
107. Lockhart

Just as Harry was talking with Bree, Amelia approached from behind and paused when she saw the position in which Lockhart was stunned.

" What's with his peculiar pose?" She asked chuckling.

" Ah, you are here. It's nothing. I just once read somewhere that it's very satisfying to face plant your enemies so I decided to try it. While its indeed satisfying but unfortunately its doesn't suit me style.. " Harry said shaking his head with a sad sigh. ( Those who have read pocket hunting dimension would have surely got the reference..)

Amelia just shook her head not even wanting to know what other weird ideas he had.

" Let's deal with this fast. I really need a good massage today.." She said and watched as Harry's eyes lit up making her even more amused.

Harry used reviving spell on Lockhart making him wake up and stand up hurriedly.

" Mr. Gilderoy Lockhart. I'm Amelia Bones, head of DMLE. You are under arrest for the crimes of...." Amelia took the list from Harry and started reciting all the crimes that he had ever committed in his life.

Harry watched happily as Lockhart's face stated paling and his body started shaking as Amelia told him more and more of his crimes.

".... For all these crimes, you will be directly administered the Dementor's kiss.." Lockhart was immediately on his knees and started begging, snot and tears flowing incessantly..

" Please.. Please forgive me.. I'll never do it again.." Lockhart begged holding the bars. Harry and Amelia were disgusted but they still needed Lockhart's absolute submission.

" I do have an offer for you. Sign this contract and I promise that you will not go to prison or for Dementors kiss.. " Amelia said as Harry handed the contract to Lockhart. He read it hurriedly.

Basically it was a contract for unconditional loyalty. Harry had also added that Lockhart would not be sent to prison or to Dementors. Lockhart immediately signed it, wanting to save himself even if it meant living like a slave.

Harry took the contract back and checked it carefully. He wouldn't take risk even if its Lockhart he was dealing with.

" Sometimes I feel even Moody might learn a thing or two from you with how vigilant and paranoid you are.." Amelia chuckled.

" Alright. I'll be in the massage room. Don't make me wait long.." Amelia said with a smirk as she walked inside elegantly.

' Damn! She has even learnt to tease me.. Nice going Harry.. You do seem to have a chance.. ' Harry gave himself a mental pat before turning towards Lockhart.

Instead of directly showing his identity, Harry first decided to check Lockhart for Occlumency. He extended a legilimency probe casually but as soon as he entered Lockhart's mind, he hurriedly severed the probe with a disgusted look on his face. The man loved himself too much and in a very disgusting way.

Harry returned to his original form as he used his mastery over mind art to still talk with Lockhart with a straight face. He atleast was sure that even Dumbledore wouldn't want to see it.... 'or maybe he would... Ugh.. Atleast the contract will save my secrets.' He thought.

" This year you are going to teach at Hogwarts. I'm Harry Potter and you will follow my arrangements. Don't let anyone know about this meeting or our agreement.." Harry said and explained to him what he needed to do. After confirming that Lockhart had thoroughly understood his intentions, he dropped the man back to his house.

That day Harry gave Amelia a full massage using all his skills and oh! he really liked seeing her squirm and her shaking legs when she was made to cum just from the massage, much to her embarassment. After that day it seemed like Amelia got addicted to that feeling because she asked him to massage her daily even when her whole face was red from embarassment which Harry happily complied with.

Everyone did their Hogwarts shopping seperately the next day. Harry had already purchased everything but clothes, so he only purchased clothes and then went back home alone to make the message box as well as improved Vanishing cabinet for his close friends, Dalilah and others.

He didn't need them for those living in his home because Bree had made some smart watches for everyone which allowed that audio and video calls and a few other cool features..

Harry specially went to his friends' houses, met their parents and gave them the message boxes. They were happy that now there was a method that would allow them to communicate discreetly and faster.

" Please write a name above your envelope so that I can give it to them directly. And also please don't let anyone know about their close friendship with me. My situation is dangerous and I don't want you or them in any kind of danger because of me." Harry explained. They were overwhelmed from this caring gesture. First the cristmas gift, training and teaching their kids and now this, all that without wanting them to show any friendliness in front of others, just to protect them.

In their eyes Harry was gaining nothing and giving everything making them filled with gratitude towards him. What they didn't know was that he was gaining more than any of them. They cared about material things but for him, their trust, loyalty, care and love was more important.

He could see it in their eyes when they looked at him, in their voice when they talked with him. Hannah, Megan, Padma, Parvati, Katie, Lisa, Sue... All their eyes had profound respect, love and care for him just like how Neville, Kevin, Michael and Terry's held respect and brotherly bonding with him. All their parents also treated Harry with parental love, respect and fondness. For Harry, nothing else could come close to it and this was a fact that they also knew.

" Harry beta(son), we are completely assured with you looking after Parvati and Padma. Just don't forget to care for yourself too, okay.." Mrs. Patil spoke in hindi as she fondly hugged him.

Harry had never stopped learning languages. His French, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Hindi , Swahili, German, Latin and a few other old and new languages were impeccable. He could read, write, understand and speak them fluently with proper accent.