
In Love with the preacher

Vanessa Jordan, who had faced every horrible thing the universe could throw at her. From being chased by a perverted stalker, to losing a job she finally got for something she didn't do. And as if that wasn't enough, she found out a horrifying secret about her long-time boyfriend. Losing her parents at a very young age had made her given up on God, to her he didn't exist, and if he did he just didn't care about her. And now she's giving up on love too. But everything changes when she meets THE PREACHER... A man who had also had his fair share of sorrows and pains from the past, together with his lovely daughter, they will teach Vanessa what it means to trust once again, and most importantly, how to love again. But the question remains, can Vanessa who hates God more than anything learn to love a preacher... Excerpt In the next minute, Vanessa found herself tumbling into the well. "Miss, MISS! Are you okay??" The all too familiar voice called out to her, striking panic through her whole body. Why did he always ask her that question? Why was she not always okay when he saw her? He always met her at her lowest point. And this is the lowest of the lowest. "YES!! I MEAN NO. NO I'm not okay... Don't come any closer." She shouted at the top of her lungs. "Don't worry miss, I'll get you out of there..." He assured. "NO!!!" She screamed. "Don't look into the well please." "Lady what are you saying? I'll get you out of there! Or do you want to drown in a well??" He said almost angrily. "NO. Please don't_ I'm... I'm naked." She said out loud. "I'm completely naked, I'm not wearing anything, my towel got caught up as I fell, now I am bollock naked so don't come any closer." PS. The Preacher doesn't come into full view until chapter 27... So hold on to your phones and tabs, cause it's gonna be a crazy read.

_Queen_A · Urbain
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162 Chs

12. I Love You Too...

The month of September was coming to an end., and Vanessa happily looked forward to her paycheck.. The only reason she had had to put up with the nonsense acts of Jason...

Working hours were over., everyone was almost out of the school.. Vanessa had stayed longer to wrap up some things.. Then she remembered she was going to call Mark.. For some reason, even though the school was almost completely emptied, she still felt she needed a safe place to make her call.. So she decided on the classroom where she usually took the violin lessons...

The phone rang for a couple of times before he eventually picked up...

"Hey... He sounded detached.., sounded like she was just a friend calling...

" HI.. I was wondering if you were not so busy, so maybe I could come by your office later in the day... The words had barely left her mouth when he replied harshly... No.. I'm really busy today.. Maybe some other time... He said plainly with no consideration whatsoever of her feelings...

Oh., okay.. Maybe some other time... She repeated his words...

Yeah.. Anything else.. He asked like she was a pest., a parasite he needed to get rid of as quickly as possible...

No.. No.. That's all... She replied, trying really hard to choke back the sobs that tried to leave her throat...

"well then I'll see you later...

I Love you... She said desperately.., but he had already hung up.. The sobs she was trying to fight back, left her mouth without her permission.. He was breaking her.. But the painful part was he didn't realize it..

" I Love You too Essa... The sudden familiar voice that Vanessa had come to be dreadful of made her jerk up from the table she was seated on.. When did he get there.. She had not noticed his entry.. Well, but how could she.. She was too engulfed in her self sorrow..

But her problems with Mark was the least of her worries now.., because this creepy kid just told her he loved her...

A realization suddenly made her feel like she had been thrown into an icy ocean... And it was the fact the the school was probably completely emptied by now, that means it was possibly just the two of them in the whole school, and probably a security guard who was way over the other side of the school, and even if she screamed like crazy, he probably wouldn't hear her...

The fear that gripped her was like a thousand needles were about to be pushed deep into her skin... She was beyond terrified... And she didn't like the creepy look in his eyes today.. She as scared, but she tried her best to not show it.. She tried composing herself as much as she could...

"Mr Parker., that joke was not funny, and I'd appreciate it if you refrain from saying such things.. And please for heaven's sake, stop calling me Essa... She said firmly.. At least she hoped it was firm enough., she hoped she hadn't stuttered at any point...she tried walking past him but he obviously was not ready to let her leave just yet...

" oh but I'm not joking Essa., I really mean it.. He said as he moved closer to her... And I can't stop calling you Essa., just as I can't stop calling Enny., Enny... Because you are both Mine., you both play hard to get but deep down, you both know you Love me too., My Essa....

With every step he took forward., Vanessa took two backwards.. She had no idea who this Enny he was talking about was., but she had no time to care or think about another person.. All she knew was that the covetous look he always had in his eyes was even more devilish today..

"I don't Love you Mr Parker., and I think you are mentally ill and you need a psychiatrist as soon as possible... She said trying to walk away again.. But it was not allowed..

There was a sort of damning determination in those eyes., like he was hell bound to get what he wanted there and then... He was stalking her.., slowly leading her to a point where she had no where else to run to... He was like a defiant predator.., and she was the stupid and gullible prey.. The one who had overstayed her time in school premises., and had somehow gotten herself in a room alone with this devil...

"where are you going Essa, you can't get away from me... He suddenly plunges forward., gripping her by the wrist, and forcing her to slam her body with his...

Vanessa tried wriggling out of his tight clutches., but there was no use.. He was the captain of the basketball team for a reason.. His tall and hugely built physique made it an impossible mission to escape his firm grip..

"Let go of me you freak... She yells out., but it was more of a cry than a yell..

" oh I will, but not yet.. I've longed so much to touch your body.., feel the scent of your red hair... He put his nose on her head and inhaled deeply... Vanessa could feel the coldness deep in her bones.. The air conditioning was not on, but she felt cold., very very cold...

In a minute, his tongue was all over her face., her neck.., her ear... All she could do was wriggle., as hard as she could to try free herself, but it was all just fruitless efforts...

In a minute.., she found herself on the floor., she clawed., she scratched.., she bit.., she did everything she could to free herself, but he just caught her hands with one of his, while the other roamed her body... Going under her light chiffon blouse... She could feel his rough hangs cupping her breasts.., and she felt him lifting her blouse enough for him to see the cage that her beautiful breasts were kept in...

She was exposed.., the thought of her being raped by a kid almost seven years her junior made her shudder... She tried wriggling again., so he wouldn't get a perfect position on her., but all her efforts just helped him position himself atop her even more...

"Please Mr Parker.., No.. Jason.. Please., you don't want to do this... She made a huge mistake by calling him by his name., she should have stuck with Parker... He felt a new sense of pleasure as she called his name.. And he loved it...

" oh, my Dear Essa, but I do want this.., I want every part of your body, and Enny's too.. I just love the way you said my name., say it again... He demanded..

But all that came out of her mouth was.." DAMN YOU.," followed by hot tears rolling down her cheek..

Then suddenly amidst her whimpering., and struggling, she heard footsteps.. She was saved.. Someone else was still in the school... Jason obviously heard the footsteps to, and for the first time since he held her., his eyes left her body, but his hands didn't..

He looked at the door that was wide open to see who was approaching... She turned her head also to see who it was...

"Wells.., she cried out in happiness.., Wells please help me, she begged the boy.. Whose eyes were fixed on Jason who had a death glare in his eyes...

Kelvin slowly turned his back to them... Vanessa could feel all her hope shatter as she called out to the boy again...

"Wells.. Wells.. Kelvin.. Kelvin please help me... It was her last cry of help., but they were lost in the wind., for Kelvin had already walked away from there like he hadn't seen anything., like he hadn't heard her cry for help..

It was at that very moment that she knew it was over.., she was now left at the mercy of Jason.. Who obviously planned on showing her non...

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