
Supposed 'boyfriend'

Beep, beep, beep, beep.

I slowly open my eyes to see white painted walls. I turn my head to see the machine making the beep sound and I realize I'm in a hospital.


My eyes widen and I sit up fast.

Which was a terrible mistake.

A massive headache and a wave of dizziness hits me so hard, my head hits the pillow again.

I felt thirsty, tired and drowsy.

"How the fudge did I get here?" I say loudly as I sit up.

Slowly this time.

"Oh honey! You are awake!" I jump a little when I hear an overly excited woman's voice.

I see a nurse with a big smile on her face.

She walks towards the table beside the bed and picks up a glass and a jug of water.

"It's nice to have you back. You sure slept for a long time."


"How long was I out?" I ask as she hands me a glass of water. "Thanks."

"A whole 26 hours." I nearly choked on my water.

"26 hours?!"

How could I sleep for that long?!

"Yes." She nods. "You had a fever when you were brought in. And when your fever had gone down, you dozed off. You did seem pretty exhausted."

"When I was brought in?" I take another drink from my water.

"Your boyfriend brought you in."

Again, I nearly choked on my water.


"Yes. He's such a gentleman. He didn't leave your side all through and just stepped out some minutes ago when he received a call." She walks towards the foot of the bed. "Told me to take good care of you and call him when you wake up."


"He said you fainted and he was really worried. But I got to hand it to you, he's really handsome." She winks at me.

"What?" I say again.

I wasn't really getting any of this.

I have a supposed 'boyfriend' who brought me in when I fainted and stayed by my side all through?

"How are you feeling?" She takes a notepad from the foot of the bed.

"Um, I feel a little tired, drowsy, but besides that, I'm fine."

"That must be the drug working. You'll be feeling okay in an hour or so." She smiles and writes something down.

"What about the bruise on your stomach? Want to talk about it?" She looks up.

My hand immediately goes to my stomach and I feel it's bandaged.

"Bad fall." I shrug and she looks back at the notepad.

"Uh-huh. And your face?"

My hands goes to my face and I remember the slap uncle Mark gave me.

"Same fall."

"Sure." She still does not look up from the notepad.

"When can I leave?" I ask urgently.

"You seem fine," She walks towards me as she reads from the notepad. "Your vitals are okay, and your tests came out fine." She smiles up at me. "Just remains for your boyfriend to pick up your drugs and sign your papers and you're free to go." She says with a cherry smile.

"Can't I do all that myself?" I ask with my not so cherry voice.

"Oh no honey. He's your guardian. He's going to have to do all the hard work, while yours is just to rest up and recover quickly." She smiles. "If you need anything, just call for me. I'm down the hall."

She returns the notepad to the foot of the bed and turns to leave.

"Oh." She turns. "Your clothes are in the wardrobe." She points to the small wardrobe beside the bed. "Your boyfriend had it dry-cleaned. Such a gentleman." She smiles and walks out, closing the door gently behind her.

I check the time on the wall clock to see it's almost six in the morning.


Had my whole Saturday on a hospital bed.

"Aunt Mary is going to kill me." I gently get down from the bed and walk towards the wardrobe.

I open it and truly, my uniform has been dry-cleaned. It wasn't soaked anymore and they seemed ironed.

I take it out from it's hanger and walk towards the restroom.

Better get out of here before my so called boyfriend comes back.

In ten minutes, I'm dressed and I gently open the door.

I've been in this hospital once.

When my parents died.

I hated hospitals because of that. They reek of bad news.

I start walking towards the elevator when I see the nurse who came into my room.

She was reading something off a notepad to the nurse beside her.

I quickly hid in a corner and when she passed, I quickly dashed for the elevator.

I got to the ground floor and was leaving when I saw a woman bump into a guy my age, causing his phone to fall.

"I'm so sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going." She quickly apologizes.

"No it's alright." The boy smiles and I pause for a second.

I couldn't see his face because he has a cap on but I could see his smile and it made me feel an unusual feeling inside.


He bends to pick his phone and just then I pass by them.

"Is it broken?" The woman asks and he shakes his head.

"Just a scratch. It's nothing." He smiles again and pockets his phone.

He starts walking towards the elevator.

Must be here to see a patient.

I thought to myself as I walked towards the exit of the hospital.

Right now, I had a mission in mind.

Get home before aunt Mary kills me.

Kill me, skin me, fry me, just know I'm so sorry for the late update.

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