
97. Security

Exams were too easy for him and his friends but Harry had warned them to do like they were just above average. He knew that it only mattered whether they passed or fail. And didn't want to attract any unwanted attention towards his people.

As for himself, he obviously topped the class getting perfect scores in all the subjects. His friends were actually not feeling anything negative because they all understood how dangerous it was.

At the end of the year, Ravenclaw won the house cup as they not only won all their matches by huge margin, they also lost nearly no points.

Harry promised his friends to continue their dream training and left through kings cross station.

To not let Dumbledore doubt him too much he had been seen entering and leaving Dursleys' home a few times during winter holidays but he could still see Dumbledore looking at him carefully and using his empathy powers, he found that Dumbledore was doubtful and curious towards him.

Harry decided he would be seen entering and leaving Dursleys' home as well as his room daily by Figg for the duration of summer holidays. So he entered the house, used his aura to make them ignore him, and entered one of the rooms. He made sure to make noise and seen by Figg. ' Oh, how I will deal with that woman!.' Harry thought coldly.

Portaling home, the first thing he did was to bring out his mother's portrait. He knew Lily felt suffocated inside the trunk because of staying in one for so many years but still insisted to stay in his trunk to be near him.

"So Harry, what's your plan for this holiday?" Lily asked as she saw Harry cooking dinner for himself expertly. It was not often that Harry cooked but Lily knew that Harry was a better cook than herself.

"Make that workshop, constructing Magitech arms for Bree to start producing and constructing things. After that I'd just have to help her here and there and she would be able to do all the works herself." Harry said without turning.

"And what about your exams with Griselda Marchbanks?"

"That too. I will give all my OWLs and NEWTs, leaving behind only those subjects that are not taught in Hogwarts.

Jessica will also give her remaining OWLs and NEWTs.

Hermione and Daphne will be ready for their OWLs by next year summer holidays.

And Penny will give those OWLs that she didn't chose in Hogwarts." Harry said lightly before adding, " The main problem I'm facing right now is there being lack of advanced book on many subjects. The goblins have books on warding and ward breaking, healing, rituals, blood magic and such but not on Alchemy, wandlore and such subjects."

Harry was troubled as lack of books and knowledge would mean much more personal research and findings using trial and error.

"Don't worry. Where there's a will, there's a way. Just focus on what you have for now." Harry nodded at her mom's wise words.

That night he spent the whole time talking with his mom. The next morning he first opened a portal inside one of leaky couldron's room directly. He had talked with Jessica and she had told him that she would wait for him with all her things inside that room. She had already told about which room she was in using Vörn ability.

When Harry reached into the room he was enveloped in a smothering hug by Jessica.

"Thank you Harry.. For everything.." She whispered softly. Jessica was a brilliant and beautiful girl who had been so depressed about her future that she developed an aloof persona. But Harry had been working on loosening her around himself and other three girls. His massage sessions helping him the most.

"I'm always here for you Jess. You are always most welcome.." Harry said patting her back.

He helped her move into his house and she was already familiar with the place.

Harry then again opened a portal, this time for Penelope's house. He found that Penny snd Emily were already waiting with all their luggages. It had not been hard to convince Emily. He was already teaching her self defence and just told her how vulnerable they were and it was completely true. Penny, Jessica, Hermione and Daphne were the four who were constantly around him. Everyone knew about their strong friendship and Harry would not wait for some enemy to target them just to hurt him.

He was again given a hug by both Penny and Emily.

"Is Jess already there?" Penny asked as Harry's elves started helping with all the luggage.

"Yes. She must be in her room, arranging her things." Harry nodded, closing the portal behind them.

" Go bring Emma here soon. I'm too excited to see Unicorns.. " Emily said as she needed to be held by Penny to not let her run off on her own.

Harry shook his head in amusement as he Helped Grangers and then Tonks move in the house.

" Let's go.. let's go.. " Emily said dragging Penny with her.

" Wait! Wait! I want to say something.. " Lily stopped everyone making, even Harry look towards her.

" Grangers, Tonkses, why don't you all move in to our house Permanently." Lily said making Harry even more confused.

" Harry, I'm not telling them to abandoning their homes. But it is indeed a big security risk with the enemies you are making.

Our house is protected with the best wards and completely hidden from others. And even though Grangers and Tonks homes are also heavily warded, they are not hidden.

I'm asking you to move your most important things to this place so that even if there's any attack, you would be able to abandon the place immediately without worrying about anything." Lily explained clearly.

They thought about the idea and nodded in agreement.