
In Danmachi with Plasmids

One chap every Sunday and Tuesday with the possibility of a bonus one on Thursday. -------- A man who lost his family due to an accident dies from overwork trying to prove himself to society. He gains a second chance in a parallel world studying and researching for decades in order to find a way to travel to other worlds, only to once again die alone, overworked, alone and bored, achieving nothing. In the end, he achieved power, respect, and fame, but he still wasn't satisfied. Yet destiny has something reserved for this hardworking man. Will he now achieve his dreams in a world of magic and Gods, with a power from another world? Or will he be shunned for being different? ----- I have a Patr30n go take a look! You can access advanced chapters there! https://www.p@tr3on.com/AbadomWriter or this one if you are having trouble https://www.p@t3eon.com/AbadomWriter?fan_landing=true And the Discord Server of course https://discord.gg/CfsXtGd4Yb The first chap will be more about exposing the world of Bioshock and how Plasmids works and setting up the storyline for the future. I am not a writer, I do this for fun and you are reading this for free. The minimum you can do is to just leave a reasonable opinion, please don't hate mail me. Work in progress. Tags: Bioshock Danmachi R18- In the medium to far future Slow romance Magic Adventure Gore- In some fighting scenes Action Intelligent Mc Reincarnation Fastpaced- At the start Medium-paced, it's neither slow nor fast. And more to come if I feel like adding them. I don't own the cover image, the world of Danmachi and Bioshock, or the characters apart from the Ocs. Thank you for reading!

Abadom · Anime et bandes dessinées
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311 Chs


So, this is an Update chapter, I'll delete it later but don't go yet, there is content here!1

If you're starving for something to read, the first part of the next chapter is here for you all starving readers.

About 1000 words? You can opt to not read it as well and wait for the full release, no problem there but still, don't go yet!

So, what do I plan on doing?

On P#treon, we're about 20+ chapters and I'm writing this between chaps 21/22 since I normally write everything at once and then I give myself some time to rest my head and forget some things so I can edit it with another view.

Tomorrow I'll be finishing this and reaching 25+, from then on I'll focus on Zero Fate just as I said in my Discord.

In case you aren't there, even if you don't wish to talk, the updates on #Announcements do amount to something.

Anyway, I plan on returning next week, likely on Sunday, but in case I'm satisfied with what I wrote, then I may return earlier or post a chapter just for the sake of it.

Zero Fare will return on Sunday regardless though, albeit depending on how many chapters of it I write, I may instead only post 2 chapters of Danmachi.

What else.... Hum...

There are the images I guess? Everything is on Discord #Announcements in case you haven't checked yet.

That's about it, from here on out its the first 1000, unedited words of the next chapters.

In case you don't wish to read it, jump it, I still have something at the end, nothing impressive, just a fun question.

Peace, thank you for waiting, see you all around!

(Once again, none of this was edited, like, nothing at all XD, okay, the 1000 words sneak peak was edited once, but I edit it twice so yeah)






'As stone fragments rained around him, Silver straightened his back, looking at the destruction around him.'

"Haa... I overdid myself on that one..."

I'm still far from reaching the destructive power of Nine Hell though... I'll get there eventually.

This isn't bad though, as the stone in the Deep floors is extremely resistant, this level of power for my Level is already absurd.


But not enough.


"Hum... No more monsters?..." He said as he raised an eyebrow, looking at the bodies on the ground

"It seems even the Colosseum has a limit."

/Crack... Boom.../


'As he said that, a rock in the ceiling cracked, falling onto the ground with a loud thud, making the ground shake around him.'

'It was clear to him that the Dungeon would take some time to fix this place to its former glory, until then...'

"With this… I guess it'll take a few days off and let the Dungeon fix itself."

Well, I do have some things to do this week, including finishing healing my arm.

'As he thought of that, Silver looked at his left arm, it had been healed all the way to his elbow.'

'As he said before, he fully focused on healing one arm at a time due to many reasons such as his inability to fully replicate his Stats via his Plasmids.'

'So having one fully capable arm was quite the strengthening for him.'

"Sigh... Had I actually just focused on healing it, I would've been done by now." He said with some slight disappointment

I underestimated the strengthening of my own abilities due to the Level-up, had I put faith in it...

But still… Staying put would've been a bit too monotonous.

It's the difference between 3 weeks of pure boredom and a... Regular month?


'Crouching on the ground and grabbing one of the translucent magic stones, gazing at the faint magical power it held within that looked like faint stars in the night sky, Silver proceeded to store all drop items in his pocket space before materializing a door in front of him.'

