

Cynthia's life takes a dark turn after she loses her mother and is consumed by bitterness and loathing. But little did she know that her darkest days were yet to come. One fateful day, she crosses paths with Zander, a powerful and dangerous vampire with a secret so well-kept that no one dares to speak of it. As Cynthia unravels the truth, Zander becomes increasingly protective of her, going to great lengths to keep her close, even if it means forcing her into a marriage she never wanted. As Cynthia finds herself drawn to Zander, she uncovers a world of secrets, lies, and deceit that threatens to destroy everything she holds dear. Will she succumb to the darkness that surrounds her, or will she find the strength to resist and break free from the chains that bind her to Zander? Join Cynthia on a journey of love, hatred, betrayal, and dark secrets that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Edith_Skosana · Urbain
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21 Chs

Chapter 1

 Cynthia's POV 

I strolled down the quiet road, feeling lost and uncertain of where I was headed. Life felt like a cruel joke that I couldn't find humor in. Alone and struggling to make ends meet, I was barely able to afford food for myself. The only thing keeping me from being a street kid was having a home, although it felt like a prison.

My own father had played a hand in destroying my life, sacrificing my well-being for the happiness of my sister. They had taken my mother's life, and despite my attempts to seek justice, I was powerless against their influence and corruption. The pain and betrayal were overwhelming, pushing me to the brink of madness.

Lost in my thoughts, I wandered into a dense forest, the darkness and silence unsettling me. I realized I had strayed far from familiar surroundings, my anxiety growing as I pondered the potential dangers lurking in the shadows. The rustling of leaves and eerie stillness made me uneasy, my mind racing with irrational fears. When a low groan sounded nearby, my heart skipped a beat, fearing the presence of wild animals as panic set in.

My instincts screamed at me to run, but another groan followed, this time unmistakably human. Curiosity and concern battled within me, eventually leading me to investigate.

What I saw was beyond comprehension - a man with sharp fangs, draining the life from a young girl, her limp body lying motionless on the ground. Shock and horror gripped me as the reality of the scene sunk in, sending me fleeing in terror.

Fleeing for my life, I raced back to the safety of my apartment, heart pounding in my chest as I locked the door behind me. Trembling and breathless, I grappled with the unimaginable horror I had witnessed in the forest. Images of blood and death haunted my thoughts, leaving me paralyzed with fear and uncertainty.

Was the man a vampire, a demon, or something even more sinister? The rational part of me dismissed such notions as fantasy, yet the memory of the girl's lifeless form lingered, a chilling reminder of the unknown dangers lurking in the darkness.

Seeking refuge in my room, I buried myself under the covers, seeking solace in the illusion of safety. The rational voice in my head urged me to forget the terrifying encounter, to dismiss it as a mere nightmare. Yet the fear and doubt lingered, a shadow cast over my reality by the inexplicable horror I had witnessed. Unsure of what to do next, I closed my eyes, praying for dawn to break and dispel the darkness that had enveloped my world.

I tossed and turned on the bed for the whole night. I was too scared to sleep because I thought that man could break into my house at any time and kill me. If I had been thinking about my own problems, it would have been better, but right now all I could think about was that man.

I have never been a superstitious person. I am aware that vampires are merely an ancient legend crafted by writers worldwide, but that man was real. Right before my eyes, he drank her blood. I am 100 percent positive that I was not dreaming.

I got out of bed and made my way over to a tiny table. I turned on my laptop and began looking for a sensible explanation for what I had witnessed that day. However, I came up empty-handed; at this point, all I could believe was that the man was a vampire.

I ran my hands through my hair. I should not have left the house. My life was now in danger, and I should have stayed at home instead. My hands ran through my hair. Where should I go at this point? I was going to die because I was in the wrong place at the wrong time!

Hearing my door shoved open and footsteps getting closer to my room made my heart race. I stumbled to the ground as my knees gave way. I attempted to get up off the ground, but I was unable. My eyes widened when I noticed the same man from the forest approaching me.

"Little Foxy, did you think you could get away from me after discovering my secret?"The man inquired, his lips twisted with a sinister smirk.

Looking at him made my limbs start to shake. He resembled the devil himself in every way. The only difference was that he resembled fictional gods. He was so attractive that my heart skipped a beat. I am not sure if it was fear or his majestically handsome appearance.

