
38. Hogwarts Express (||)

"So what were you guys talking about? " Daphne asked casually after the introductions.

"Oh nothing. We were just talking about Hogwarts and the Wizarding world." Hermione engaged all the three girls skillfully and after some minutes there was no awkwardness or anything as such, they were chatting and laughing as if they had been friends for a long time.

Harry too was not idle. he was using his observe ability to glimpse in the past of Daphne, Susan and Hannah, trying to understand their background more clearly. And he did get some valuable information.

'So to sum it up Daphne's father Christopher Greengrass is a true businessman. There is a reason he was made the leader of the gray faction as for him profits and benefits while ensuring survival is the topmost priority. He is bold and capable enough to take tough decisions if needed. Lucius has proposed a marriage contract between Draco and Daphne but Christopher is stalling as he does not want to go against Dumbledore completely.

Daphne's mother, Isabel Greengrass nee Parkinson loves her daughters and husband dearly and is the chain that binds the family together.

Daphne's little sister, Astoria Greengrass is suffering from blood malediction for which the whole family is trying to find the cure and Daphne dotes on her very much.

Now onto Susan and Hannah,

Amelia is strict, just, but a doting aunt. She loves and cares for susan the most but does not show it to outsiders in fear of being blackmailed.

She does not like Dumbledore and does not want him to pay special attention to Susan. For this, she has instructed Susan to stay away from me, and stay close to Hannah as Abbotts are Dumbledore's followers and with Susan's friendship with Hannah, Dumbledore will be reassured.' Harry summarised all the information he was able to get using his ability.

"So which house do you want to be sorted into? " Harry asked, changing the subject.

"Me and Susan will most probably go to Hufflepuff" Hannah said casually.

"What about you Daphne? " Hermione asked.

"Slytherin" She said expressionlessly.

It's here that Harry released his aura to make him feel more trustworthy.

"Do you want to go to Slytherin? " He pressed to which Daphne hesitated for a moment before answering.

"I'm not really comfortable with being in Slytherin but father will not tolerate me being sorted into any other house. Being a pure-blood, if I do not go to Slytherin then it might become the reason my family will be suppressed for." Daphne elaborated her reasoning for joining Slytherin house.

"Hmm. I would suggest you to join Revenclaw instead of Slytherin. By joining Slytherin you will need to be a part of malfoy's shenanigans. Dumbledore will also categorize you with dark faction.

Instead if you join Revenclaw, you can avoid being involved in Gryff-Slyth war and truly maintain your neutrality. You can also say that you wanted to take advantage of being my friend by being sorted into the same house with me." Harry told her bluntly while keeping his aura active. He wanted his own people in the Wizengamot as well as someone who will be willing to teach him the tactics and strategy of the Wizarding world's equivalent of parliament.

"Aren't you going to join Gryffindor? " Susan said abruptly. She couldn't help herself as her aunt had told her that Harry will surely be in Gryffindor, just like his parents.

"So you are finally willing to talk huh. No Susan. I don't want to join Gryffindor. I understand that Gryffindor and Slytherin have really become a shithole and I prefer being free." Susan blushed hearing Harry teasing her.

"But it's not on us. We don't even know how we will be sorted. Maybe our opinions don't matter at all " Hannah pointed out.

"Hehe. In fact I do know the method of sorting." Looking at Harry's smug expression, Susan wanted to give him a good beating.

"Really!! You know how we will be sorted? Tell us.. Tell us.. Tell us.. I asked mother and father so many times but they were not at all willing to open their mouths." Hanna held Harry's hands excitedly and started swinging it left and right right a spoiled brat making everyone laugh.

"Hey.. Hey.. Hannah stop.. You are going to detach my hand if you continue swinging it this way." Harry tried to stop Hannah but to no avail.

"No way.. First tell us the method of sorting."

"Okay.. Okay.. They have an enchanted talking hat of Godric Gryffindor which they use to sort students. The sorting hat will be put on your head and it will decide where everyone should go." Harry explained.

"But Harry, if it is decided by the hat then how are we going to be sorted into the house of our own choice." Susan asked as she was very afraid of not being sorted into Hufflepuff.

"I'm not completely sure but I think sorting hat understands and listens to students' reasoning and problems before sorting them. It tries to sort them into the house best suitable for them, where they will be at least able to complete their education.." Harry stopped after telling them this. He knew none of the girls were stupid, In fact they were very clever.

In the Wizarding world, children mature comparatively faster due to the presence of magic and this is especially the case with children raised in this world from the beginning with capable parents guiding them. Daphne and the girls were willing to listen to Harry's words because of his aura making them find him to be someone they can put their trust in.

It doesn't mean that they were very calculative. All the girls there needed a genuine friend. Susan always had a feeling of deceiving Hannah even when she truly thought of her as her best friend. Daphne couldn't find anyone who understood her and willing to help her selflessly, Hermione only had one friend in the form of Harry. And Hannah is a social animal but knew that most of the people in the Wizarding world are selfish and fake and yearn for a circle where she can really be free.

"Just choose freely without feeling burdened, I will take care of the aftermath." Harry said genuinely without deception. After living for such a long time and having faced such tough times he understood that very few are actually completely bad. Others are generally both good and bad towards different people.

There was once a time when he hated the world for what it is, but those long years of life had taught him that having friends and those who care about you around you is a blessing. And he is willing to try to do good, be the spark needed to lighten the world. At least to those who are innocent and do not have any negative thought about him, he was willing to trying helping them.