
In love with a stripper (series)

I watched her place her cigarette in an ashtray and take a step closer while I continued dancing on the pole. I heard the sound of her palm hitting against each other as she applauded. “Get down.” She spoke with a stern voice and an unreadable look on her face. I wasn’t ready to argue with one of the highest paying customers so I did as she said. She turned her back towards me and walked into the darkness and I mindlessly followed her. I stood in the darkness without knowing what to expect and neither could I see her. It happened so fast and I felt my back pressing against the wall that was once across from where I previously stood. “I don’t like the way they stare and fantasise about your body.” She whispered and I couldn’t help but get turned on by how dominant she was. “But I love the way you gawk at me when you see me take off my robe but must especially when I dance.” I bit my lips trying to hold back my passion. ___ Sent by her stepmother to bring down Genevieve Rodríguez as an undercover agent for an old drug queen, Cattleya is found crazily in love with Genevieve, her dark knight. “I can’t do it!!.” Cattleya cried. “You can’t what!?.” Her step mother asked her angrily. Cattleya took a step backwards in fright. “I can’t sabotage Genevieve. I can’t sabotage my girlfriend.”

Gabby_Vincent · LGBT+
Pas assez d’évaluations
44 Chs


The heart skipping sound of a truck going by could be heard a bit too loud. 

The day flew like a bird hurrying to the nearest shelter at the smell of the storm ahead. She twisted her body firmly, though she was quickly pulled back to her previous position, causing her pressed together eyelids to open in fear.

Her eyes flew around till they laid on a dining area.

Cattleya Sánchez recognized it at one glance. 

The throbbing sensation she felt in her head caused her to adjust to reality quickly.


I glanced at the chains that were used to keep me in place. I inhaled and exhaled before a slightly loud sound of a fake cough erupted from my chest as I drew the attention of whom i seeked, to me.

"Why am I chained up?." I raised my hand slightly with a raised eyebrow.

A smile danced on her lips, she took a sip of her half filled glass of white wine. The screeching sound of the dining chair echoed in the almost empty room.