
In Marvel Chapter 1: Live-in girlfriend is Wonder Woman

Mtl novel

Johnywalker_0705 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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50 Chs


Give the stick first, then the radish.

To get the other party to spit out information, blind violence and death threats are not the best way.

There is never a shortage of stubborn guys in the world. If you only use violence and death threats, you may not be able to get the information you want.

At this time, appropriate material temptation is necessary.

The $60,000 in the bag is not an amazing material temptation for people living in developed countries.

But for these terrorists living in Afghanistan, the $60,000 is enough to completely change their lives.

With the 60,000 US dollars, they can smuggle to other countries and start a normal life again, instead of living in fear in this mountain area.

Many people think that terrorists join terrorist organizations because of their beliefs.

But the fact is that, except for those terrorists who are not very short of money, most of the terrorists have embarked on this crooked road because they can no longer live a poor life.

People, always have to live!

If you can't even live, don't expect people to have such noble morals and sentiments.

Looking at the corpses of their companions around, and the dollars in the bag, these terrorists quickly made a choice.

Although everyone is a freedom fighter against the US military, they are not members of the Ten Rings Gang.

Sacrificing his life to keep secrets for the Ten Rings Gang, only a fool would do this.

A few minutes later, Russell got the general information.

Although the terrorists in front of him didn't know exactly where Tony was being held, they knew that the Ten Rings Gang probably had a stronghold in those places.

There are three bases in total.

The worst luck is only three trips.

Not a big problem.

Russell took out the map and checked the location of the terrorists, and then put the map back together.

"Thank you for your cooperation, the dollars in the bag are just..."

He glanced at the thirty or so terrorists who were kneeling on the ground, as if deciding who to give these dollars to.

but it is not the truth.

As he spoke, a black tentacle as thick as an arm sprang from his back.

Under the watchful eyes of these terrorists, Black Tentacle picked up the Gatling gun that he had put aside.

This is...

Just as these terrorists looked at the black tentacles surging out of his back with disbelief, the Gatling gun opened fire.

da da da da da da...

The fierce gunshots sounded suddenly, and the bullets flew towards the terrorists like a torrential rain.

These terrorists didn't even have a chance to get up, so they were swept away by Gatling guns.

When all the terrorists in front of him were sent with gatling guns to meet God, Russell stood up and picked up the bag in the ground.

The $60,000 is indeed what he used to tempt these terrorists.

But the temptation was temptation, he never thought of giving them the money.

This is all the hard-earned money he earned in the hail of bullets!

If the money was spent on Diana, he would not hesitate.

But he is not willing to spend a hundred times on these terrorists.

After picking up the bag, several black tentacles emerged from his body, and he picked up the rocket launchers, rifles, sniper rifles and other weapons one by one.

After walking back to the off-road vehicle parked a few hundred meters away from the village, he started the vehicle and drove towards the nearest Ten Rings Gang stronghold.

Somewhere in the mountains.

One of the strongholds of the Ten Rings Gang.

In a dark cave.

Tony, who had just been asked to make Jericho missiles by the Ten Rings Gang, sat in front of the stove and looked at the flames in front of him with a lonely expression.

At his feet, there is a battery for the vehicle.

The battery is connected to an electromagnet in his chest, preventing the shrapnel from entering his heart.

"Stark, your people are definitely looking for you, but in the mountains, it's hard for them to find this place."

"You saw it just now. Those weapons outside are your masterpieces. Your whole life's work has fallen into the hands of those murderers, so you want to die like this?"

"Is this the last revolt of the great Tony Stark?"

Wearing a suit and wearing thin-rimmed glasses, Ethan sat next to Tony and said slowly.

"Why should I waste my energy? They will kill me sooner or later. Even if I don't kill me, I can only live for a week."

Tony pointed to the electromagnet in his chest.

Although the electromagnet on his chest temporarily saved his life, it could only last for a week at most.

A week later, when the battery was depleted, shrapnel would enter his heart, causing him to die in agony.

"Then you should hurry up, don't you?"

Eason continued.

Perhaps he was persuaded by Ethan, or more likely, Tony's desire to survive.

No one wants to die inexplicably, especially Tony, who has been accustomed to the depraved life of capitalism since he was a child.

There is still a good life waiting for him in the outside world, so he doesn't want to die in pain in a cave in Afghanistan.

Tony's eyes regained his vigour, and self-rescue plans quickly flashed through his mind.

More than ten minutes later.

"If this is my workshop, I want it to be well-lit."

"Welding table, welding equipment, helmet, goggles, crucible, two sets of cutting tools..."

Tony told Ethan his request, and Ethan translated his words to the terrorists of the Ten Rings Gang~www.mtlnovel.com~ Tony was redoing the cave in full swing, preparing to save himself.

On the other side, Russell drove to the first stronghold of the Ten Rings Gang.

The first stronghold was not very far from the village where he had just been.

If you drive there, it will only take more than an hour.

Although the distance is not too far, the road conditions here are not generally bad.

To make matters worse, the off-road vehicle he is currently driving is not comfortable at all.

Russell feels like a rally driver now, driving an uncomfortable off-road vehicle and galloping on untouched pristine mountain roads.

Using the "Scandinavian" pendulum for weight transfer, Russell, who usually does not usually run mountain roads, played drifting on the dusty mountain roads.

If it weren't for the fact that there were no drainage channels on the mountain road here, he would have tried to turn around the famous drainage channel.

Relying on the roughness and some delicate driving skills, it took Russell only one hour to arrive at the first stronghold of the Ten Rings Gang.

After a nice tailgating stop, the not-so-superior off-road vehicle made an overwhelmed sound, and white smoke constantly floated from the bonnet.

Before he got out of the car, members of the Shijie Gang who were more than 100 meters away opened fire on him.

bang bang bang bang...

Bullets hit the car body like raindrops, and the sound of ding ding ding rang continuously.

When he was still one kilometer away, members of the Ten Rings Gang in the stronghold found his trace.

It's actually quite hard not to find out.

The flying dust of off-road vehicles rushing and drifting clearly pointed out his position like a sign