
In Marvel Chapter 1: Live-in girlfriend is Wonder Woman

Mtl novel

Johnywalker_0705 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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50 Chs


More than half an hour later, Bakshi left the office with a complicated expression.

Although Russell had agreed to join Hydra, he always felt that something was wrong.

But what was wrong, he couldn't tell now.

do not care!

Anyway, the task of the organization has been completed, and the rest will naturally be handled by others.

Not long after Bakshi left, Russell also left the office and drove to the Continental Hotel.

Continental Hotel.

tasting room.

"Good morning, Mr. Bradley."

The sommelier in a neat suit said to Russell.

"good morning!"

"Sir, what style do you want to taste this time? Recently, some new varieties have come. I wonder if you are interested in tasting it, sir?"

The sommelier put down the pistol he was cleaning and said slowly.

"Of course I'm interested, otherwise what am I doing here?" Russell said with a smile.

After more than ten minutes, he left the tasting room under the surprised gaze of the sommelier.

Before, every time he came to the tasting room, he would only buy a small amount of weapons.

This is not because he doesn't need so many weapons, but because he buys too many weapons and it is inconvenient for him to carry them.

But it's different now.

If you don't do it, you will never stop!

He bought all the weapons in the tasting room, not a single one left.

With the system space in hand, it is so willful!

However, in order to avoid exposing the existence of the system space, he did not open the system space in the wine tasting room, but asked the sommelier to pack the weapons to the office.

After finishing stocking at the Continental Hotel, he drove back to the office.

Diana is on a business trip.

He doesn't have any entrustment on hand right now.

Enough people have been killed during this time.

So, he began to think about whether to accept a few detective commissions to pass the time.

However, the plan is beautiful, the reality is cruel.

Although he is well-known in the detective industry and is one of the consultants of the New York Police Department, it does not mean that he can receive very interesting detective commissions.

After looking at the detective commission letters that Peter had sorted out in the past few days, he sighed helplessly.

These commissions are either asking him to catch his cheating husband, or asking him to find lost cats and dogs.

The only thing that is more interesting is to ask him to find the underage girl who ran away from home.

After reading these commissions, he resolutely gave up the idea of ​​being a detective to pass the time.

4 pm.

Peter came to the office with a happy face after school.

The few days when I first received my salary were relatively happy.

Although Peter is not yet an adult, he has already experienced the joy of being a worker as an adult.

"Good afternoon, sir!"

Peter said to Russell energetically.

Russell, who was playing a console game, looked up at Peter and said slowly, "Good afternoon."

"Sir, is there anything I need to do today?"

Peter asked again.

Russell put down the game controller, asked Peter to sit down in front of him, and said with a serious face: "The lessons in school should be very simple for you, right?"

"It's okay, I got all A's." Peter said shyly.

Although he is not a famous figure in the school, there is no doubt that he is indeed a very good student.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to tinker with the spider web launcher and the spider silk with excellent lifting performance and automatic decomposition.

When that fateful spider would be willing to bite Peter, Russell couldn't be sure now.

But one thing he was sure of was that Peter had the potential to be a genius inventor.

This is also the main reason why he deliberately wins over Peter.

"You are a very smart kid, you shouldn't waste your intelligence in vain."

"I'm going to build a laboratory, and I want you to join me."

After hearing Russell's words, Peter was stunned for a moment, and then slowly asked: "Lab? What type of laboratory?"

"Military technology!"

"Military technology?"

The doubt on Peter's face became more obvious.

"Yes! Military technology, military technology like Stark Industries and Hammer Industries!"

Although Russell has plans to use Hydra to strengthen the endosymbiotic armor, he will not trust Hydra's people too much until he becomes the master of Hydra.

But little Peter was different.

Compared with Hydra, Peter is more trustworthy.

Although he is only 16 years old now, if he really wants to study something, he may not be inferior to those scientists of Hydra.

"But I have never learned any knowledge in the field of military industry?"

Peter said a little less confidently.

"It's okay, I didn't learn it before, it doesn't mean I won't be able to do it in the future, and Tony Stark didn't invent weapons at birth."

Russell continued to bewitch Peter.

He doesn't need Peter to invent all kinds of cross-generational weapons like Tony did.

As long as Peter can strengthen the endosymbiotic armor to a certain extent, he will be satisfied.

"Okay, so when do I start?"

"It will take a little time to set up a laboratory. I will tell you after it is set up. You should take this card first and buy some professional books to study."

Russell took out a bank card from the drawer and handed it to Peter.

"The password is your birthday. If you don't have enough money, just tell me. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

He just applied for this bank card today, and there is one million dollars in it, which is enough to meet Peter's early learning needs.

Peter did not refuse, and took the bank card from Russell.

In the United States, any professional books are not cheap.

A typical example of this is university textbooks.

The high price of teaching materials has made countless college freshmen realize what knowledge is wealth.

In the United States, a college career is incomplete without buying second-hand textbooks from seniors and sisters.

"Okay, let's leave things like this for the lab!"

"You continue to learn photography today, remember, a man who can't take pictures is not a good man!"

After fooling Peter to fiddle with the camera, Russell picked up the game controller again and played a blacksmith game where he could see the bright red word "death" on the character's head from time to time.

Although Russell has some talents in combat.

But don't know what went wrong.

In reality, he can kill all directions, but in this blacksmithing game, he was abused terribly.

Peter went home after two hours in the office tinkering with the camera.

Although he didn't mind staying longer at the office, Russell just let him go home.

This is Hell's Kitchen!

Now Peter is not Spider-Man, Hell's Kitchen at night is too dangerous for him.

A fresh and delicious minor like him, appearing in Hell's Kitchen at night, is like a rabbit among wolves.

When Peter came home, Russell also put down the gamepad.

This **** lion ape, he couldn't pass the call for two hours, and made him read the dead word over and over again.