
In Marvel Chapter 1: Live-in girlfriend is Wonder Woman

Mtl novel

Johnywalker_0705 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Russell thought he was just crossing into a non-sacred time line in the Marvel universe.

After all, the Captain America of this world was dug up in advance, and there are superheroes such as Fantastic Four and Spider-Woman.

But Diana's appearance and the rewards displayed by the system proved that things were not as simple as he thought.

Wonder Woman and Kryptonian bloodlines are all "special products" that are only owned by the DC world next door.

On the day he met Diana, he had lived in this world for more than three months.

So he is very sure that there are no superheroes such as Superman and Batman in this world.

So the question is, why did Wonder Woman Diana appear in this world?

Although he succeeded in getting Diana and living with Diana later, he did not ask how Diana came to be.

In fact, you don't need to ask to know, isn't it just time-travel, nothing special.

After crossing into this world with Diana of the DC universe, his own crossing seems even more bizarre.

After all, there is no so-called superhero in the universe he lives in.

In the past two years or so, he and Diana have kept their own little secrets and lived a cohabitation life that is not much different from a normal couple.

Of course, when we lived together, it wasn't that there were no situations where we were almost exposed.

But these situations were ignored by them "tacitly".

In this world, who hasn't revealed their own little secrets?

It's enough to know this kind of thing.


"Don't get off the topic, now I'm asking you, what's the matter with this thing on you?"

Diana aimed the sharp point of the sword again at the black head protruding from Russell's left shoulder.

"This... As I told you before, I am a superhuman, and this thing is the second superpower I awakened!"

Russell pointed to the black head full of fangs on his left shoulder and said.

This black head is nothing but the head of the symbiote Venom.

Not right!

Strictly speaking, this head is not the head of the symbiote Venom, but a part of his body.

Russell actually doesn't know how to explain this "venom symbiote" in himself.

"Unlimited reward system!"

"Activated Rewards: Wonder Woman's Blessing, Venom Symbiote!"

"Reward: Wonder Woman's Blessing; Status: Activated; Activation Condition: Become Wonder Woman's boyfriend; Activation Effect: After activation, you will gain a physique far beyond that of a normal person and possess a weak demigod power. "

"Reward: Venom Symbiote; Status: Activated; Activation Conditions: Get along with Eddie Brock in a closed space for 24 hours; Activation effect: After activation, you will gain all the abilities behind Venom's possession."

Although Russell has lived in this world for three years.

But until a week ago, the only reward he actually activated was "Wonder Woman's Blessing".

Although there are a lot of rewards listed in the system, most of them are not activated, and I don't know how to activate them at all.

When the activation conditions for the "Venom Symbiote" were turned on, Russell didn't think too much, and immediately started to officially activate the reward.

After a period of detailed planning, two days ago, he successfully "kidnapped" Eddie Bullock, a reporter from the Global Daily, and locked him in the enclosed space he had prepared.

Because the action needs to disappear for a few days, he specially prepared an excuse and told Diana that he was going to Washington to handle a commission.

By the way, his public identity is now a private detective, and he has a private detective agency called "Octopus Monster" under his name.

Of course, in addition to this obvious identity, he also has some secret identities.

For example, the direct hit killer of the Continental Hotel.

Although he didn't receive any killer training before crossing, he didn't come to this world for a long time, only about three years.

But it can't be helped that he has a unique plug-in.

Wonder Woman's blessing gave him a physique far beyond that of a normal human being.

These include but are not limited to strength, speed, stamina, resilience, and learning ability.

If it weren't for this reward, he would have been squeezed into "scum" long ago, living with a stunner like Diana.

With his physical fitness far exceeding that of normal human beings, he did not spend much effort to evolve from an ordinary person to a qualified killer, and successfully obtained the approval of the mainland hotel.

Diana knew he was a killer, but she didn't say anything.

Because he is a very professional killer.

Unlike his peers who see money, Russell is an alternative in the killer world.

When he executes the commission, he does not only look at the reward, but sometimes also depends on who the target is, and does some commissions that use violence to control violence.

Perhaps it was because of his demeanor that he had a demeanor of eliminating harm for the people, so Diana chose to turn a blind eye.

Speaking of which he just activated the reward "Venom Symbiote".

Judging from the name of the reward, the system rewards the Venom Symbiote.

But in fact, he only gained all the abilities after being symbiotic with venom.

More importantly, because there is no real venom in his body, he needs to control these abilities of venom.

When Diana found out, he had just received the reward for less than an hour.

He didn't even have time to release Eddie Bullock.

At that time, he was practicing how to control this new ability.

Then, the wall was smashed by the rhino man wearing steel armor.

What's more troublesome is that behind the Rhinoceros, who is still carrying two bags of dollars, is Diana in battle armor.

The next thing is very simple.

Diana easily killed Rhino, released Eddie Bullock who was "kidnapped" by him, and then took him back home.

"Do you think I will believe your statement?"

Diana raised her willow-like eyebrows and said slowly.

"This is real!"

Although Diana was his girlfriend and the two knew everything, Russell didn't think it was a wise thing to tell Diana about the existence of the system.

"Looks like you're not going to tell the truth!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Diana put away the long sword and shield in her hand, and took off the noose of mantra hanging from her waist.

The originally ordinary noose of mantra radiated golden light the moment it was picked up by Diana.

Don't play so hard!

With a flick of Diana's wrist, the golden noose of mantra fell on Russell, binding him firmly.

"You can only tell the truth after being lassoed by the mantra! Tell me, what's the matter with this black head on your body?"

When Diana finished speaking, Russell felt the urge to confess everything.

However, just when he was about to say everything, that uncontrollable impulse disappeared instantly