
In Marvel Chapter 1: Live-in girlfriend is Wonder Woman

Mtl novel

Johnywalker_0705 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Expedited fee for four gold coins.

A little expensive!

If it wasn't for the fact that he had been listed at the Continental Hotel for a while, Russell would have wondered whether Charon was the middleman who paid the price difference.

On the surface, the expedited fee of four gold coins is twice the information fee he paid yesterday, which is a little unreasonable.

However, considering the strength of the Punisher, the rush fee of four gold coins is not unacceptable.

As the hotel's ace assassin, the hotel wouldn't take advantage of him in this regard.

Without hesitation, Russell took out four gold coins from his pocket and put them in front of Charon.

Charon took the gold coin and showed a professional smile that couldn't find any fault.

"Mr. Bradley, Mr. Winston asked me to tell you that recently, you can consider taking a break."

The Winston in Charon's mouth is the head of the Continental Hotel in New York.

Although Russell is the hotel's ace killer, he has only seen Winston two or three times.

Winston deliberately asked Charon to convey this sentence, just to remind him to keep a low profile.

The New York Police Department has yet to find out that he killed the textile factory, but the hotel knows it clearly.

He accepted the commission of the cross in the hotel lobby yesterday.

His office was also burned yesterday because of the cross and the Punisher.

If the hotel still can't guess, Winston and the hotel's intelligence personnel can resign en masse.

"Thank you for Mr. Winston's kindness for me. I have no plans to rest for the time being."

The Punisher will not stop until he dies for a day.

There is only a thousand days to be a thief, but there is no thousand days to prevent a thief.

Unless the Punisher is killed, there is no telling when the Punisher will find the apartment where he lives.

This guy is a real paranoid.

Not to mention bombing the apartment with a bazooka, even with C4, as long as the punisher thinks it is necessary, he can do it without any psychological burden.

As for whether other occupants of the apartment will suffer collateral damage, this is not within his scope of consideration.

Hotel speakeasy.

After paying the entry fee of a gold coin, Russell sat down at an empty booth and asked the waiter for a bottle of whisky.

Not long after he sat down, Perkins, an iceberg beauty, came over.

"You did the work of the Brotherhood?"

Perkins lit a lady's cigarette and asked directly.

"There's no need to ask such an obvious thing."

"Aren't you afraid of attracting the attention of the NYPD?"

"To arrest someone is to pay attention to evidence. I'm just a private detective who abides by the law and never evades taxes."

Picking up the whiskey that the waiter just brought, Russell poured a glass for himself and Perkins, and said with a smile.

A major case in which dozens of people died will indeed attract the attention of the New York Police Department.

But Russell wasn't worried about that at all.

The bullets and pistol he used yesterday were bought from the Continental Hotel, and they have never been used before.

Even if the NYPD finds out every bullet at the scene for ballistic comparison and detailed inspection, nothing can be found.

Except for the frat killers he shot and killed, everyone else died either in his venom form or grabbed by the cross.

He used Venom form for the first time yesterday.

Even if it wasn't, the NYPD wouldn't be able to find anything from the scars on those bodies.

Before leaving the textile factory, he had already confirmed that there was no monitoring equipment in the textile factory.

The only thing that could be directly related to him is the various rumors in the underground world.

But such things as rumors cannot become evidence.

In the more than two years of working as a private detective and killer, he has also met many powerful and powerful beings.

Even without the help of the hotel, he can still use completely legal legal means to get himself out of the textile factory.

On the surface, the beautiful country is a country with a sound legal system.

But there are too many rules that can be used.

Kim is a good example.

Everyone knows that Jin Bing is the king of the underworld in New York. The New York Police Department knows it, the district attorney knows it, and the mayor of New York knows it.

But so what.

Jin Bian is still alive and kicking.

Although Russell doesn't have as large a network of connections as Kim Bing, it is not difficult for him to make a little use of the existing legal rules.

"The cross is dead, and now only the punisher is left to deal with it. How about adding me?"

Perkins spat out a circle and said slowly.

"You just escaped from him a few days ago, aren't you afraid that you won't have such good luck this time?"

"If someone else wants to deal with him, I will definitely consider it, but you are different. I have confidence in you."

Perkins has absolutely no intention of giving up.

She is a very vengeful woman.

"Then you may look down on me a little too much, let alone shoot at him. I don't even know where he is now."

"Don't be so stingy, I know you don't like others meddling in your actions. If you agree with me to join, I can pay you!"

"What's the reward?"

Perkins did not answer him immediately, but stood up and sat down beside him.

Then, facing his ear, he whispered in a seductive tone, "I'll stay with you for three days, you can do whatever you want to me."

While speaking, Perkins also put her body up, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com let Russell experience her softness first-hand.

In all honesty, Perkins is indeed a very attractive woman.

However, Russell was not at all attracted by the reward she said.

What are you kidding?

Where is the reward? It's obviously Perkins taking advantage of him.

Oh, woman!

Don't think I'll be fooled!

"This payment is too expensive, I can't bear it, you should go find someone else."

Russell, as always, rejected Perkins.

Perkins has been greedy for his body for a day or two. If he hadn't kept himself clean, he would have been eaten and wiped clean by Perkins.

"Are you still a man, or are you saying you can't?"

Perkins is worthy of being an experienced female killer, and the first shot is a big move.

I can not?

I don't know how many lines!

I just defeated a demigod last night!

One has the blood of Zeus, the king of the gods, and is very likely to become a demigod of the **** of war in the future!

Although she knew that Perkins was using aggressive tactics, she had to say that she was an elite female killer who understood the hearts of men.

"To tell you the truth, you are indeed very attractive."

"As long as you say something, the men in the bar shouldn't mind doing something pleasing to you."

"I rejected you again and again, not because I can't, nor because you are not attractive, but I don't trust you a little."

Russell opened some distance slightly and said slowly.


Perkins did not expect that this would be the reason for Russell's rejection of himself, and asked.

"Because I think you may be an agent of SHIELD!" (Note 1)