
In Lookism as a system for Daniel Park

THIS IS MADE AFTER WATTPAD TRAUMATIZED ME. So to save and protect other people eyes. i took it in my hands to make a lookism fanfic. Without Any Lg Sh*T. The fanfic is pretty simple. A guy die. Guy meet Rob. Guy spin wheel. Guy gets To be A system. And gets the Perfect body Of Daniel park. Guy happy. Now the guy makes changes in the plot. He will show why Charles took interest in the second body. He will show what is the ture power of it. Wannna know what happens when you send a guy with as a system and gave him hack's. Read to find out. Welcome to my fanfic. Hope you will stick with me to the end of it.

HAMMAD · Anime et bandes dessinées
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51 Chs

Chapter 46 : All according to keikaku.

Recap: In the last chapter we saw how, System was reunited with gang. And how they were exhorting cash from Eugene. And he agreed to send. But what our characters didn't expect was the guy who brought the cash. And the guy who yui called.

Jinchang and Tom lee are on the secene. Both having their own intentions of begin their. So now while tom threw his dangling words. Almost Causing Zack to be a genocidal and war starting menace. But system stopped him.

During the last chapter we cut off to tom giving the cash and jichang introducing himself.

So now lets us begin.

Story start's here :

1 billion won. 2 pending rewards. System looked at the bag and the rewards. He is currently on the way back to little Daniel house.

As jinchang is dropping all the kids. In his cop van. You can say. Not the most optimal transportation.

But what matters currently is jinchag thoughts which were ' A bloodied teen, Tearing through a mass off people. To reach friends. Then extort cash from his friends attacker. A gen 0 legend brings the said cash'.

After thinking all that he looks on the mirror which inside the van. Seeing the face of the teen. Which seems similar. Like he saw it somewhere.

Ignoring the nagging feeling on the back of his head. Jinchang focus on driving. While he was driving.

We go a couple of minutes back. As they were still in warehouse during that time.

After jinchang introduce himself. System let the others introduce themselves. Before he stated his own name.

Vin, mary, yui, zoe, mira crystal, zack, vasco, jace. They all introduced their names to the him.

With the exception begin. Jay who just stood their. Looking at jichang, with his hair covering his eyes. Creating a menacing scene for our mogger king.

But he expectedly waited for the introduction of the guy who defeated the kojima brothers and the guy who punched tom lee.

Little Daniel introduce himself. "I am Daniel park from j high school". Lastly it was system turn to introduce himself.

Putting his both his hands in pocket. As his aura changes a little. But jichang clearly notice it. As a image of a man woth red hair. Slowly overlaps with this teen.

"Hey there. Names james lee nice to meet ya". Giving a little smile at the end. Which causes jichang to be tense. As he feels like he is seeing james once again.

But the image of james is slowly removed from him. But his reaction was all system expected. After warning them all.

Jinchang turned to leave. But he is stopped by system. As he spoke"Excuse me, Mind giving me a ride back. As in my current condition am pretty sure no cab driver will let me sit in the car".

Jinchang was gonna refuse him. But a gut feeling made him unable to. As this feeling told him. Like if he refused, he is gonna pass a huge opportunity.

So he agreed to give a ride back to the kid. As they were leaving. All eyes were on system. With jace keeping a hand over vacso mouth.

To keep him from speaking. Turning to them system spoke "Hey call a cab for you all. Amd pay with this". Taking out a fresh bundle of won from the bag filled with even more bundles.

Throwing it to little Daniel. Picking up the bag system left with cop. As he left vin looked at them all and spoke the main topic which was concerning him.

Vin : " Do we have any way to make sure he doesn't run away with cash".

This earned him a shoulder throw from Mary. As she spoke with veins popping on her head. "So your gonna ignore it. While we all told our real names. He just told a fake name. How childish your behavior. We all just told cop our real names. While he told a fake one".

Vin eyes widen in realization. Standing hastiky as he spoke "That fucker is thinking of running away with all the cash. Chase him".

This earned him another throw. With jace having enough of vins anticts. He turned to little Daniel. And he asked him.

Jace : "Did you have any idea why he did that. Beacuse most of the time he is always with you".

Little Daniel responded to jace words in a tone of confusion"Well his name is really James, I saw it on his admission from. So he didn't lie about it. But he never used that name. For some unknown reasons".

This answer of little Daniel. Left all of them confused. As now we return to present. In the car a bloodied teen. A bag filled with cash. And a cop. To out siders this secene will definitely raise many questions.

