
In Marvel Chapter 1: Live-in girlfriend is Wonder Woman

Mtl novel

Johnywalker_0705 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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As for whether Tony will become Iron Man in the future, that's none of his business.

As long as the Endosymbiotic Armor is in hand, Tony won't talk about being Iron Man.

Even if he gave up science and switched to magic, and then went to compete with Doctor Strange for the position of Supreme Mage, Russell would not bother to care about him.

After getting ready to go to Afghanistan, Russell did not forget to ask the Continental Hotel to investigate Tony's intelligence.

Continental Hotel.

Charon in a neat suit stood at the front desk, frowning and listening to Russell's call.

"Mr. Bradley, it's convenient to ask, what do you want his information for?"

"Personal reasons, inconvenient."

Russell would not tell Charon his true purpose.

"Mr. Bradley, this is not a trivial matter. I hope you will seriously consider it."

"Why don't you contact Mr. Winston first."

When Russell asked him to contact the Afghan Continental Hotel just now, Charon didn't think there was any problem.

Ordinary people in Afghanistan are a little poorer, but there are not many rich people there. It is normal for Russell to receive a commission from Afghanistan.

However, when he called for the second time, and it was the latest information from Tony Stark, Charon realized that something was wrong.


Charon immediately thought of the news that Stark Industries would sell the Jericho missiles to the US base in Afghanistan.

As a behemoth that integrates the killer world, the Continental Hotel has a lot of dealings with Stark Industries.

Although the hotel does not have access to the large weapons of Stark Industries, such as Jericho missiles.

But the individual weapons produced by Stark Industries are deeply loved by the majority of killers.

There are basically no disadvantages other than the price is a bit expensive.

Under normal circumstances, a killer group like the Continental Hotel cannot buy weapons produced by Stark Industries.

But if there is demand, there will be a market.

In the black market, it is not difficult to buy Stark industrial weapons.

Charon asked Russell to contact Winston, the hotel manager. It was not that his authority was insufficient to obtain Tony's information, but that Tony's identity was a little troublesome.

Although Tony has not yet become Iron Man, he is the largest weapons supplier to the military and the most well-known arms dealer and weapons inventor in the world.

Among the many capital forces in the United States, arms dealers are always at the top.

And Tony Stark is one of the best arms dealers.

If Russell kills Tony Stark, Charon doesn't know whether the high table can withstand the corresponding consequences.

But he was certain that the Continental Hotel in New York could not bear it.

If Russell was just a lone killer, it would be fine. The problem is, he is not a lone killer, he is a listed killer of the Continental Hotel.

"I'm not here to kill Stark, you don't have to worry about me causing trouble to the hotel."

Even though he said so, Charon still didn't believe it.

"It's fine if you don't want to give it. I'll find someone else."

After speaking, Russell hung up the phone.

Looking for information on Stark from Charon is just because of convenience, not that he has no other channels besides the mainland hotel.

Don't put your eggs in the same basket!

He has been a killer for several years anyway, and he has several private channels.

After hanging up the phone, Russell turned on the old computer, which he didn't know how many hands, and logged into a forum on the dark web.

After finding the intelligence dealer who had cooperated several times before, he sent the request and the deposit.

Stark Industries released the news of the sale of Jericho missiles to US military bases in Afghanistan, but there was no specific delivery time.

Judging from the fact that the activation conditions of the reward have been opened, the time of settlement should be in the near future.

Although he had already booked a flight to Afghanistan tomorrow, it was just a precaution.

If Tony didn't pass so quickly, he didn't plan to go so soon.

Whether it's kidnapping Tony or rescuing him from the Ten Rings Gang, it doesn't take much time.

A day or two in advance will do.

Just as he transferred the deposit to the intelligence dealer, his cell phone rang.

Winston called.

"I said it, I'm not going to kill Tony Stark!"

After pressing the button, Russell said directly.

"I believe you didn't kill Tony Stark. I called because a client named him to entrust you."

Winston said slowly.

"What commission?"

Russell did not ask who the client was.

They will be entrusted through the hotel, basically those who do not want to reveal their identities.

Otherwise, it is cheaper to entrust privately than to go to a hotel, at least there is no need to pay extra fees.

Although it is a little more expensive to entrust through a hotel, the advantage is that you do not need to contact the killer, and you will not reveal your true identity.

"Kill Daredevil for twenty million dollars."

"I'm not interested, don't pick it up!"

The salary of 20 million US dollars is not low, and Daredevil is not a particularly difficult target.

If it was normal, Russell might have some interest.

But now, in front of the reward of Endosymbiotic Armor, let alone 20 million US dollars, even if it is 200 million US dollars, he is not interested.

After being rejected by Russell, Winston did not hang up the phone, and continued: "Customers can increase the price, can you tell me the amount?"

"It's not a question of compensation. I'm not in the mood recently. Let's find someone else. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

Russell didn't give Winston a chance to bargain, and hung up the phone.

Although he didn't ask Winston who the client was, after hearing that the target was Daredevil, he roughly guessed who the client was.

To get Winston to call and talk about it in person, the client is definitely not an ordinary person.

Having a grudge against Daredevil, and being able to make Winston treat him so solemnly, it is no surprise that this generous client is the famous underworld emperor Jin Bing.

After hanging up Winston's call, Russell picked up the Motto magazine on the table and admired the portraits of female models in it.

This is a good figure, a woman who cannot be controlled with one hand!

This set of **** underwear is a bit interesting. The way to buy it is...

Time passed little by little.

More than two hours later, an intelligence dealer in the dark web sent a message.

What he asked the intelligence traffickers to investigate was not particularly classified information, just whether Tony Stark was still in Los Angeles.

If it was, it would have been under surveillance until Tony Stark left Los Angeles.

Opening the forum's private message and taking a look, Russell couldn't help but scolded.


Tony Stark is not in Los Angeles right now.

To be precise, Tony left Los Angeles on his private jet three days ago.

Tony left Los Angeles three days ago, which means that his plan to kidnap Tony in advance, or stop the Ten Rings Gang from kidnapping Tony, ends before it starts.

To stop Tony from becoming Iron Man because of the kidnapping incident, there are only two options left.

Rescue Tony and Ethan before he can build the Mark 1.

Or, just kill Tony!