"Time to go, in fact, what time is it?..."

I'm pretty sure I've been here for a bit over a day, but what I feel and how long has actually passed are two completely different things.

They say time is processed differently depending on what you're doing and how you feel while doing it...

They're right.

'Taking a small pocket watch from the same place he stored his loot, Silver quickly read the time, only to have his eyes pop out as a bead of sweat fell from his forehead.'

"Oh no… I'm late… Very very late…"

I've been here for two whole days!

I was planning to leave around the night of the day before the start of the recruitment so that I could stay with everyone and help them organize everything, including welcoming all of the guests, helping Hestia practice her lines, seeing what Daphne wants to lessen her workload...

That's only a part of it.

'But he didn't rush into his magical door yet.'

If I arrive like this they'll kill me for real this time…

As such…


'Faint light covered his body, and when it vanished, all of his dirt and injuries had vanished.'

"Appearance... Half done."

'After that, Silver took out some fancy clothes he had bought a few weeks ago.'

'Using his Plasmids to put them on in an instant, he used his powers to also make his hair, and trim his very faint beard.'

'Albeit he didn't have that much hair growing on his face, it still did over time.'

'Sometimes he envied Pallums for how effortlessly they can keep their faces clean, while he also felt sorry for the Dwarves as most of them just gave up on such tasks altogether, even if they wanted to give their beards a certain unique style...'

"Clearing my beard is easy peasy at the end of the day anyway." He said lightly as hair fell on the ground, only for it to be brushed off by the wind

'Like that, in the blink of an eye, Silver looked incredibly galant.'

'He also quickly brushed his teeth and made his hair shiny by passing something on it.'

(In fact, go take a shower and brush your teeth)

'There was only one thing left…'


'Golden light was released from the end of his left arm, and slowly, it took the shape of a forearm and a hand…'

'The light then eventually lost its sheen, becoming rough as it turned into another material.'

"Done." Silver said out loud as he finished making a false arm

'As he opened and clenched his fist, he nodded in satisfaction as he felt the wind run through his fingers.'

'It wasn't exactly the same he felt on his other hand, but it was close enough.'

'Checking himself in a mirror made of ice, Silver went through a series of checkups one last time before turning around and saying:'

"... Dungeon, I'll come back soon, so make sure to prepare some juicy enemies for me."

'Silver didn't know if the Dungeon could understand him, but he had already figured out that it was indeed possible to provoke the Dungeon into doing something.'

'The Dungeon was already shown to be capable of reacting to certain stimuli, such as when adventurers were in peril, it would try to finish them off by sending monsters around them.'

'Or even how it reacted whenever a God's aura was released inside it.'

'And if its hate for the Gods wasn't enough, within this area, if he screamed loud enough, then the Dungeon would reply by sending more vicious and violent beasts for him to kill.'

'Well, that wasn't its intention, it was the contrary in fact...'

'Unfortunately, Silver wasn't that easy to kill.'

'In simple terms, by acting like a Gladiator in the Colosseum, the Dungeon would reply in kind... If you lasted long enough.'

'Most avoided this place like the plague exactly due to this.'

'As a consequence, little was known about this place and none knew why the Dungeon made such a place, perhaps some God knew why, but they would never share it.'

'Yet, Silver liked it.'

'Because in here, he didn't need to seek enemies, they made their way to him on their own.'

'It was the perfect training grounds he had been testing himself on for the past few weeks, gathering money and materials for the big influx of newcomers that would arrive in the next few days...'


'With that, finally, without stopping for anything else, he opened the door and went to the Manor, taking a step through the translucent layer of the door…'


'Only to be met with the hysterical screams of multiple girls, all very much unpleased with his disappearance at such critical time…'





Now that you have written this, I wanted to ask something rather inconsequential.

When this Novel comes to and end, or if Zero Fate ends first, what kind of Fic would you like me to write about?

Leave them (Here) for the sake of making it simpler for me to reply later on.

I have some ideas I wanted to try for sure, but if you guys have any cool ideas, I'll add them all to my list of ideas.

Sometimes, when I lack the will to write, I tend to write something new just for the sake of it to train something and put my head to work so I can get in the mood for working on my main series.

That was how this novel came to be and how my other ones came as well... It's not really a track record to consider...

Though I have little incentive to stop right now to start something new, I like this very much.

Now, here are some of my own ideas I wanted to really try once I had the time:

-> A Harry Potter Fic

The story would go as follows, a very simplistic summary of it with spoilers as well since it would be too much to try and be mysterious, my own thoughts about it will come later:


A guy grows up on modern Earth and is now a working member of society and has a good working environment.

