
In marvel as Aquaman

Arthur was accidentally thrown into the chaos of the Titanic, believing he only had to survive the shipwreck. However, it became apparent that escaping the sinking ship was not his sole challenge. Something far more daunting awaited him. Hey guys, I'm back with another fanfic that won't end after just a few chapters. Just a reminder, English isn't my first language.I'll be posting two to three chapters a week, but mostly two chapters."

Great_Sage_5302 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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31 Chs

Chapter 26

Arthur was well aware of the situation, yet fear didn't grip him.

William Shaw wielded immense strength; each kick packed a force of at least a thousand catties. He was not only formidable but also magnanimous in his actions, particularly caring for his comrades. A leader worth following.

Facing Henry and his goon's, Arthur's attitude was resolute; when confronted, he'd fight fiercely, undeterred.

With two shoulders and one head, there was no room for fear.

 His paramount concern was the safety of his younger brother Alex, Drake, and others.

 William Shaw wasn't afraid of dire situations, but he dreaded the thought of harm befalling his brother. It wasn't simple for his comrades to accompany him to the city for their livelihood. Ensuring their safety weighed heavily on his mind.

 This was William Shaw's edge. He prioritized his comrades in every decision, upheld his promises, and displayed unwavering loyalty. It was precisely this that made his comrades willingly toil for him.

This was what earned Arthur's admiration for William Shaw.

 William Shaw hesitated briefly and said, "Arthur , we have angered Henry and his goon's . They'll soon come looking for trouble. My little brother is still at home, and I want to bring her along."

 Observing William Shaw's concerns, Arthur responded, "Why consider leaving? If Fatty dares to stir trouble, let him face the consequences."

 "But Fatty Charlie has hundreds of men under him , while we're only a few..."

Though aware of Arthur's capabilities, William Shaw grappled with the fact that outnumbering someone didn't guarantee victory. The unknown strength of Arthur left him uncertain.

Casually, Arthur reassured, "Don't worry, I've got this."

 Seeing Arthur's confidence, William Shaw had nothing more to say.

Ultimately, Arthur was the boss, and he didn't seem reckless. If he said so, he must be certain.

Upon returning to their rented room, William Shaw grinned and announced, "I'm back."

Pushing open the door, Arthur, following William Shaw, discovered a place tinged with age—a dwelling divided by simple wooden partitions.

The antique on display bore the characteristics of the '60s, some unfamiliar to Arthur.

 William Shaw, Derek, Max, and Jake wore smiles as they entered the room, carrying large bags, exuding the aura of returning home.

On the worn double bed lay William Shaw's younger brother, Alex, clad in a striped undershirt.

"You guys..."

Alex , I met an esteemed person today, this is Arthur , we'll be under his wing from now on. Come, here's the roast duck I brought for you."

- William Shaw beamed, handing a roast duck to Alex

Eric glanced at Arthur, who nodded slightly.

"Landlady, this is the rent owed to you. Thank you for your care all these years." William Shaw handed two hundred dollar to the landlady, accompanied by a roast duck, expressing gratitude for her kindness.

William Shaw was gracious. Arthur noticed a young girl residing in the attic, observing them curiously. Upon glimpsing the roast duck William Shaw presented, she nearly drooled.

Arthur retrieved a box of roast duck from Drake's bag and handed it over, "Enjoy."

Ashley hesitated, a mix of eagerness and apprehension, seeking help from William Shaw with her eyes.

Observing this, William Shaw chuckled, "You can take what's given to you; don't forget to say thank you ."

 Ashley timidly accepted, saying, "Thank you."

 "You're welcome."

 Just as they heard a commotion outside, Arthur whispered, "Fatty's henchmen are here so soon?"

Something felt off; judging by the noise, only four individuals were approaching, an unusually small group.

Perhaps they were passing by, searching for others, their intentions unclear.

Yet these people halted in front of the rented room. One kicked open the old wooden door arrogantly, declaring, "David , it's time to pay up your debt."

 Another scanned the surroundings, remarking, "Bro, I don't think David is around , probably fled knowing that we will soon come here "

 Victor sneered, ignoring Arthur and others, eyeing Ashley, "If your father has vanished, then has his daughter you will have to settle the debt."

"What are you doing? There's no need to harass a child."

 Standing up, Arthur was backed by William Shaw and others.

 Staring down Victor, Arthur shot him a glance, noticing his well-dressed appearance and signs of wealth. Remembering their outnumbered situation at the station, he restrained himself. "Wanna make trouble? Her dad owes us ten thousand dollars at the casino. It's documented. If you're generous enough, produce the ten thousand, and it's over. Otherwise, stay out of it."

 "This is ten thousand, now hand over the papers."

Casually, Arthur produced 10,000 dollars, solving problems that could be solved with money.

 Seeing Arthur's generous gesture, Victor persisted, "Ten thousand's just the principal; no interest included. Nine out of thirteen, you don't get the rules."

"Rules? I'll teach you some with my fists!"

 Reacting swiftly, Arthur struck, breaking the nose of Victor, demonstrating precise control to avoid severe injury.

 Though reeling from the blow, Victor's cohorts refrained from retaliation. Loyalty was scarce among them, and Victor's character didn't inspire much allegiance. Facing a larger group, none were inclined to fight for him.

William Shaw and Drake leapt into action with punches and kicks.

 "Think you're tough, demanding nine out of thirteen?"

 "Look at you, shameless."

"Stop it, my bad, my bad. I'm with the Grizzly bear; if something happens to me, you won't escape."

William Shaw glanced at Arthur, who waved, signaling their withdrawal.

Throwing two hundred yuan at Victor, William Shaw declared, "I'm fair. This is for your medical expenses. Keep your eyes peeled; cross paths with us again, and you'll get another beating."

Arthur ignored the insignificant troublemaker, ripping up the papers and tossing them onto Victor's face.

Unperturbed by potential retaliation from Victor, Arthur knew that unless someone possessed extraordinary powers, facing numerous ordinary individuals posed no threat.

 "Yes, yes, yes."

Terrified of further confrontation, Victor collected the money and limped away.

- William Shaw turned to Arthur to ask him to take Ashley.

 "William Shaw, you understand the risks involved in bringing her along," Arthur responded, weighing the situation.

"I know, Arthur , but I can't just leave her here. She's alone and helpless," William Shaw pleaded earnestly.

Observing William Shaw's determination, Arthur contemplated for a moment before nodding. "Fine, but keep a close eye on her. We can't afford any more complications."

Gratitude illuminated William Shaw's face as he thanked Arthur profusely.

Ashley, taken aback by the sudden turn of events, looked at William with eyes filled with gratitude and disbelief. "Thank you, thank you so much!" she murmured softly.With that, William's makeshift family expanded to include Ashley.

Thesense of responsibility and care for each other among this small group grew stronger, unified by their shared struggles and the shelter of Arthur's protective wings.

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