
In Love With My Husband's Son

A very beautiful 20-year-old young woman who lost her parents when she was young and was adopted by a very poor woman. Stacy is an independent woman with good morals. She has the dream of being a superstar, but her beautiful world was shattered when she was forced to sign a contract with one Mr. Edward, a middle-aged man, to save her ailing mother.

Rugged_King · Urbain
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5 Chs

Chapter Three

Soon, the doctor emerged from the emergency room.

"Who are you to her?" He asked Stacy curiously.

"I am her only daughter," she replied. The doctor nodded and continued. "After the check-up, we found out that your mom has end-stage renal disease, and the only option left is a kidney transplant."

"Kidney transplant!" Stacy and Anna shouted at the same time.

"Doctor, what is the estimated amount needed for the kidney transplant?" Stacy asked curiously.

"Well, about two hundred and fifty thousand dollars is needed for the transplant, and you have to pay the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars before we commence with the necessary treatments."

Stacy and Anna stood there looking dumbfounded; they couldn't comprehend the amount of money the doctor just mentioned. It was a huge sum; they were only paid three thousand dollars every month for dancing. To them, fifty thousand is already a large sum, let alone the astronomical amount the doctor just mentioned.

Stacy felt down and confused. She went inside to see her mom. After seeing her, she reluctantly left the hospital to think of a means to provide the said amount. The first thing she had thought of is to visit her father's relatives.

But after some thoughts, she decided against it. For now, she will have to bring the little money they have for medication first.

"Maybe I can borrow some amount from Manager Ralph," she said to her friend. Her savings are only twenty thousand dollars; if she could borrow some money from the manager and also take a loan from the bank, she might be able to raise money for the first deposit.

Anna agreed with her. That night she called Manager Ralph and explained the situation. Manager Ralph sympathized with her and promised to lend her twenty thousand dollars, which, as he claimed, happened to be the last amount with him at the time.

In the heart of Clear Sky City, a huge mansion stood, looking majestic. It was the Edward family mansion. Mr. Edward was seated on a chair inside his study room. His butler, Mathias, was standing beside him as they looked at the man in front of them, Kindo, who seemed to be making a report at that moment.

"Are you sure the information you provided right now is very accurate?" Mr. Edward's authoritative voice sounded.

Kindo nodded sheepishly. "Yes, boss."

Mr. Edward gave a delighted smile. "I think now is my opportunity; if I play my cards well, I might be able to marry her this time around."

Kindo looked at him doubtfully. Mr. Edward seemed to know what he was thinking and chuckled. "Don't worry; I wouldn't ask her to marry me directly. Come on, we have jobs to do. Drive me to the court."

Kindo nodded and left to prepare the car.

Stacy had been worried about her mother's sickness and the hospital bill. She lay on her bed looking very gloomy. She wanted to take a short rest before visiting her mother in the hospital. Throughout yesterday, she had gone around looking for relatives and family friends to help her, but none came forward to help.

Her phone rang. Looking at the screen, she saw that it was Manager Ralph.

"Hello Manager Ralph, is anything the problem, sir?" She asked curiously.

"Ehm! Nothing, actually, it's just that someone wants to speak with you. It's about your mom's bill; the person might actually help," the manager replied.

"Who?" Stacy asked. She had a very ominous feeling deep inside.

"Just come, and you will find out. The person is waiting now at the Good Recipe Restaurant." He cut the phone once he said that.

Stacy was sitting on her bed looking confused. After some minutes, she decided to go. Before going, she gave her friend Anna a call and told her where she was going in case of any incident or mishap.

Once done, she went outside and called a cab to take her to the Good Recipe Restaurant. A few minutes later, the cab stopped in front of a well-decorated, luxurious restaurant. Good Recipe is among the top restaurants in the area. Its meals are also very expensive. Stacy alighted from the cab and moved towards the restaurant. A man walked up to her. He was wearing a black coat with a hat and looked very tall. His eagle-like eyes studied her.

"You are Miss Stacy?" He asked curiously. "Yes, any problem?" Stacy replied, looking at him warily.

"Good, my boss is the one looking for you; follow me," he said and started heading to the restaurant without even checking to know if she is following him or not.

Stacy was dumbfounded, but after thinking it through, she followed him. The interior of the restaurant was even more luxurious than the outside. The man walked towards a private box. The box was made for VIPs. Stacy followed him.

He knocked on the door of the private box. "Come in," a voice could be heard from the inside as it ushered them in.

The moment she entered the box, she couldn't help but be awed by the design, which is even more exquisite than the outside. Inside the box, two people were sitting around the table. The two of them were wearing formal suits, with one looking subservient.

As for the other man, he was very majestic and looked like someone who was used to commanding authority and having others obeyed. She recognized him as Mr. Edward. At that moment, she started having a deep ominous feeling.

Mr. Edward looked up and signaled her to come.

"What are you waiting for, Miss Stacy? Come inside and take a seat."

Stacy swallowed; she nervously walked to the table and sat down on one of the chairs. Kindo left them and closed the door.

"How are you doing, Miss Stacy?" He asked in a caring voice.

"I am good," Stacy answered forcedly. Mr. Edward nodded approvingly. He turned to the man on his right.

"Let me introduce you. This is Mark, my personal butler and closest confidant. I want him to be a witness to what I am about to say now."

Stacy could feel her heart racing as she waited to hear what he is about to say.