
Chapter 25 Hot Night

Paul went back and doubled his pillow, while Christy just look on.

"What is wrong with him? Is he ok?" She got up and went to him.

"Are you ok?" She ask

    "Huh.. yes I'm fine, go back to bed."

"You've  be turning and walking in and out of the room, are you sick again? Is your heart aching again?" she stretch her hand to touch his chest.

"Oh..no..no. take your hands off me I'm fine."

"Did I do anything wrong?"

"No, but I'm fine and my heart is ok" he said not wanting Christy to see how hard he has become, he wanted to jump at her and devour her like a lion.

"Ok, if you are fine let me go and sleep". She went to bed but couldn’t sleep because this is her first time staying in a room with a guy, and it feels uncomfortable for her. She keeps turning and Paul didn’t know what to do, because he was keeping a promise to his dad to be a good boy.

Christy keeps tormenting Paul till the morning. 

"Wow.. what a night?" Paul got up and hurry to the shower to cool himself, "I will never do this again, I need to look for a place where she will stay if not, I can’t promise myself that I can keep her save."

"Hello little man". His dad greeted him first. "How was your night.?"

Paul didn't reply.

"Ohh.. I see it was tormenting right"? He ask.

"How did you know that dad?" Paul ask.

"I was once a student my boy."

"Dad I need to take her somewhere else, I don’t want to go through what I went through last night."

"Remember you’ve not told me what happen to her and why she is staying with you. I only gave you the grace because it was late at night, but now you will tell me what happen and I will take her back to her parents."

"No.no.no..no.. Dad you can’t take her back home they will kill her, at least that is what she told me."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes dad, beside her parents are dead."

"What? So who is she staying with before you met her?"

"Her stepmom and sister, they don’t like her so they maltreat her anyhow they like."

"I see, I know what it looks like, he remembered what he himself went through in the hands of his stepmom, he didn’t wish it on anyone not to talk of this little girl.

"So how did you want to help her?" His dad ask.

"I don’t know dad, let’s adopt her."

"What? Adopt her? No, your mom will not allow it."

"But she always talks of having her own daughter, she will be very happy to have her as a daughter."

"No, Mr. brown think that it will be a bad idea adopting Christy because Paul is obviously in love with her, so if they adopt her, it will put their family in a difficult situation because he himself have falling in love before and he knows that there is no way Paul would stay away from Christy and take her as his sister even though they’ve not done anything yet, he reasoned.

"Dad, say something."

His father turn to him and said, "if I adopt Christy then she will automatically become your sister, can you handle that?"

"I don’t understand."

"Ok, she will become your stepsister meaning that you will need to let go any feelings you have for her and I hope you have not done anything with her?"

Paul couldn’t feel his feet again, he cannot take Christy as his sister, she is the woman he has come to love, it can’t be done and beside they have had sex already so there is no way that will work, he will always be tempted to touch and kiss her.

"Hello, are you not saying anything"? His father ask.

"Oh.. no, I love her dad, I can’t stand it."

"There you have it, so she is going back to her stepmom and don’t worry, I will take her back home myself."

"Am coming with you" Paul said.

"Is ok"

"Heyy… look who is back?" Bridget yell as she saw Christy standing with Paul and a man she didn’t know.

"Christy back!! Where is that little prostitute." Her stepmother’s voice was heard as she walk to the door.

Paul turned to look at his father and they both turned to look at Christy who is so scared to death.

"Don’t worry my dear everything will be fine." Paul's dad said.

Christy just nods and hope that it was all a dream.

The stepmom opened the door with the plan of bouncing on Christy but met a man and Paul.

"Ohh.. who are you?, and Paul what brings you here?"

"Can we at least come in?" Mr. Brown ask.

"Ohh.. yes… yes.. sorry you may come in, and you Christy go to your room, have you eaten?" she ask Christy.

"Yes, ma". Christy nod and bow a little.

"Ok, just go to your room, Bridget please prepared some food for our guest".

"No, is ok, we are not hungry, but just give us water," Mr. Brown said not wanting to sound rude.

"Ok, go and bring water for them", she told Bridget.

Bridget want and brought the water giving it to Paul and his father.

"My friend kneel down when serving your guest" the mother told Bridget.

"Am sorry ma" she said and kneels a bit to give Paul and his father the water.

"Is ok, don’t be hard on her, the children are still learning our culture."

"Hahaha she laugh.

"So we are here in respect of your daughter Christy. My son told me she ran away from home, she has been staying with us so I said let me return her back to you and ask you want the matter is?"  Mr. Brown said.

"You’ve done well sir, she said bowing a little, you see, I don’t know what is wrong with Christy, ever since her parents died she has been behaving like a baby, and whenever you try to correct her boom, she ran away, what kind of a child dose that? She don’t know how to do anything in this house and when you talk, she ran away. In fact am tired of taking care of her, if there is anyone who will take care of her better than I do, please let them help me. what else can I do for her that I have not done?" She ask almost in tears.

"Well, I've heard you", Mr. Brown said, but you should also know that she is still a child, you need to take it easy on her." 

He put his hand in his pocket and brought out a bundle and hand it over to Christy’s stepmom.

"Wow.. so much money, all this for me? thank you she bow over and over again."

"Please take care of her, I don’t want to hear that she ran away from home again, and if you need more money just ask and I will give it to you, but you must promise me not to maltreat her again, because if I so much as hear that again, I will take actions against you, remember the law will take its course.

"Thank you sir, there will be nothing like that ever". She said bowing again.

"Ok, we have to go now"

"Ok, bye"

Paul and his dad left and Bridget rush to Christy’s room.

"You have some nerves, where were you all this while and how did you get to that stage with that girl?"

"You mean Sharon?"

"Is that her name?"

"Yes" Christy answer.

"Can you hook me up with her, I want to be on that stage, did you see yourself that day, you were looking like a queen and that is what I want to be. Oh.. Christy please don’t say no, introduce me to her."

"Ok, if I see her again I will tell her you want to be friends with her."

"Oh.. thank you, thank you" she rush to hug her but Christy push her away. 

Ohh.. sorry… am just been kind she said.

Don’t be, I don’t need your kindness, and beside where are all my stuffs because everything is gone. Where are my clothes? Christy ask almost in tears.

Well.. don’t ask me, ask mom, she burned everything when you left.

I see, now I don’t have any cloth left, thanks to you and your mother.

Don’t cry, I will give you my cloths and I still have that your Christmas dress with me, you have luck I took it that day if not mom would have burn it with others.

She went to her room and brought the dress with some other cloths.

Don’t cry and I will share   my cloths with you ok. And promise me you wouldn’t ran away again, I really miss you went you left, especially when I have to do the house chores.

"Christy…. Where the hell are you?" Her stepmother’s voice was heard.