
In Marvel Chapter 1: Live-in girlfriend is Wonder Woman

Mtl novel

Johnywalker_0705 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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50 Chs


The Punisher knew that Russell would come to him, but he did not expect that Russell would appear in front of him in such a monster-like form.

When the intelligence officers of the Continental Hotel followed him, he knew that Russell would definitely come to him.

Not to mention, Russell has always had a good reputation in the underground world of "debt repayment".

In order to deal with Russell, the Punisher did a lot of homework.

However, he never imagined that Russell was still hiding the two unknown abilities of spear throwing and monster form.

In fact, this does not mean that his preparatory work in the early stage was not done well. Russell himself did not expect that he would be able to obtain the spear throwing technique so smoothly.

After manipulating the black tentacles to take out all the guns on his body, he did not immediately attack the Punisher, but stood there and hooked his fingers.

The Punisher is bound to die, but before killing him, Russell intends to use him to test his spear throwing skills.

It is not a good habit to tease the enemy in battle.

Whether in movies, TV shows, or anime, there are plots where the villain teases the protagonist.

These villains who could have won, were finally killed by the protagonist with a halo because of their arrogance and arrogance, and they became the backdrop for the protagonist.

If it was in a normal battle, of course Russell would not do such a thing.

But now, he doesn't mind giving the Punisher a small chance to resist.

After seeing Russell's actions, the Punisher's face flashed an imperceptible joy.

very good!

The other party started to be arrogant!

Although the situation at the scene was still not much better, Russell's "arrogance" allowed the Punisher to see some opportunities.

I saw him slowly stand up, pick up the pistol he just threw away, and take out the last flash bomb on his body.

boom! boom! boom!

As soon as he took out the flashbang in his left hand, Punisher fired three shots at Russell.

Russell also fired at the same moment he fired.

Under the control of the black tentacles, Glock 26, Glock 34, and AR-15 fired at the same time.


Controlling three guns at the same time to cast the spear technique, and one of them is an automatic rifle, is also a brand new experience for Russell.

Although he didn't use his own hands to cast the spear, the black tentacles did not live up to his expectations.

The Brotherhood's signature skill, the Spear Throwing Technique, was successfully used by him.

The arc-flying bullet collided with the one shot by the Punisher, and bounced off each other with a clang.

The Punisher didn't expect to shoot Russell.

After discovering that Russell mastered throwing the gun, he knew that it would be difficult for him to take advantage of the shooting process.

But even so, he still did not give up and continued to shoot.

bang bang bang bang...

He pulled the trigger frantically, and in just a few seconds, he shot out all the bullets in the magazine.

At this time, Russell was still standing there, and the black tentacles controlled the pistol and rifle to keep firing.

It is indeed a little more difficult to control three guns at the same time to perform the spear throwing technique.

But for him now, it's not a big problem.

The symbiote has strengthened not only his physical quality, but also his abilities such as nerve reaction speed and movement precision have also been qualitatively improved.

If these abilities hadn't been improved, he wouldn't be able to control the symbiote with his own abilities.

You must know that normal symbiotes have their own consciousness and soul.

The reward of Venom Symbiote, on the surface, seems to give him all the abilities behind Venom's possession.

But in fact, this reward turned him into a symbiote to a certain extent.

To put it simply, he is Venom, and Venom is him.

In terms of life form, he is still human now.

But he is a human with a symbiotic fusion.

He is not much different from other symbiotes except that he cannot possess others like a real symbiote, and he can survive without a host.


There was the sound of the magazine being emptied from the Punisher.

However, at this moment, the Punisher threw the flash bomb in his hand.


Like the bullets that came, the flash bomb thrown by the Punisher was precisely hit by Russell.

Dazzling bright light and loud noise are born at the same time.

The loud noise of the flash bomb once again caused the symbiote on Russell to produce some small stress responses.

Dozens of black tentacles appeared uncontrollably, showing the appearance of detaching from his body.

Just like before, this stress response only lasted for less than a second, and then completely disappeared.

If the Punisher was wearing protective goggles now, he might be able to see the stress reaction on Russell.

But unfortunately, he doesn't see it now.

The moment he threw the flashbang, he turned around and ran without any hesitation.

He did this, on the one hand, to avoid the glare of the flash bomb from affecting him.

On the other hand, it is to get back to the safe house as soon as possible.

He now has only a dagger left on him.

If he can't go back to the safe house to get other weapons, no matter how arrogant Russell is now, he can't be Russell's opponent.

He just experienced firsthand how terrifying the power of Russell in the form of Venom.

With just a wave of his hand, he flew upside down more than ten meters without the ability to resist.

This level of physical strength~www.mtlnovel.com~ is definitely not something he can compete with.

The Punisher's speed was very fast. In just three or four seconds, he arrived at the door of the safe house.


Just as he was about to enter the safe house, he suddenly fell forward uncontrollably, and his right leg was directly pierced by a bullet.

Ignoring the severe pain from his right leg, the Punisher used his inertia to roll forward and rolled directly into the safe room.

What the Punisher is going to do in the safehouse is a question that can be answered with a toe.

But Russell still had no plans to kill him immediately.

Otherwise, what he just aimed at was not the Punisher's right leg, but the brain and heart.

When the figure of the Punisher disappeared in front of him, Russell took the black tentacles and controlled the pistol and rifle back into his body.

Then, he came to the room next to the Punisher's safe house.

After entering the safe house, the Punisher dragged his injured right leg and took out the most powerful weapon in the safe house.

Gatling gun!

This was originally the weapon he prepared to exterminate the gang.

Unexpectedly, it will be used against Russell now.

When he endured the pain, he quickly set up the Gatling gun and aimed at the door of the safe house.

Accident, it happened!


Only a loud bang was heard, and the wall next to him shattered.

A black figure, like a tank, smashed through the wall incomparably domineering and slammed into him fiercely.

The sudden accident even made it too late for him to turn the muzzle of the Gatling gun.

Before he could do anything, the Punisher was stepped on by Russell's chest, making a close contact with the ground, and uncontrollably spewing a mouthful of blood.