
In Danmachi with Plasmids

One chap every Sunday and Tuesday with the possibility of a bonus one on Thursday. -------- A man who lost his family due to an accident dies from overwork trying to prove himself to society. He gains a second chance in a parallel world studying and researching for decades in order to find a way to travel to other worlds, only to once again die alone, overworked, alone and bored, achieving nothing. In the end, he achieved power, respect, and fame, but he still wasn't satisfied. Yet destiny has something reserved for this hardworking man. Will he now achieve his dreams in a world of magic and Gods, with a power from another world? Or will he be shunned for being different? ----- I have a Patr30n go take a look! You can access advanced chapters there! https://www.p@tr3on.com/AbadomWriter or this one if you are having trouble https://www.p@t3eon.com/AbadomWriter?fan_landing=true And the Discord Server of course https://discord.gg/CfsXtGd4Yb The first chap will be more about exposing the world of Bioshock and how Plasmids works and setting up the storyline for the future. I am not a writer, I do this for fun and you are reading this for free. The minimum you can do is to just leave a reasonable opinion, please don't hate mail me. Work in progress. Tags: Bioshock Danmachi R18- In the medium to far future Slow romance Magic Adventure Gore- In some fighting scenes Action Intelligent Mc Reincarnation Fastpaced- At the start Medium-paced, it's neither slow nor fast. And more to come if I feel like adding them. I don't own the cover image, the world of Danmachi and Bioshock, or the characters apart from the Ocs. Thank you for reading!

Abadom · Anime et bandes dessinées
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305 Chs

Timeline(Need help)

Hey! If you are new here, just something to say before you read.

Please leave your comments up here, because since I plan to update this quite frequently, I may end up deleting your thoughtful comments!

So please remember to comment up here or in the chapter comments.




Before going into the bigger timeline I would like to discuss minor events that happen every year such as the lunar festival.

(The Lunar festival should happen somewhere before Haruhime's rescue. Meaning, pretty early on in the series. I say that because she didn't appear in the movie. Some lore enthusiasts might be able to help me in this.)

I don't know where the events should be so I would like help in order to enrich the world.

You can also contribute with all sorts of special days reclusive to some religion or culture since it would make sense in this world filled with many Gods.

So things are like this:


-New Year.

-Loki Familia recruitment. (I made this up)

-Ganesha's new year celebration


-Valentine's day


-Start of spring

-First Denatus

-Ganesha's spring event




-Eleusinian Mysteries


-Start of Summer

-Second Denatus

-Ganesha's party prior to the Monsterphilia

-Ganesha's Summer event (Monsterphilia)

-Adonia(Melen exclusive festival)


-Athenian festival


-Panathenaic Festival

-Moon festival


-Moon festival

-Start of Fall

-Third Denatus

-Ganesha's fall event.





-Start of Winter

-Elegia Festival

-Goddess Festival

-Fourth Denatus

-New Year's Eve

-Ganesha's end-of-the-year celebration


It's pretty bare, but I hope to increase this over time.

Notes from timeline

Athenian festival is a special event where only women are allowed to participate. Its held in a special palace outside of Orario by the Demeter Familia as the main host and several other agricultural Gods as support.

Panathenaic Festival is a special event that is held by Athena in her Familia home South-Southwest portion of Orario. It's similar to the Olympic games.

The festival starts in Athena's home gates, where a female representative of all participant Familias, including Gods if they didn't have any other girls, would use a veil they had weaved, all of the way until a large fountain where those girls would leave their veils.

After that, there would be several days where games similar to the Olympic games would happen.

Adonia is a Melen exclusive festival, where the woman of Melen will take to the rooftops of their houses and ritually mourn their dead through song and dance. They planted lettuce and fennel seeds in a special magical vase where the plants would immediately sprout and wither soon after.

The women would then conduct a mock funeral procession carrying the pots and small images of their loved ones, before ritually casting them into the sea or in springs.

Boedromia is a party held in Apollo's Familia house. It involves a series of cultural activities such as poetry and sculpting and such, followed by a final military demonstration from Apollos Familia.

The Eleusinian Mysteries is a special party held n secret by Persephone and only Gods and one of their children may attend it.

It's kept as an absolute secret and so are its contents.

Only those Gods of "High-Class" may attend this festival. Receiving a letter from Persephone when they reach her standards.

Its considered to be an extremely high-Class party.

The Hermaea is a funny festival hosted by none other than Hermes.

It consists of nothing more than a race around Orario. But it has strict rules.

Only young boys may participate. This means no one over 20.

And there are 2 courses one for Level 1 and another for Level 2. Level 2's can't participate in the Level 1's course, but the reverse is allowed by Hermes.

There is also a special event at the end where the top 10 will be given a task to accomplish by Hermes, and they must have it done within 10 minutes.

They are given a special reward at the end but it changes within each year, it's normally an item made by Asfi, symbolizing the theme of that year's competition.

Denatus happens every three months, so I matched it up with the seasons.

I put Ganesha everywhere because... He is Ganesha. I think it adds something to this world. My hope is to fill this timeline with similar events.

The lunar festival happens every full moon during the Virgo constellation time of August 23 to September 23.

The Goddess Festival was a festival that lasted for three days every year. Its purpose is to honor the goddesses of harvest, there had been five of them in Orario. Ishtar had been one of them so now there is only four: Freya, Demeter, Hathor, and Damia. They were supposed to be present during the festival every year.

