
Chapter 8

Olivia woke up to develop serious stomach ache, it wasn't her time of the month and she had serious head ache, she was also feeling dizzy đŸ˜”.

"No! not today, you can't be sick" Olivia said as she gathered strength to take her bath.

When she came out, Jeanette had already left.

"Oh no! what am I going to do"

She tried calling Jeanette but it was switched off.

"I must not be late, I must not be late"

She dressed up and took a cab to work, on reaching there, she brewed Mr. Ron's coffee and left it on his table and she was about to leave, Mr. Ron called her.

"Hey! where do you think you're going!" Mr. Ron said as he spoke with anger "You're late and you think you are going to get away with that easily "

"I'm sorry sir, it will never happen again " Olivia said with pain

"I don't take chances" Ron said as he spilled the hot coffee on her dress and face intentionally

"Ah!" Olivia screamed then fainted

Ron stood in shock as he saw her body on the ground.

"What have I done" Ron asked himself as he quickly rushed her to the health bay

Jeanette heard of it and started crying.

"What a heartless man! now Olivia is in the health bay because of him" Jeanette said as tears rolled down her eyes.

She went to see Olivia at lunch. Olivia's face wasn't burnt as the coffee wasn't that hot but she had lost a lot of energy, she couldn't even speak.

"Olivia, how are feeling, I am sorry, I should have never given you this job, you try your best but that hard hearted man will keep behaving as if you're his slave" Jeanette said as she held Olivia's hand.

Ron wanted to visit Olivia when he heard what Jeanette said, he immediately turned back as he knew it was true.

Olivia had little strength to speak now.

"I'm fine, you don't need to be sorry, I like this job, even though Mr. Ron continues to be heartless, my goal is just to earn a living" Olivia said

"Okay, but I am worried about you" Jeanette said

"Don't be worried, I thought I liked Mr. Ron but now, I am not going to be as calm as I was" Olivia said

"What are you going to do" Jeanette asked

"Just you wait" Olivia said

Olivia was taken home early and Jeanette was allowed to leave to take care of her.