
In Marvel Chapter 1: Live-in girlfriend is Wonder Woman

Mtl novel

Johnywalker_0705 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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50 Chs


"Me? Agent of SHIELD?"

Perkins was stunned.

She did not expect that Russell would actually suspect that she was a SHIELD agent.

For a killer, this is a very serious suspicion.

Or even a potentially life-threatening suspicion.

Any killer has a natural vigilance against the agents of official agencies.

Whether this agent is an agent of SHIELD, or an agent of the FBI, CIA, MI6, or even an agent of the disbanded former Soviet intelligence agency KGB, they will be vigilant.

More importantly, the killers are not the police, they don't need so-called evidence.

As long as they doubt you, they may kill you.

As for whether there will be a manslaughter, this is not within the scope of the killers' consideration.

Russell didn't speak, and looked at Perkins calmly.

Whether Perkins is an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., he is not sure, he just has such a suspicion.

After all, in his memory, there was a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who looked exactly like Perkins.

"Why do you think I'm an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

Perkins changed back to the iceberg beauty again and asked with a frown.



After hearing Russell's answer, Perkins almost couldn't help drawing a gun and hitting him directly.

Just because of intuition, you suspect that I am an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.?

"Do you know how much trouble this suspicion will bring me?"

Perkins is really unhappy now.

With Russell's current reputation, if other people know that he suspects Perkins is an agent of SHIELD, other fellow killers will most likely directly regard her as an agent of SHIELD.

At that time, those colleagues who have had a holiday with her at some point will regard her as an assassination target at some point.

"Of course I know, so I've never said that to anyone else."

Russell poured himself another glass of whiskey and took a sip.

After seeing Russell's calm expression without any change, Perkins could not wait to bite him now.

"I'm not an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.!"

Before getting up and leaving, Perkins said very seriously.

After speaking, she left the bar.

After Perkins left, Russell patiently waited for the hotel's information.

Until the Punisher is dealt with, he will not have any plans to return to work in the office.

This time, we waited until noon.

hotel restaurant.

Russell was enjoying his lunch alone in the dining room.

At this moment, Charon in a neat suit came to him.

"Mr. Bradley, this is the information you want."

Charon handed Russell the paper in his hand.


"Do you have any other needs, sir?" Charon continued.

The information has already arrived.

According to Russell's previous style, he would immediately set out to deal with the Punisher.

Since we are going to set out to kill people, we will naturally have to have weapons and equipment.

"Is the sommelier in the hotel now?"

"He won't be here."

Charon replied with a smile.

The sommelier is the hotel's gun supplier.

As for why people who provide firearms are called sommeliers, it should be that both alcohol and bullets have the effect of making people lie down.

Putting down the knife and fork in his hand, Russell went to the wine tasting room of the hotel alone.

In the tasting room, he saw the sommelier who he had seen many times.

"Good noon, Mr. Bradley!"

Like Charon, the sommelier also wore a sharp black suit.

The only difference is that the sommelier is not black, but white.

"I want to taste it."

Unlike a normal tasting room, the wine cabinet here is not filled with wine, but with various guns.

Pistols, rifles, sniper rifles, shotguns, daggers, grenades...

Fully automatic, semi-automatic, special modification...

All weapons are arranged in different categories.

"I know you used to like German breeds, but I highly recommend the new Austrian breeds, the Glock 26 and Glock 34."

"You tasted Glock 26 last time, what do you think?"

The sommelier took out two pistols from the cabinet with the pistols and placed them in front of Russell.

"It feels good!" Russell replied.

"Then you should like the new breed this time."

"Remodeled handle, flared magazine well for easier reloading, and you'll love its custom modifications."

The sommelier introduced the new and improved varieties, while Russell picked up the Glock 26 and 34 on the table and actually felt it.

From the appearance, the Glock 26 and 34 that the sommelier brought out this time did not have any obvious changes.

But once you get started, you can see the difference.

I have to say that the modified one is a little more comfortable than the original one.

After some hands-on experience, Russell put down the two pistols and continued: "Is there a more accurate and stronger one?"


After thinking for a while, the sommelier took out an automatic rifle from the cabinet where the rifles were placed.

"AR-15, 11.5-inch barrel, ion-coated bolt, with Chikon 1 to 6x zoom scope."

Like the Glock 26 and 34 just now, this AR-15 is obviously a special modification.

"Okay, I want these."

Two pistols, one automatic rifle.

These firepower does not look very powerful, but for Russell, it is completely enough.

These three guns are all prepared for the use of the spear throwing technique. If it is just to kill the Punisher, he can use the ability of the venom symbiote.

After getting the shotgun, he hasn't actually used it in combat.

This time ~www.mtlnovel.com~ he plans to practice with the Punisher.

The Queen.

Downstairs in an abandoned building.

After buying a gun from a sommelier, Russell arrived in his Porsche 911.

According to the investigation of the hotel intelligence personnel, the punisher is now in this abandoned building.

In order to obtain this information, two intelligence personnel sacrificed their lives.

This is also the main reason why the expedited fee is four gold coins.

Sitting in the car, he looked at the building that had been abandoned for some time. Russell got out of the car with the pistol and rifle he had just bought.

His action plan this time is very simple, that is to kill directly.

However, as soon as he got out of the car, he realized that something was wrong.

Someone is watching him!

Although Russell does not have superpowers such as telepathy, he has been a killer for more than two years.

When driving here, he didn't find anyone following him.

But when he got out of the car, the feeling of being watched became extremely obvious.

The symbiote in his body reminded him like a gong in his ear.

Policemen? Or SHIELD?

Russell turned to look at the corner of the street behind him, looking at the car parked on the side of the road.

do not care!

Even the police and people from S.H.I.E.L.D. don't matter.

Russell ignored the unidentified watchers and walked into the abandoned building with a bag with rifles in it.

This abandoned building has more than 20 floors, and the Punisher's Safe House is on the 15th floor.

Because of the abandonment, the elevator in the building has long stopped running.

After entering the building, Russell took the rifle out of the bag and opened the safety.