Before enjoying the festival, visitors had to buy a badge from the Guild for one thousand valis. The streets were lined up with the current year's fall harvest crops. As long as they had a badge anyone could take any food they wanted for free. There were even shops mixed in with food stalls that would bake people bread out of the wheat they took and cook other types of food for them as long as they had all the ingredients they need.

Elegia is a festival to celebrate fallen heroes.




After some thinking and research, I decided to assume the Black dragon is sealed somewhere far away from Orario since I never found anything on whether it was sealed in the dungeon or free in the world.

(Corrected, he is outside by Lore)

From a timeline perspective, I placed Albert's death(Ais father) to be during the time when Ouranos descended.

It will be like this:

The world was on the brink of collapse after hundreds of years of fights due to the monsters on the surface created by the Dungeon.

(And the natural beasts on the surface.)

The races banded together and fought a desperate battle against them by using the spirits' blessings.

(Like Nidhogg)

But it wasn't enough to save everyone. The world was at its last legs…

(That's why even though the spirit's blessings were weaker than the Gods' Falna, there were so many strong monsters. Because they were always fighting against nightmarish enemies created by the Dungeon.

Just think about it, with so many monsters roaming about on the surface, the chances of irregularities or anomalies are insane.)

Until one Genius of a God found a way to connect Tenkai with Gekai.

(Heaven with the mortal world)

Why he did so? Because of boredom.

This God's descent created a phenomenon that would be felt by the Dungeon. That, in response, would create the calamities in order to hunt him down.

But only two

The races banded together to fight them but were only partly successful. They created Babel to seal the two monsters and the Dungeon at the same time.

Ouranos noticed the shit show so he decided to descend hastily and control the situation…

He was a badass God after all...

But he ended up crashing into the original Babel and destroying it in the process…

Of course, he may have done that on purpose.

Antares came into being for some reason.

The Gods followed his example and set foot in Gekai to relieve their boredom in Tenkai.

(This would explain why we see shooting stars during Albert's fight against the black dragon, they are the Gods descending. Like the dawn of a new age.)

Ouranos together with the other Gods rebuilt Babel.

At the same time, the Temple elsos was made by the humans and perhaps some other races to Seal Antares who was rampaging around the place.

When Babel was destroyed by a God, and worse, when the new one was rebuilt on top of the old one by the Gods no less, the Dungeon had enough and got super pissed creating the super monster that is the Black Dragon.

(It may have also been due to how "strong" Ouranos divinity was. Or because of the Gods descent)

Albert died trying to kill it together with Ais mom, Aria.

(And some other dudes. Like the elf lady forgot her name...)

The black dragon fled to somewhere far away, hurt and with one less eye.

Something happened to Ais that made her appear 1000 years in the future. It might have been a slumber or simply time travel.

Ouranos developed the currently used system of blessing a mortal with Falna since spirit contracts were heavily individual.

With the Gods Falna, many heroes rose and fell while fighting against the surface monsters.

(Insert heroic tales.)

And he disappeared from history, praying to the Dungeon so that the monster wouldn't escape.

(He used his Divinity to prevent the monsters from escaping, it also heavily "castrated" the Dungeon)

This set in motion a new era. And was what made possible for the new struggling generation of heroes to survive in this fucked world.

And Orario slowly rose from the rubble of the past era.

Now the people could breathe and set their attention towards development and exploration.

Years passed, the Zeus and Hera Familia defeated two of the calamities over the centuries but failed when they fought against the black dragon.

Terribly, in fact, they were obliterated. Showing just how strong Albert was with only Spirit's blessing.

(If we assume they work in the same way. Perhaps Albert had a special ability. He did fuck a spirit, that's pretty impressive on its own.)

Ais came back around this time, considering she entered the Loki Familia when she was 7.

Now millennia into this new era, many of the monsters on the surface have been exterminated but not all, if you are unlucky, you may still meet with a monster that would only appear on the 80Th floor or some shit.

But the Black Dragon is the strongest monster without a doubt.

Unless you pick up some abyssal water monster or something from outer space?...

(Perhaps a deep floor Juggernaut can fight it? Since they get stronger the deeper they are made.)

Most now live in their own enclosed habitats, far away from other people.

Zeus was thrown out of Orario for many reasons and went to the North to raise Bell, implanting the will to become an adventurer into him. For no reason at all, he didn't plan for Bell to become the hero to save the world.

(In fact, the reason for that was solely due to him wanting Bell to become a Playboy, picking up girls in the Dungeon. This was his reason for going to Orario after all, only later did he change that when he fell in love with Ais.)

Hermes had a different idea though; he saw in Bell something Zeus didn't and planned to turn him into the hero Zeus tried to once grow to defeat the Black dragon.

(According to the Wiki, he was curious about Bell and he attracted his attention)

(The person being either the Level 8 or 9. I don't remember if it's said whose Family each belongs to.)

As for Hera, I have some plans for her. It's a bit of a spoiler, so read with caution.




After his fight with the two big Familias, the black dragon went to his nest to hibernate.

Hera followed the Black dragon to its nest and used her divinity to seal the beast in place, waiting for the promised day.

(She pretty much is keeping the beast in eternal slumber.)

What happened to her after sealing the beast is unknown. Only know to a very select few. Among some I can guarantee is Ouranos and Zeus.