"I-I did not see anything. Please spare my life," I stammered. Sweat dripped down my brow, and my heart was racing against my chest. I am not ready to die just yet. I am far too young.

He laughed ominously, and I felt a chill go down my spine. For me, this marked the end; I was practically gone.

"Trust me, I will not tell anyone about what I saw today. I will keep my mouth shut. Please do not kill me. I am too young to die. I still have a lot to accomplish in this world. You cannot kill me right now. Please, I want to own a car, a house, and become a successful doctor. I want to help others as much as I can, and I still want to avenge my mother's death. Please, spare my life. I will do whatever you want me to." I spoke quickly, knowing that I sounded insane and stupid right now, but I am afraid of dying.

I knew I would die someday, but I was still scared. I have committed too many sins, and I am terrified of going to hell.

"You talk too much, and unfortunately, I dislike talkative women. So, shut up and listen to me."The guy spoke in husky and deep tones. It felt both terrifying and alluring.

"You saw something you were not supposed to see. That is why I will have no choice but to kill you right now before you tell anyone about it."He said. I fought back tears that were welling up in my eyes. He was extremely serious. Today cannot be my last day on Earth. I can not die. I am afraid of death.

"Please do not kill me; I will not tell anyone what I saw. Trust me, I will keep my mouth shut. I am very afraid of death."I said this while sobbing, tears welling up in my eyes. I knew he would kill me, just like that girl.

With a sly smile, the man lowered himself to my level. "Trust is an allusion. It does not exist, but the fear you are experiencing now is real. I take great pleasure in seeing this fear because I know it is real." He replied sarcastically. He grabbed my hand and lifted himself off the ground, pulling me along with him.

"Please leave me; where are you taking me?"I let out a high-pitched sob. This was the guy who was going to kill me and bury me in my backyard. He hauled me out. I attempted to bite his hand, but he remained unfazed.

"Please help me! This man is kidnapping me!"I yelled, sobbing; it was nearly 3 a.m., and everyone was still asleep. I wished someone would come to save me from this monster.

"I thought you said you would not tell anyone, but you are already betraying me so quickly. And you expected me to trust you? Typical human."The man scoffed. Crying was pointless; I knew what was going to happen. I should not have returned home in the first place.

"Let go of my hand, you stupid man! Where do you think you are taking me? You cannot just kidnap me like that. My family will start looking for me soon, and they will learn the truth about you." I yelled. He opened the car door and pushed me inside.

"No one will look for you, and if I kill you, no one will cry for you. You are just a lonely foxy."The man said this as he closed the door. How dare he say such things about me. I was not lonely at all. I admit I had no one, but I was not alone, was I? Of course, I was lonely, and my heart had suddenly become bitter.

The grumpy man began walking toward the driver's seat. This was my only chance to leave here. As he got into the car, I opened the back seat door. Without wasting a second, I got out of the car and began running away from my apartment.

I dashed to the highway without turning around. I did not stop running. It was obvious to me by now that he would not locate me. My apartment was a long, long way away.

I was so breathless when I finally sat down at the park. The guy was probably still looking for me because I ran such a long distance, but he will not find me now.

"That was a good run, little Foxy."I turned, and my jaw dropped when I saw the grumpy man in front of me! I could feel my own pulse in my throat.

"Please spare me; I do not want to die," I said, tears welling in my eyes. How did he catch up with me? Of course, this was going to happen. How do I try to get away from a devil?

"Well thought out; a devil is impossible to escape."He stated. I glared at him, my eyes welling with tears. How could he know my thoughts? Of course, he was the devil. If he can drink life from a person, he can also read my mind.

"Please spare my life; I will not tell anyone what I witnessed. I will keep my mouth closed. Please let me go."I begged. He grabbed my hand without saying anything and began dragging me to the car.

"Please spare my life; I will not tell anyone about this, believe me?!"I begged and sobbed, but he pushed me into the car.

He shut the door, got into the driver's seat, and started the car. I pressed my lips together. My stomach was rolling and my heart was pounding hard. I could clearly see that this man was going to kill me, and that this was it. Was this going to be my end? My eyes filled with more tears. I should not have left my apartment today.