
Chapter 4

The next day, Olivia left for work early with Jeanette. Olivia went to the canteen and looked around.

"This company is so big, even the canteen looks like a palace" she said and smiled.

Mr. Ron went to Jeanette.

"Jeanette, have you brought someone to work at the canteen as you promised"

"Yes sir, her name is Olivia, she is already there, she is my roommate and she recently started looking for job, so I brought her here"

"Nice!!" Mr. Ron said to Jeanette as he left.

"Why does a hot face have to be so hard hearted, but I am not interested in him" Jeanette sighed as she arranged the files on her table.

Olivia saw Mr. Ron came straight to her, so she dusted her dress and stood smart.

"You must be the new lady, that will be working in the canteen, you're Olivia right?" Mr. Ron asked her

"Ye--sss s-i-rr, I- a- am" Olivia stuttered in fear, whenever she gets afraid of somebody, her eyes turns gray and her body shaking uncontrollably with her face as white as snow, her natural eye color is blue

Mr. Ron noticed her eyes suddenly turn gray, so he was shocked.

"Why did your eyes turn instantly gray" Mr. Ron asked

She kept quiet as she couldn't speak, fear always muted her and she was unable to speak for a short period of time, so she just nodded her head and he asked for a hot coffee.

She left to make the coffee and he was surprised at how good the coffee was, better than the one he had always tasted, he nodded his head and left with the coffee.

She was finally able to talk, her eyes were blue again, her shaking had stopped and her skin was normal again

"Phew 😅" Olivia said