
In Game Ant Farm

A large Colony spanning half the Gameworld. That was what I was looking at before a soft screech and pressing on my belly woke me up from my dream. I opened my eyes and looked into the large black eyes of my single worker ant.

LightbulbInTheDark · Romance
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My Ant

Most people from not so bad of countries play this game as it is the only one that can be played during sleep. Although that is not a must. After high school, I started playing this game. That was around two weeks ago. During my free time after Highschool and college, I wanted to have some free time.

The Game I am talking about is a sci-fi game, that was released some time ago. It attracted a lot of people with the possibility to play during sleeping. But it also got a lot of popularity from just being the game. Its name is Fantasy Of Adventure short FOA. It is an open-world game with a lot of adventures to venture on. It is set in a Fantasy world that is more advanced in technology than the current Earth.

When I started I started in an editable room, that was said to be my storage space. As a starter I got my first normal level tame right off the bat. It was an Ant that was visible in my creatures tab. When I let it materialize it was built from data slowly turning into a living thing. When it came to live and wiggled its antennas for the first time I established a contract with it, that let me communicate with it. I was very happy with my Ant. It was not something fancy, but that was to be expected from the normal quality first tame everybody got.

The dream to build a large Ant colony quickly formed in my mind. Maybe, later I would even add a bee nest or something of the likes. But during these two weeks that lay behind me, I have realized that that first of all is not easy to achieve, and second, just won't happen.

So I set upon a normal journey. Me and my Ant. Together we ventured through the starter village that every MMORPG has. My Ant slowly leveled up going from level 1 to level 5 to 10 and 20, where it is now. This is where we come to the current me, that is staring at the new game screen that popped up after she leveled up to level 20. It shows a choice to make for the further evolution of my Ant. I scan over it and see the typical evolution paths described in the forums I read from time to time. But as I want it at the bottom is a short text that I haven't seen before:

Has the genes of a queen Ant!

It made me excited and I jumped a little. The only problem was, that there was no path to take for a queen ant but only the choices of solider or chamber Ant. I thought. I raised the question of what for I would need a chamber Ant. But at the same time, this could be the key to evolving to a queen Ant. I thought and thought as I was not so good with decisions. In the end, I could not decide. I looked at my Ant hoping to find the solution in its big black eyes but that lead as expected to nothing. Shortly before turning away from her, back to my thoughts and the screen in front of me, I noticed her posture. She was kind of sitting like me also having a face that looked like it had brooded for a long time.

Concentrating on her thoughts that at first confused me greatly but later turned out what I had been waiting for. For some reason, she had to decide what species she wanted to be a queen of. The names were the ones that we have on earth. There were Red Fire Ants, Black Ants, Harvester Ants, and many more. But I had already decided. It was going to be the Red Fire Ants for two reasons. First, they are just known to be fierce and poisonous, second, they are one of the few ants that can grow a supercolony. This was something I got to know from watching a lot of Youtube.