
In Kumogakure after adopting Hinata Hyuga.

Hachiro transmigrated into the world of Shinobi, better known as Naruto. He's reborn in the Raiden clan located in Kumogakure as the cousin of the Fourth Raikage. As the 'darkness' of Konoha fights each itself, he cheers on as the Third Hokage and Danzo, slowly kill Konoha from the inside out. Making use of his Lightning God system, he makes a name for himself in the Third Ninja War, and is gradually acknowledged as the ninja with the strongest lightning style! After snatching Hinata Hyuga, he adopts her as his daughter and proudly shows her off to the rest of the world. _____________________ I ended up sticking to the MTL quite heavily for the first 20 chapters, it's harder to actually tell it's a translation after that. This is an edited version of machine translation, just making it clear. MTL- https://mtlnation.com/novel/im-in-cloud-shinobi-village-grab-hyuga-hinata-at-the-start/ ps: I don't think I will edit past the Naruto arc (Chapter 200 or so), but I'll try to post two chapters a day.

Crystal_Cat · Anime et bandes dessinées
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128 Chs

Chapter 39: The endless possibilities brought by 'educating'


Hachiro came back downstairs humming a song from Kumogakure.

The living room had been covered in the blood of Shinnosuke and Akako Sarutobi.

Although he had killed Akako cleanly with the gently fist, he didn't want to leave any traces that could point towards his clan.

Hiashi looked at his blood-stained hands with fear.

Obviously, killing the Hokage's son had filled him with fear of the consequences.


Hachiro commented to himself.

To be honest, Hiashi and Fugaku Uchiha were quite similar.

They both belong to the type of people with good intentions and strength.

They also had the ambition to achieve their clan's dreams, but they were scared to take the crucial steps in realising those goals.

In the original book, Fugaku had been forced to go along with his clan's revolution as the leader. However he faltered whenever his son Itachi Uchiha decided to betray and slaughter the clan to ensure the safety of his younger brother Sasuke.

He didn't want to do what he considered immoral and wrong if that was what it took.

Exactly like Hiashi, who was now thinking about what could happen to him for killing the Sarutobi couple.

"Are you coming? I'm assuming you don't want to be caught in the act.

Hachiro leaned against the and gave him a moment.

"...I really can't look back anymore..."

Hiashi clenched his fist as he smiled bitterly.

If he hadn't been so angry to agree to this act of vengeance, he would have realised that, both he and the Hyuga clan were now on Kumogakure's ship.

"Don't worry, I won't actively seek the Hyuga clan out from now on. Well at least, not for now."

Hachiro had a massive scroll under his arm as he snapped his fingers and manipulated the iron sand nearby.

The iron sand floated made the scene look like a work from one of Konoha's friends.

Afterwards, the Iron sand hid back in the ground

He did one last scan of the living room to make sure they had left no traces before leaving.

"You're thinking..."

Seeing him manoeuvre the iron sand about, Hiashi had already guessed what he intended for the scene to do.

"Yup, we'll wait for the Hokage's response next."

Hachiro said flatly in slight irritation, back on earth his actions would probably earn him an express trip to Jail.

Doing this sort of thing wasn't something high on his list of enjoyable activities.

Noon approached gradually,

Some Housecleaners from the Sarutobi clan came to tidy up the mansion and keep the lonely lady company.

One particular cleaning lady that was close to Akako prepared some of her favourite nutritious meals before going to see how she was.

However after heading to the bedroom she found that Akako wasn't there.

She wondered around trying to find her before making it too the entrance of one of the living rooms.


Several other maids in response to her screams came running only to mimic her and fall to the ground in fright.

They alerted the ninja from the Sarutobi clan who quickly rushed over.

Their reactions weren't much better than the maids.

"Shinn-, Shinnosuke-sama... Mrs. Akako..."

"Shin, Shinosuke-sama…Rie, Mrs. Rie…"

"Oh my god! What happened to them?!"

"Hurry up, we have to report to Lord Hokage!"

Many of the young ninja from the Sarutobi clan stood paralysed unsure what to do.

It took them a few minutes to arrive at the Hokage's building and report this disastrous incident to their Hokage.

They were well aware that those corpses were his son and daughter-in-law .

They didn't know how the Hokage would react but they could only soldier on and hope for the best.

Right now, Hiruzen was having a headache thinking about what to do with Shisui's mangekyo ability.

He had called a meeting for his old comrades to discuss whether Shisui should be killed or not.

What made him hesitate was the wonderful possibilities of the Kotoamatsukami.

It could either become their greatest trump card or their bane that would spell the end of their existence.

Really it came down to whether he was confident he could manipulate Shisui to continue believing he was the kind old man dedicating his life towards the betterment of the village.

He could imagine ordering Shisui to use it on a powerful ninja and plant an absolute loyalty command in their mind.

For example... Hachiro Raiden!

The current kage-level ninja that was making his life a hell.

Just picturing him working as his undercover agent made him laugh in joy.

Or, he could use it on Danzo?

That old elder had coveted the position of Hokage for a very long time and he couldn't bring himself to use drastic measures on his old friend.

Although, it wouldn't benefit the village as much, he would be able to set his mind at ease.

The problem was that Shisui wanted to use it on the Uchiha.

Kotoamatsukami had drawbacks as a powerful Technique.

It took ten years to recharge after a single use.

It was more valuable to use it on others than the Uchiha clan.

The Uchiha made up a good portion of their elite combat strength, but they didn't have a kage-level shinobi.

That old man Fugaku only possessed the strength of a quasi-kage so he couldn't even ensure that the Uchiha clan would listen to him if he received orders to ensure they kept their loyalty to the leaf.

He couldn't tell Shisui, he cared less about the Uchiha than his old teammates.

Although he was confident in his brainwashing techniq- I meant teaching skills he wasn't ready to try playing with the teenager possessing an unstoppable technique like Kotoamatsukami.

It was better for him to stay as a useful dog.


Danzo slammed the door in anger.

Afterwards, Several shinobi from his clan came through the window behind him in a hurry making him frown.

They knelt and shouted in a panic,

"Hokage-sama, young master Shinnosuke and Mrs. Akako, they have been-"

Note: Removed some parts after a few comments said that it was unnecessarily brutal.