

Beep beep beep...

"Oh shut the fuck up you little piece of shit" I said to my alarm like it could hear me or talk to me, I quickly turned it off because I didn't want to be disturbed again. "Ahh at last silence" I purred on my soft pillow. 'why does it feel like I am forgetting something hmmm' I thought to myself but shrugged it off thinking I could get a little more sleep. " Amy!!!!!". I sprung up when I heard my name so loudly "is the house on fire??". I screamed, then Camelia my elder sister walked looking amused"No dumbass it's your first day at your new school". Then it clicked "so that was what i was forgetting" I said out loud "yeah that's what you were forgetting and guess what the time is" Camelia said looking at my wall clock. I turned to look at the time and my eyes almost fell out of their sockets, it was 7:30 and I was supposed to resume school at 7am sharp "oh noo!!!" I screamed and rushed to the bathroom, I could hear Camelia laughing out loud in my room. " Ok I will go check if mom is done making breakfast" she said as she began walking towards the door " no need I will have breakfast at the school cafeteria" I shouted in response " And who said I was talking about you, I was talking about me I didn't eat last night and I feel so hungry right now' she replied sarcastically but I know she was talking about me. I was done with my shower in no time, I quickly wore my uniform which looked so good on me. I looked at myself in the mirror and didn't really feel any need for make up. I wore my shoes and jewelries, grabbed my back pack and I was good to go, I looked at the clock an it was just 7:45 am. I rushed downstairs " good morning mom,dad, Camelia, Jacob and Caleb I don't have time to talk cause I am already late so I will talk to you guys when I am back good bye family" I quickly said as u was running to the front door " let me drop you off" Caleb said running behind me. I already knew he would be the first to volunteer to drive me to school so I didn't bother turning around, I got to the garage the butler had already opened the car door so I greeted him and rushed into the car, Caleb got in too and we zoomed off. While we were on the road I felt something was wrong so I turned back to look out of the car when I saw it, there was no security following us " I know what you are thinking I was the one who told the security not to follow us" Caleb answered my question " So how are you feeling are you feeling nervous?" He asked " Nope I am perfect" which was true, I really didn't feel nervous at all. "How are you so calm, most people would be fidgeting by now" he said laughing " well I learnt from the best" I replied looking at him with a smile. I love emy brother alot cause he is alway three to protect me ( not that I cannot protect myself buh you get what I mean). We finally arrived, 'MAXTON HIGH' written boldly on the gate. I smiled at my brother then at the school " well here comes a fresh start"