
In Marvel Chapter 1: Live-in girlfriend is Wonder Woman

Mtl novel

Johnywalker_0705 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Manhattan, Sky Apartments.

After handing over the restoration office to the landlord, Sean, and leaving him enough funds for restoration, Russell drove his Porsche 911 home.

Although he happened to pass by the American Museum of Natural History where Diana went to work on the way home, Russell had no plans to pick up Diana from get off work.

First of all, Diana had a car herself.

Second, Diana didn't like Russell picking her up from get off work.

Russell once went to pick up Diana several times when they just became boyfriend and girlfriend, but before they moved in together.

But Diana always felt that this would trouble Russell.

So, Diana, who has a tendency to be a big heroine, discussed this issue with Russell very seriously.

From then on, unless it's already an appointment to go out on a date at night.

Otherwise, both Russell and Diana would drive back to the apartment alone.

After returning to the apartment, Russell first took a comfortable hot bath, changed clothes that were not stained with any blood or dust, washed himself cleanly, and patiently waited for Diana's return.

It doesn't matter whether the clothes are dirty or not.

The key is that after killing someone, Russell always feels that he has some invisible blood on his body.

Although this is only a psychological effect, if conditions permit, he will change the clothes he wore when killing as soon as possible, and throw the changed clothes away.

Because of this little habit, he even spent more money on clothes than Diana.

The wardrobe at home also had an anomalous picture of his clothes taking up most of the space.

After washing up, he whistled into the kitchen and started to prepare dinner tonight.

Most of the time, Diana prepared dinner.

But he occasionally cooks to change his taste.

The food culture of the beautiful country is a bit too barren. After eating for a while, it is easy to get tired.

Because the knife skills learned in melee combat are equally easy to use in the kitchen.

Russell happily prepared dinner.

Just when he was about to prepare the home-made four dishes and one soup, Diana returned home.

Because of his constant planting, Diana not only fell in love with the food culture of the flower grower, but also taught herself a lot of home cooking.

Today's Diana is wearing a small brown leather jacket with a black deep V bottoming T-shirt, revealing eye-catching ravines.

She was wearing black jeans, which perfectly showed her slender and straight legs and round buttocks.

The high-heeled boots under her feet made Diana, who was already 175 in height, appear taller and more heroic.

Fortunately, Russell was tall enough, otherwise he wouldn't have dared to walk with Diana in high heels.

As soon as she entered the door, Diana smelled the aroma of rice.

The fireworks in ordinary life!

That's what Diana likes.

"Welcome home!"

Before crossing, Russell had fantasized about some beautiful cohabitation or married life scenarios.

For example, after a day's work, there is a gentle and lovely little girlfriend (wife) at home waiting for him to come home.

In the kitchen, soup is cooking and dinner is ready. The little girlfriend (wife) is lying on the sofa in the living room, reading a book, or teasing the cat.

When you get home, say welcome home to yourself, and then come up and give yourself a warm hug.


This scene had never appeared before he crossed over.

Instead, after he came to this world, he experienced this image in his fantasy.

The only difference is that there is no cat in the house, and it is not a gentle and pleasant little girlfriend who is waiting for him to come home, but a heroic and valiant big lady, Sister Yu.

Although it was somewhat different from the picture in his fantasy, he was content.

Diana showed a gentle smile, stepped forward quickly, and gave Russell a hug.

Satisfied, they handed over the dishwashing work that most easily affected their relationship to the dishwasher. Russell and Diana sat on the sofa in the living room, leaning against each other and sharing their experiences.

What Diana shares are always trivial things.

For example, what interesting things happened in the museum today, what interesting tourists I met, and what "antiques" were sent for research.

Although Diana shared little things, Russell listened carefully every time.

When there is no commission, he will also share some small things with Diana.

But when there is a commission, he will chat with Diana about the commission.

The reason why he talked to Diana about the commission was because he heard about the "tragic" experience of a fellow killer.

This colleague is not the killer of the Continental Hotel, but a member of other killer organizations. His name is John Smith.

His wife, Jane Smith, is also a killer, but belongs to another killer group.

What's more, Jane's killer organization and John's killer organization are just deadly enemies.

It is because they never shared each other's real work experience that they only discovered each other's true identity after five or six years of marriage.

But at that time, it was too late, they almost killed each other, and their organization decided to get rid of them together.

Although they finally killed the killer sent by the organization and destroyed their respective organizations, their lives were inevitably affected.

Russell was not worried that the Continental Hotel would arrange a killer to deal with him. He just didn't want his relationship with Diana to be unnecessarily affected by concealing his true work.

He is very satisfied with Diana's girlfriend, and has no plans to break up at all. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"I've heard of the Brotherhood. If you kill them like this, will there be any trouble?"

Although Diana used to pretend to be an ordinary person, she was not an ordinary person after all.

She didn't become a superhero in New York, which doesn't mean she doesn't know anything about the underground world in New York.

What's more, she also has Russell, a cohabiting boyfriend who is both a detective and a killer.

"There won't be any big trouble. The Brotherhood is an alternative in the killer world, and my domineering reputation in the industry is not a day or two. At most, some people will think that what I have done is a little too much."

Russell was not at all worried about the trouble the Brotherhood would cause him.

Compared with the Brotherhood, he cared more about the Punisher who didn't know where to hide.

According to the saying of the cross, the punisher was specially directed at him.

It's just that at that time he happened to be out of the office, so the cross became the target of the punisher.

He and the cross are both killers, and both are the targets of the Punisher during this period of time.

"What are you going to do with that Punisher?"

Diana changed her posture, resting her head on Russell's thigh, and said slowly.

"Find a chance to kill him, he's a ticking time bomb! If we leave him alone, next time he might just shoot our house with a bazooka."

The Punisher is not a pure bad guy, but if you want to talk about his good guy, he isn't even a bad guy.

To a certain extent, he and Russell are the same kind of people, who have chosen to use violence to control violence.

But there is one thing that Russell is better than him, that is, Russell is not as extreme as he is, and he will not make actions that as long as you are guilty, you must die.