
In DC with James Lee’s perfect body and skills

Fuqyou · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

Season 2 chapter 5: The first mission

In the Blackgate Penitentiary, Bane sat in his jail cell while the echoes of the guards' footsteps reverberated through the cold, stone walls. His cellmate sat on the bunk on the other side of the room. "Boss, I heard your little successor was defeated in Arkham's Juvenile detention, are you gonna interfere?"

Bane's eyes, cold and calculating, flickered towards his cellmate. A slow, menacing smile spread across his face. "Interfere? No," he said, his voice echoing in the small cell. "I trained him to survive. If he can't handle a few children, he's no successor to me." His laughter, dark and chilling, filled the room, bouncing off the stone walls and leaving an eerie silence in its wake.

His cellmate swallowed hard, the sound audible in the quiet aftermath of Bane's laughter. He knew better than to question Bane's methods or decisions. The silence stretched on, the only sound the distant echo of the guards' footsteps. Bane's smile faded as he turned his gaze back to the small window in their cell, the only source of light in the gloomy room. His thoughts were his own, and his plans remained a mystery to all but him.

"But what I'm really worried about is that damned Yamazaki, he took out half of our men and stole a truck load of money and drugs just for the fun of it." the cellmate continued, his voice trembling slightly. "He's ruthless, boss. More ruthless than anyone I've ever seen." Bane remained silent, his eyes still fixed on the small window. The cellmate waited for a response, but none came. Bane knew that the Yamazaki was a ticking time bomb and he'd do anything to get what he wanted. "I agree with you on that, but I don't care about him, if anyone could defeat him it's Travis, and the one who beat Travis, is the one I want to kill."

Back in the mansion

Sin yawned while walking down the stairs of the house, it was the first time in a while he was able to get a good sleep. "Now where can a guy get some grub around this place?" He asked himself while scratching his crotch.

He then heard talking in the dining room and he saw Bara, Travis and Teddy, all sitting down, eating.

As Sin sat down at the table, he could feel the palpable tension in the air between the three.

Across the table, Sin noticed Travis, sitting stiffly, his jaw clenched. Teddy, the other young fighter Sin had encountered at the Juvenile Detention Center, sat next to Travis, his eyes darting between the two.

"Well, now that we're all here," Bara began, taking a sip of his coffee, "let's get down to business, shall we?" He leaned back in his chair, regarding the three young men with an almost predatory gaze.

"As I mentioned, we've been discussing our plans for the future." Bara's eyes landed on Sin, an unspoken challenge in his gaze. "You're the newest member of our little...team. But I want to make sure we're all on the same page here."

Sin felt a twinge of unease, unsure of exactly what Bara was getting at. He glanced at Travis and Teddy, wondering if they were as uncertain as he was. "Alright, I'm listening," he replied cautiously, reaching for a piece of toast.

Bara's smile widened, as if he could sense Sin's discomfort. "Good, good. You see, we have a unique opportunity here. With the right combination of skills and resources, we could become a force to be reckoned with. A new generation of...let's call them enforcers."

Travis's expression darkened, and he leaned forward, his hands clenching into fists. "Enforcers? You mean criminals, don't you?" he accused, his voice laced with barely contained anger.

Bara raised a placating hand. "Now, now, Travis. I wouldn't use such a loaded term. We're simply...taking matters into our own hands. Dealing with the problems that the so-called 'heroes' can't or won't address."

Sin could see the gears turning in Travis's mind, and he knew the other man was considering the implications of Bara's words. Teddy, meanwhile, seemed to shrink back in his chair, clearly uncomfortable with the direction the conversation was taking.

"So what exactly are you proposing?" Sin asked, his eyes narrowing as he studied Bara's expression. "And what's in it for us?"

Bara's grin widened, and he leaned forward, his elbows resting on the table. "Well, Sin, that's where it gets interesting. You see, I have...connections. Resources. And I'm willing to share them, in exchange for your loyalty and your skills."

