
in douluo dalu 2 ?

a man with an unknown past gets a second chance in Douluo Dalu. but what next?

jacke_m1 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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40 Chs

first time in Shrek city 1

-----3rd Pov-------

Ray woke up in the light of dusk, something new even for him, as the night and day in Plana were just acquired after he woke up his bloodline.

taking in the view he addressed Sophia "so what you want to do sophy? I will be going out for will I want to go and see where I am compared to other cultivators, so are you coming along or staying here"

Sophia nodded "I will tag alone, as I want to see the human world" then asked unsure "can Sai Stay here?"

Rai look at her weirdly "of course he will be staying here, are you expecting me to take him to the human city? although he passes 100 years, he is still almost 10000 years you know?"

Sophia looks away "N...Not what I mean, I thought we weren't allowed here if you were not here"

Ray looks at her with a serious and angry look "this the last time I hear you say something about allowing or not allowing, you are not my servant or slave, you are my partner, and I think of you as a family so just ask what you need and if I can I will definitely help, if I can't we will figure a way out together, understand!" Sophia freaked out at first when she saw him angry but a warm feeling filled her heart as he end his words, so she just lowers her head and nodded, but her eyes have a happy shine to them.

Ray stands up causing Sai to wake up, he pats him on the head and said: "I and your mom will go out to take care of something, how about you continue your sleep under the shade will we out?"

Sai looked at him and his mother "can I come to?"

Sophia came closer " no you can't this time, and we will not be out for long"

Sai pouted a little earning a chuckle from Ray "How about you keep an eye on the big tree for me until I got back, can I leave its protection for you?"

Sai's eyes shine, and he jumps up expanding his size and puffing his chest "leave it to me, nothing will even put a scratch on it with me here!"

Ray just put a V sign for Sophia to see only to snort and slipe to his Spiritual sea.

But not seconds after he hear her surprise voice 'what happen here!?' he was confused so he got his conditions inside as well to get surprised but what he saw, was the same red-gold sea, but added with multi other colors tent, and whole another level in the size 'if we go by DD3 classification I need a little to hit the abyss realm.' thinking so he notices that ther is some kind of islands in his sea 9 are baren will on have a tree identical to the green tree outside 'scan'


Green tree(spiritual link): a spiritual link to the Life Tree


'i see' Ray looks back at Sophia with death pain look "we will look at it later, I will head out for now, my mind will blow up if I keep thinking of every thing That comes up with this bloodline of mine" he started to fade in the laughter of Sophia.

opening his eyes, he got out of Plana and got inside his house will picking his clothes to shower and change he hear Sophia 'are we in some kind of closed dimension.'

Ray look surprised at her question 'you know we are inside the artifact house I got right?'

Sophia just chuckled 'no, I know that it's just the very space around this house is sealed, no one will feel or hear anything from the inside, while also the outside attacks won't even reach the house"

Ray spread his since and notice the same but also the level of protection is Crazy *sigh* 'from my estimation even Super Douluo Will have some trouble in breaking in'

Sophia hummed 'Quite the protective master you got there' pretending not to hear the comment, he start to get clean and then put on his clothes.

with a white shirt and pants, and a black coat with golden markings at the edges he stands in front of the little tree that works as entry, with a smile remembering the first day he us it then looks at his new artifact left leg "it's been 3 years, short but I pull quit the change on my self"

he did change physically and mentally, from a weak child, he now looks like a Teen in his 15 or 16-year-old, not 12 years old, with more mature and stable mentally.

putting his hand in front willing the house to change its form, the place in front of him start shining along with the little tree, and soon after he found a tree neckless in his hand 'cool, pocket house' Sophia commented saying 'more like necklaces House' Ray chuckle 'cool name, I am keeping it'.

as he answer he start to head to Shrek City before Sophia said 'surpass your aura, you don't want people to start to faint, also what's wrong with that mist that comes out with your breathing?'

Ray nodded and surpass his aura, as its something that come along with his cultivation technique before he didn't mind it as he wasn't around humans, but if humans were beside him they will feel the same pressure they felt from the savage beasts and that just bypass effect, let's not talk about using his pressure technique.

then come to a problem when he surpasses his purification ability he starts to feel uncomfortable.

'what's wrong' Sophia asks noticing his uncomfortable feeling, ray answer ' i don't know, I can surpass this ability but not forever, 8 Hours are my max, man I feel like choking'

'want to head back to Plana until you figure something out?' Ray shakes his head 'No, we will just look around, I can hold that much'

after Traveling bitewing the forest tree for a couple of hours while trying new things with his martial souls, and Fate skills, he was greeted with an open field with long walls surrounding a big city, in the eastern corner of the city you can see the shadow of the big tree 'Finely Srek City' thinking so he mack sure of the seals he put on himself, he headed to western Gate.