know, I now understand more and more why the villains in the movie like to complain about the righteous protagonist during the battle."

"Because those protagonists who claim to be righteous are really overwhelmed!"

Four sharp tentacles protruded from the back of the waist, and Russell, who looked like a monster, tilted his head and said to the three of Daredevil.

Just when the three Daredevils were about to refute him, he raised his finger, put it in front of his mouth and gave a soft hiss, signaling the three Daredevils not to interrupt their performance.

"The villain dies because of talking too much. This is a stalk that both the screenwriter and the audience will never tire of!"

"I liked this meme quite a bit at first. It's a meme. When you complain about the villain, you can prove that you are a humorous person. It kills two birds with one stone. There's nothing wrong with it."

Having said that, Russell paused, and looked up at Luke Cage who was lifted by the black tentacles.

Then, he continued: "But have you ever thought about why the villain, who is obviously very smart, has the stalk of dying because of talking too much?

Could it be that there is really a rule in the world that evil does not overpower good, so the ambitious villain must be defeated by the righteous protagonist!

No, no, the world doesn't care about justice and evil defined by human standards of good and evil.

The villain dies because of talking too much, which has nothing to do with the fact that the evil does not overpower the righteous, and it has nothing to do with the victory of justice.

The villain in the movie is always defeated, but the justice in reality cannot be done fairly. There is only one reason, because of political correctness!

Because only politically correct movies can be screened, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com As for the reality, hehe, who cares about this **** reality!

By the way, since we are talking about political correctness, let's talk about a topic that you Americans prefer, racial discrimination!

Speaking of it, you may not believe it. In this country of yours that claims to be fair and just, I, who just started working as a killer, would actually experience racial discrimination.

They are already killers who sell their lives for money. Just because of my skin color, I get paid a little less than other killers.

Even if my commission is completed more perfectly, it's still useless.

So later, when I was with you, I learned some very important truths.


The winner is justice!

Whoever has the biggest fist has the right to speak!

Just like now, you want to kill me immediately, but you can only stand there and listen to the villain I talk.

By the way, do you think I'm an arrogant and ignorant villain now?

No, you are wrong!

I am telling you these things only because these words have been pressed in my heart for a long time, and I have never had the opportunity to express my true thoughts to you representatives who claim to be righteous.

Now I finally have this opportunity, so don't complain!

Finally, in order to make you more determined to eliminate my villain, let me tell you one thing.

As a person, I hate two kinds of people the most!

The first is racist, the second is silent! "

After finishing speaking, Russell manipulated the other three black tentacles, which wrapped around Luke Cage's hands and right leg.

Then, it pulled with all its strength toward the black tentacles, tearing Luke Cage in mid-air.

"Welcome to the real world where villains have a chance to win!"