
103. Flamels

" Now tell us Harry, how did you learn Alchemy? And what are the other things you are hiding?" Perenelle said pulling Harry's hand like a gossiping friend.

Harry smiled and took out the philosopher's stone, putting it in front of Nicolas and Perenelle.

" I learnt Alchemy by researching this.." Harry said pointing at the stone.

" Philosopher's stone ...." Nicolas mumbled looking at the stone carefully for any trap.

" Yes. The Prototype of your philosopher's stone.." Harry said with a smirk.

"'You found out about even this..." perenelle said..

" Haha. Yeah, it took some researching but I finally found it out... I too was surprised when I found the elixir only giving a very strong healing property but nothing that would prolong life. It indeed is able to make gold but then I thought about it and realised that after living such a long life, gold would not be something you would value much. So I thought maybe it was actually just a prototype, to show to the people who are too powerful to be refused directly, and a distraction - to hide your real methods" Harry shared.

" You are actually completely right, Harry. It indeed is a prototype, a distraction and let me tell you, it served it's purpose well." Nicolas said.

" Dumbledore?.. " Harry asked.

" Dumbledore..." Nicolas nodded. " When he first approached us, Perry already doubted his intentions. That is why I never really taught him my real knowledge.. Infront of the world, I started acting and appearing like an old man living just because of a stone he made."

" Just like during the war against Grindelwald.." Harry mumbled making Nicolas nod.

" Dumbledore is no doubt very powerful but we too haven't wasted our long lives. When he approached us for the stone, we already knew that it was time for the Flamels to disappear completely. We told him that elixir needs to be extracted using special method otherwise it won't work as intended.

He thinks we don't know what's happening in the outside world, living a very secluded life. We knew that he would find out about the real properties of the stone after much research but we had already shifted to a completely different place after giving him the stone.. " Perry explained.

" But how you get this stone? " Nicolas asked curiously.

" I stole it.. " Harry shrugged making both of them look at him incredulously.

" You stole the stone from Dumbledore? How were you even able to achieve this? " Perry asked looking at him in awe. She knew that it was near impossible to steal anything from Dumbledore..

" Dumbledore was going to use it as a bait to lure out Voldemort and make me confront him. During Halloween, I.... " Harry explained without going into too many details.

" You really did that!!.. You do have a lot of courage.. " Nicolas said laughing out loud.

" You should be more careful Harry. What you did was dangerous, incredibly dangerous. You have a lot of potential.. " Perry said looking at Harry seriously. Harry nodded with a smile.

" So what do you really want to learn from us?" Nicolas said changing the topic.

" All the things you can teach me." Harry answered.

" That is actually not the right approach Harry. Magic is a vast field with many branches. You need to focus on one or two things to become truly good at it.." Nicolas advised.

" I know my answer sounds immature and greedy but I truly want to learn everything. As you said, magic is a vast field. I want to know what heights I can reach if I master it completely.

But, I understand what you are suggesting. Why don't we do it this way you will teach me according to my capacity. If you feel that I'm getting overwhelmed somewhere, then you can stop me at that point. I truly don't want to limit myself.. " Both of them pondered over his words before nodding.

" We will not teach you any of our precious knowledge till we feel that you are qualified to learn them.. " Nicolas warned to which Harry nodded in understanding.

" I'm best at Alchemy and then Potion. Perry is best at Healing, charms and Enchanting. We will first gauge your level and after correcting your foundation, we will start with our best subjects." Nicolas explained.

" Harry, I have read about you making a broom. Can we see it. If you have made any other things that you can show us, we would be delighted to see them. " Perry said.

Harry thought about it and nodded. He undid a machanism from his locket and took out a miniature broom which instantly turned large in his hands.

" This is the Quidditch broom I made." Harry said proudly looking at their astonished faces and let the two of them analyse it.

" It's truly a marvelous creation. What a genius use of Alchemy, but how did you imbue these properties into this material?" Nicolas asked unable to take his eyes off it.

" Not only Alchemy. Look at the charms and even enchantments.. Even the runic sceme is very complex and very well used.." Perenelle praised.

" Actually I made a deal with Goblins and learnt their smithing methods. I obviously cant explain it.. " Harry said making them look at him in even more wonder.

" What else have you made? " Perry asked excitedly.

Harry told them about the height increasing Potion, The Quills he gifted leaving out Vörn, the Patronus Amulet, protego bracelets and also showed them his dagger.

Nicolas and Perenelle were truly and completely astounded. They praised him and his products again and again while telling him about some of their own creations. There conversation continued till evening, they completely lost track of the time between their questions and answers as well as Nicolas and Perenelle's various tales from their long live.

Even though they had met the same day, they all felt a kinship. Harry was happy to converse with both of them who were able to talk to him in nearly all the topics equally and were even able to help him with somethings. They were truly knowledgeable and learned.

Nicolas and Perenelle also liked taking with Harry alot. They could feel Harry's interest in magic, in knowledge. They were astounded by his capabilities and were happy that they got the contracts signed as it allowed them all to relax and talk without fearing backstabbing and without holding much. After Harry returned home that day, Flamels had decided to help Harry while also seeing him mastering every branch of magic.