Sin nodded and took a sip of coffee. "Well, what do you want us to do?" Bara smirked and put a photo of a group of men in a clown mask on the table. "I'm sure you all know about the Joker gang?" Bara asked and Travis nodded. "More like Virgin clowns." He and Teddy chuckled. Bara cleared his throat to get their attention. "So you want us to take care of some clowns? Really?" Sin chuckled and caught something that was thrown at him. "What's this?" He noticed that it was car keys. "Actually, this isn't your mission, or yours Travis, this is actually a Teddy thing." Bara explained and Teddy looked up in confusion.

Travis spoke up with confusion. "Teddy? Why? Even the asshole Sin is able to take care of some thugs." He said, ignoring Sin's middle finger. "Well, this could finally be a chance to scale Teddy's copycat skills." Bara explained and signaled for them to follow him.

They walked to a large garage and saw a bunch of cars. They walked up to a green corvette and Bara looked at Sin. "This is yours now, a little gift for the leader of the 1st division." He winked and Sin smiled widely. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" He hugged Bara, who just smiled without hugging back.

Travis smacked his teeth and leaned on the car. "So? Does he even know how to drive?" He jumped as Sin was already in the car and started it, revving the engine. "Hurry up Assholes!" Sin yelled and unlocked the door. The two hesitated and got in the backseat.

Bara walked up to the car. "Remember, you or Travis are not to fight, only Teddy, I'm always watching." He walked from the car and Sin nodded and sped out the garage before the door opened, breaking it. "Sorry!" He yelled as he sped off.

Sin drove incredibly fast and reckless, while singing. "I THINK MY DRACO MIGHT BE GAY! WHY? CAUSE HE BLOW NIGGAS!" As he sang he turned to look at the backseats trying to get the two hype. "Tsk, Teddy, this isn't gonna be forever. Soon, Mr. Bane will come, and kill that damned Yamazaki, and I'll get my revenge on this guy and we'll rule this dumbass world." Travis reassured Travis. "By the way, about that. What if Bane doesn't take you back? He must've been severely humiliated by your defeat." Teddy explained and before Travis could respond the car abruptly stopped and then they hit the head restraint. "You asshole!" Travis said with a grumble and clenched his fist.

"Get out, we're here." Sin said and got out of the car. The others followed, and as they approached their target, Sin could feel the weight of Bara's unspoken instructions weighing on them.

"Alright, Teddy, this is your show," Sin said, nodding towards the nondescript building they had parked in front of. "Time to put those copycat skills to the test."

"After fighting Sin, I haven't been able to copy anything." Teddy said nervously.

Travis could see the conflict in Teddy's eyes, the fear and uncertainty warring with a desire to prove himself. He pulled out a cigarette and smoked.

"Don't think too much about it." Travis assured him, though the words felt hollow even as he spoke them.

"Blah, blah, blah. Nobody cares, just do the damn job." Sin mocked Travis and took his cigarette and smoked it.

Travis growled and walked up to Sin. Asshole! "First you took down the first division, beat me unfairly, took my place as leader. Now you're mocking me! Are you really itching for an ass whooping?" Travis removed his shirt revealing his tubes. "Asshole? You're the one who let Teddy get sexually abused by your gang members when you know he has ptsd from being a prostitute. You're the one who let him almost get his head stomped in by me. Now who's really the asshole? The one who beat up the prison assholes? Or the prison asshole?" Travis fist tightened, he knew all of this was right but nobody ever told him about himself.

"That was…just to throw you off guard. Do you know how hard it was to hear that? Or even just to think of it? But it was for the plan." He stuttered while looking down. "For the plan? With that logic even the Riddler can be excused for his crimes, dumbass." Sin chuckled and Travis closed his eyes tight.

"Guys!" Teddy yelled and as the two turned they saw Teddy with a bunch of Joker Goons in around him on the ground bloodied up. "It was easy, just super exhausting." He said between pants and Travis walked up to him and put his hand on his cheek. "Nice job." He smiled and Teddy looked up with a blush.

Out of nowhere Teddy was hit on the head with a Bat and behind them the car's window was shattered.

A whole gang of Joker goons surrounded them. "I'm the 2nd generation Joker gang leader, name's Ruggy." Ruggy introduced himself with a cocky smile while looking down holding a lollipop in his mouth. When he looked up he was about to talk but then saw his goons were all on the ground dead. He saw Sin approaching him. "My car." Sin said calmly and raised his leg higher than the man's head and kicked him.