But for jinchang someone was already here to ask him questions. System who is james lee. In jichang eyes spoke. "So do you know who james is and don't even try to lie. I saw all your reactions. How you were tense on my name And body language".

Jinchang who was gonna outright refuse. Hearing the other part. He remains with the best answer to this question. Which was silence.

Receiving no response from him. System used talknojusutu.

"You know i had an accident a while back. When i woke up i didn't remember . Where i was and who i was. A man came in the room where i was hospitalized. He told me he was a friend of my father. And how my name is james lee. I had many questions for him. But for each one he answered me with. I will know with time. But now i see a hint for me to know. Are you still gonna keep me in the dark". System spoke in a low tone which seems to contain frustration.

Jinchang hearing his words. Was moved a little but not enough to give him a answer. System still not receiving it. Pushed out his last trump card. Which was "The man introduced himself as Charles choi. Later i found out he is a big shot..".

Before system could finish his words, The car was brought to a sudden stop. By jinchang as his eyes widen and he looked at system.

With shock visible in his eyes. System expected a reaction from him. But not a big one like this.

Jinchang was shocked upon hearing Charles name. And pretty curious why he gave this. Guy james name.

There were many theorys in his head. Was he james successor. Was he realted to james. Was james his uncle. Who was his father. Which made Charles call him. A close friend.

But jinchang was sure behind the accident Charles definitely had a huge hand. He was thinking of taking the kid to meet the elder.

While at the same time he was a bit confused. So between meeting with elder. Or telling him about james. The answer was obvious.

He didn't trusted the kid enough to take him to meet elder. So he slowly looked at the road. Driving the car slowly.

He started to speak about james. In a nostalgic tone which also contained a bit of anger. "James lee A name which will be never forgotten by us generation 1. I and the rest had encountered him in Cheoliang. At first we just took him ,Like the rest guys who think they were the strongest. But james wasn't like them. He was destined to be the strongest in generation 1".

Jinchang told him, About the first encounter and what he thought of james at first. Telling him many new things also. Which weren't also mentioned in mhanwa.

After listening to jichang story. System asked him a golden question. "A great tale, if i write a book about it. That book will be a greay seller. But the main question is what's the relation of charles to all this and me. Why is he hiding my past".

Hearing his question, Jinchang answerd "Charles is many things. A clever man, bloodthirsty, opportunistic. So with all this traits, I can bet my life on it. That he has some plans for you. So considering it, Nothing good can be said about those plans. So you better be on your guard".

Jinchang stops the car as System stop was here. Getting off the car, System tales out multiple bundles of notes and leaves them in the car. Saying "Consider this a little thanks for answering my questions".

By no means jinchang is poor, He was once a king of Seoul. The money which system had on him. Was like chump change for him.

He was about to tell the kid to take it back, But the kid turned to leave. So he called the kid out. Hearing jinchang calling him.. system turns back.

Swisssh something cut through the air at a great speed. System easily grabbed it. Looking at it. It was a card containing number. A police station card.

'Was police station supposed to have Bussinnes cards' was the thought of system. But jinchag voice called him out of it.

"Hey kid keep in contact, Call me if you encounter him once again". After saying that, He drives off leaving system standing near the little Daniel house.

Seeing the car leaving. System slowly takes out plain Glasses from somewhere. As system is sure he will be soon getting a visit from Charles.

Using james name. Creating a fake back story. Using charles name. Was all his plot. Why fight when you can command.

Turning back system walks back. Counting 3 2 1.

The scene shifts to the hotel where all the friends are staying. Little Daniel dropped of zoe and the rest here.

Telling them to rest. As they had a pretty bad day. Everyone goes in their room to rest. But vin looks at little Daniel and tells him. "Hey little Dan you better tell that big james fucker to not swine me of my cut. Otherwise i promise you he will vomit blood".

While all this was happening in there. Crystal goes inside her room. As she takes out a phone. To call someone.

After a couple of Rings. The phone was picked up. As on the other side a voice speaks. "Tell me what happened".

As she recounts all the events which happened. Leaving the guy on the other side. Intrigued for all these events.

Story ends here :

Thanks for reading the chapter. The reason i was not uploading too much on this fanfic is beacuse. I am working on another fanfic. And also had exams.

Thanks for all the stones and support. Shout out to raman Singh. As beacuse him. I posted this chapter. Say thanks to him.

Tell me what you think about the chapter. Also leave your thoughts in comments.