
In Marvel Chapter 1: Live-in girlfriend is Wonder Woman

Mtl novel

Johnywalker_0705 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Although he only carried two pistols and a dagger on his body, this was not a problem at all.

No guns, no cannons, the enemy will build us!

Although the members of the Ten Rings Gang don't know how to make weapons, it doesn't matter, there is an arsenal in front of them.

The magazine of the pistol was quickly emptied.

One after another, members of the Ten Rings gang died under Russell's gun.

The black tentacles wrapped around the pistol began to change magazines rapidly.

At the same time, the newly gushing black tentacles picked up the individual bazooka in the tent.

Until now, the members of the Ten Rings Gang in the valley have not figured out why a black monster descended from the sky and began to slaughter them without saying a word.

They were caught off guard by Russell, and lost more than twenty companions in the blink of an eye.

While the black tentacles were changing magazines and manipulating individual bazookas, the members of the Ten Rings finally launched a counterattack.

da da da da da...

Rifles of all sizes opened fire.

The heavy machine gun at the entrance of the valley also aimed at the monster-like Russell, unleashing bullets frantically.

Bullets hit Russell from all directions like a torrential rain.

Such a fierce firepower is enough to beat an elephant or rhinoceros into a pulp.

However, after the menacing bullet hit Russell's body, he was bounced away.

How can this be?

Seeing the scene in front of them, the hairless leader Raza and the other members of the Ten Rings Gang showed incredible expressions.


Russell saw the shock and disbelief on their faces, and cursed in his heart.

While Raza and the others looked at him in shock, he manipulated the black tentacles to quickly replace the clips, and aimed the bazooka at the heavy machine gun in the distance.

bang bang bang bang...

After changing the magazine, Russell did not hesitate, and once again used the spear swing technique, frantically harvesting the lives of the members of the Ten Rings Gang.

While performing the spear throwing technique, he did not forget to control the black tentacles to fire rockets.


With an orange-red tail flame, the rocket accurately hit the heavy machine gun in the distance and exploded.

The huge explosion not only resounded throughout the valley, but also spread into the cave.

"What's going on outside?"

Tony raised his head and looked at Ethan.

"The US military is here to save you! They are here to save you!"

Ethan said loudly with excitement on his face.

At this time, Ethan was so excited that he was almost dancing.

But Tony frowned.


This is not the combat style of the US military!

Stark Industries is the most important weapon supplier to the US military, and Tony is well aware of the combat style of the US military.

If it is a large-scale military operation, the US military really likes to engage in some big scenes.

Such as missile scrubbing or indiscriminate fire coverage strikes and so on.

But it is not a large-scale military operation now.

According to the combat style of the US military, hostage rescue missions, they prefer to send elite teams, such as the SEALs, to carry out scalpel-style precise rescue.

When the hostages are successfully rescued, it is possible for the U.S. military to provide various heavy fire cover during the subsequent retreat.

However, now, it doesn't look like a heavy fire cover when retreating.

Explosions and gunshots continued to be heard outside the cave.

Tony and Ethan could even hear members of the Ten Rings yelling in the corridor.

Time passed little by little.

The explosions and gunfire outside the cave gradually subsided.

Tony and Ethan glanced at each other, and they picked up the wrench on the workbench tacitly.

At this moment, several urgent voices suddenly came from outside the iron gate of the cave.

There was only a bang, and the closed iron door was pushed open.

Raza, whose head was bleeding, rushed in with the few remaining men, raised the rifle in his hand, and snatched the wrench from them.

Then, point the guns at their heads, stand behind them, and use them as human shields.

Before Tony and Ethan figured out what happened, a huge black monster broke through the iron door and appeared in their sight.

Although there are more members of the Ten Rings Gang here than in the previous stronghold.

But for Russell, it made no difference.

Without much effort, he took their lives.

Laza and the others, who now regard the two of Tony as human shields, are the only members of the Ten Rings Gang left in the stronghold.

"Put down the gun! If you don't want him to die, put down the gun immediately!"

As the leader, Raza had completely lost the calmness that a leader should have at this time, and shouted at Russell.

Perhaps to prove his determination, he also slammed Tony's head with his rifle, as if Russell didn't put down the gun, and he immediately let Tony's head shoot fiercely.

"Shoot! Shoot Tony Stark!"

"If the gun in your hand is out of bullets, I'll give you one!"

Russell manipulated the black tentacles, and threw the rifle with a grenade launcher that he had just picked up in front of Raza.


Neither Laza nor Tony expected that Russell would give such an answer.

"What's the matter, don't you dare to shoot?"

"You don't even have the guts to be a terrorist. You should go back and farm!"

As if feeling that Raza and Tony were not shocked enough, Russell continued.

It never occurred to Raza that Russell didn't care about Tony's life at all. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Didn't he come to save Tony Stark?

Isn't he the superpower sent by the US military to find Stark?

Does he really not care about Stark's life or death at all?

Raza's thoughts began to become a little confused.


He said that on purpose!

He is testing me!

Of course, Raza would not be too stupid to become the leader of the local Ten Rings Gang.

He quickly figured out Russell's true intentions.

In other words, he thought he had seen through Russell's intentions.

After seeing the change in Raza's expression, Russell knew that this guy must be thinking too much.

Under the watchful eyes of Raza, Tony and others, he manipulated the black tentacles and raised his pistol.

"Since you dare not shoot, then I will!"


Raza, Tony and the others widened their eyes again.

Before they could speak, Russell manipulated the black tentacles to perform the spear throwing technique.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Two pistols, two shots each!

The fired bullets drew different arcs in the air, bypassing Tony and Ethan, who were used as human shields, and hit Raza and the others' eyes or a little behind the temple with great precision.

Hit the heart, and the target will have a subconscious reaction for eight seconds.

Drilling, to be precise, is the nerve response center two inches behind the eyeball.

Once it hits the nerve response center!

The target will not even have the chance to react subconsciously, and will go to **** to report to Mephisto.

Russell is very confident in his marksmanship!

Especially after obtaining the unreasonable magical shooting technique of throwing the gun.