
Chapter 182

The next day Bianca was in Paul’s office shaking her leg as if she wants to wrestle with him.

“What’s the matter with you right now?, is too early for this” Paul told Bianca not looking at her

“Look, I have been so patient with you Paul, but it’s like you’re taking me for a ride, for f*ck sake I am your wife and you can’t keep treating me like this.

 Does it mean is only Christy that is a woman?, do you know how many men I have to said no to because I am married to the almighty Paul?” She said grinding her teeth at him.

“Look it’s not like that ok, I’ve told you right from the beginning that I have a wife, whatever you and my mother are doing is none of my business so please don’t sound as if I am wicked; because I told you from the beginning”.

 “What did you tell me?”

“Am I the one who married you?, look this thing is very simple go back to my mother, tell her that this thing is not working between us, that you need a divorce because I am not the one who married you”. Paul said and Bianca gave him a slap.

“What?, you slap me?”

“And I will slap you again and I will make sure that everything in this office is destroy… all this things that you used in decorating this office.. she said looking around and squeezing her face. This decorations you have here and sitting down like a king, I’m going to destroy it and I won’t give a f*ck about the outcome.

 Paul thought for a second, “she’s saying the truth Bianca is not the type to be ashamed of anything, fighting with her will only cost a lot of damage and everything will be on his head.

he will have to bear the cost and the losses, so he let it slide.

“ I will not have you work in this office again and I’m not going to give you a dime for your feeding again for slapping me. You are grounded”

“what do I look like? your kid?, how can you grind me?”

Paul that “yeah, she’s right, fine, you are fired.”

“ I don’t want to work here in the first place, I’ve been working for the past four months and what have I gotten nothing;, I can’t even buy a designer shoe so what’s the point of working with you?, You pay me peanuts”.

“ How much do you want me to pay you?

“Enough for me to get a designers shoes and bag, how much is a designers bag that you are paying me peanuts”

“That is none of my business, if you want a designer bag then go and look for a better job” Paul yell at her.

“Get out of my office now” Paul ordered her but she didn’t move an inch.

“What are you still waiting for?, get out of my office”

“ I’m waiting for my money”

“What money?”

“This month feeding money is what I’m waiting for, give it to me and I’m going back.