
In DC with James Lee’s perfect body and skills

Fuqyou · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs


*Grunts were heard from a karate dojo, where Bloodshot aka Eddie and Sin were engaged in a heated sparring session. "So, remind me why you wanna train again?" Sin asked, effortlessly evading Bloodshot's attacks.

In between words and punches, Bloodshot grunted, "Because I need to get stronger." Sin looked at him with confusion. "Huh? Why's that?" He jumped back, narrowly avoiding Bloodshot's punch. "You know why!" Bloodshot yelled, launching a relentless attack on Sin.

Sin skillfully dodged and blocked Bloodshot's blows, displaying fluid and precise movements. "You think getting stronger is going to avenge him?" Sin asked, his voice filled with determination. "Strength alone won't be enough to defeat that psychopath." As Bloodshot threw another punch, Sin gasped, raising his arms to block the powerful blow.

The impact of Bloodshot's punch shook the ground beneath them, causing Sin to grit his teeth as the force reverberated through his body. However, he refused to let it break his resolve.

"Uhh guys, that's enough," Casey interjected nervously, closing his book and standing up. Ignoring Casey's plea, Bloodshot aimed another punch at Sin's face, consumed by rage. Fueled by both the desire to stop the fight and his own anger towards Bloodshot, Sin leaned back and used his foot to deliver a forceful push kick to Bloodshot's face.

Bloodshot stumbled back, his face contorted in pain as he clutched his nose. Sin took a step forward, his expression serious. "Enough, Bloodshot," he said firmly, his voice cutting through the tension in the dojo. Casey, stepping in between the two, added, "Yeah, we're supposed to be friends!"

Bloodshot stood up, wiping the blood from his nose. "Friends? We all share the same trauma from that pig bastard, but you guys act like it never happened! Now that you have some kind of special body, you use it to help nerds instead of catching that asshole? Someone has to do something, and if you're too lazy, then you don't deserve that body." With those words, he left the dojo, shoulder-checking Sin as he walked past.

Sin clenched his fists, feeling a mix of anger and guilt. He knew Bloodshot was right. They all had a common enemy who had caused them so much pain. However, he couldn't let his emotions control him. He had to stay focused and use his abilities for good.*

Nightwing and Sin sat on the edge of a building with their costumes on while drinking sodas. "Jeez, drama everywhere huh?" Nightwing said with a chuckle. "Yeah yeah, but do you think Bloodshot's right? Maybe I don't deserve the perfect body, if I didn't have it would I even be able to do all this?"

Nightwing took a moment to think, his gaze following Sin's towards the bustling city below. "You know, Sin, it's natural to question ourselves sometimes, especially when things get tough," he said, his voice filled with empathy. "But let me tell you something. You are more than your physical abilities. Your strength comes from within, from your determination, courage, and the choices you make."

Sin nodded, his eyes reflecting a mix of uncertainty and determination. "I understand that, Nightwing. But what if Bloodshot is right? What if I'm not doing enough? What if I'm not worthy of this body?"

Nightwing placed a reassuring hand on Sin's shoulder. "Look, none of us asked for the traumas we've experienced. But we can choose how we respond to them. Bloodshot is consumed by his anger and desire for revenge, and that's clouding his judgment. You, on the other hand, have chosen to use your abilities to help others, to protect the innocent." Nightwing said and stood up. "Well I should be going, don't forget what I said." With that he disappeared off the building.

Sin smiled and finished his soda. "Maybe he's right." He muttered to himself then saw a guy with a motorcycle helmet in a ally fighting thugs. "Finally some action." He said to himself and put his eye type mask on then jumped off the building while gliding with his cape.

Upon further examination he saw the thugs bodies were faceless, like their faces had been beaten to a pulp. "What the hell?" He said with a look of horror. "Help!" A voice was heard from behind Sin and he turned around to the last criminal being held by the shirt by the man with the helmet. "I gave you a chance. Now you face the wrath of 'TNT' " He said as he threw a punch at the criminal but before he was able to he was hit into a wall.

"What the hell are you doing!" Sin yelled as he stood in front of TNT. "What am I doing? You let him get away!" He said standing up as he saw the man run. "You're supposed to protect the city not kill everybody!" Sin said furiously. "Oh come on boys scout don't lecture me." TNT walked past him to chase the man but was swept in the air by Sin.

"Shit!" TNT muttered but was able to land in his feet and deliver a powerful kick that sent Sin launching a bit. "This power." Sin muttered to himself as he caught his balance. "You're lucky that wasn't your face. Now I'd love you stay and chat but I have weapons to buy." TNT said with a chuckle and threw a smoke bomb, disappearing.

"Where do these guys come from." Sin muttered and gathered the bodies in a corner tied up. He then looked at one of their faces. "If I wasn't careful that'd have been me, do I have a new mortal enemy now?" He stared up at the sky. "This is getting my engine all fired up." He said to himself with a smirk.

I have school tomorrow so chapters won’t come out till Friday probably

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