One day, as he is making a house cleanup he finds out a few old boxes of toys from his childhood, finding what appears to be a box from when he was 5-7 years old, a time his grandfather was still alive.

To his surprise, it was a collection of small things, a cloak, a wand, and what seemed to be a necklace, which he quickly came to recognize as a Time Turner due to him playing the newest Harry Potter game released.

He also noticed how the turner was a bit strange, not containing an ampule in the middle but something else...

Chuckling at what was likely a counterfeit, he remembered his time with his grandfather and how he died too early for him to share his accomplishments and current self, only to accidentally activate the turner.

As the world around him twisted, he awakened somewhere else, Amidst loud chiming sounds and the trembling of heavy machinery, he saw himself sitting in a comfortable seat next to a window, a train station right outside his view...

Amidst his confusion and long moment to think, he came to eventually realize (After a lot of careful writing that seemed fitting) that he had moved to the world of Harry Potter as a ten-year-old child making their first trip to Hogwarts.

Seeing the parents bidding their kids farewell, he gulped down as he looked at their clothes and seemingly magical abilities, be it from the pet owls or the wands in their waists.

His trip would then be a long one, with him trying his best to get used to the thick English accent of everyone around him as he tried to figure out something of immense importance... His own name.

After many hours and many wacky situations within the train, he would eventually arrive at the fabled academy, thus initializing his school days in the extensive halls of the castle.

By now, he would also know who and where he was, not as his location, but as time.

1883, seven years before one of the first modern Harry Potter games.

With the time in hand and the means to achieve magic in the other, he would be faced with a great challenge, how to return?

Though that would be answered easily as he figured out how to activate the Turner which had been in his neck all this time.

Thus would be the start of an adventure of a man with the ability to travel between dimensions and timelines, what he would do from here on was his decision alone.


That's about it, I got tired halfway through writing this.

PS: I'm waiting for takeout food to arrive, hence I'm not putting too much thought by writing the next chapter, I hate having my thoughts interrupted by things outside of my control.

Anyway, this is a fanfic story set in the Harry Potter universe, nothing new.

I wanted this to be more... Down to earth.

I don't want the MC to eventually fuse magic with science so he can research genes and become a gorilla/phoenix/troll/dragon hybrid.

I just want bro to be good at magic.

Of course, I would give him the means to be better, but when you have the ability to cross worlds, is that even necessary?

I thought about this story a lot in the past few months and it's one of my favorite ideas, normally done so in the shower or as I go take a dump.

The story would have a lot of emphasis on the Mcs time in Hogwarts instead of rushing outside of it due to a big reason, the Turner has a time divergence.

While he is on one side, the other side progresses 8 times slower.

So a full 24-hour day on one side is only 3 hours on the other side.

And even if the Mc controls himself perfectly so he stays up in Hogwarts as a student for 16 hours before going to sleep for 8, he would still need to wait for those 8 hours to pass which would equate to 64 hours in real life.

On that note, it would mean that 7 years in Hogwarts would equate to around 2.3 that in Earth years or approximating, I didn't really think much about it.

So over 15 years, that's quite a bit, he would be a middle-aged man by the time he finished school, and obviously, he doesn't want that.

So there goes the MC trying his best to learn as much as possible and to fix his problems.

There is much I left out of my ideas, but I wanted this to be a more lighthearted yet very very serious story.

How is this possible?

Well, with an Mc that isn't afraid of being ironic and making a joke, like fighting a Wizard intensely only to pull a gun and shoot him.

And when the enemy asks what sort of magic this is, because wizards are extremely isolated from the world of muggles, he would say: American.

Pretty cringy but yeah, nothing above this.

Seriously, these are the late 1880s... Some countries still have slavery man.

Can you imagine the social tension in a school where only white boys go? How it would feel for a black guy to be there?

I know Wizards have more advanced social norms due to the fact the best wizarding school is from Africa, Uganda I think? But still, there are muggle kids there.

How would a white muggle kid who grew up in an aristocratic family react when he saw a black boy eating close to him? His grandfather literally used to owe them bro 😭.

Hogwarts Legacy never addressed this issue and for good measure, in this aspect, it was rather woke as you rarely see any characters from other countries that should be there but you see quite a few people of color.

In essence, they inserted people there for the sake of it as by the history of the world and not even lore, it makes no sense unless there was a particular year where the ratio was different but... Who cares?

I loved the game and had no problem with it, leave the discussion to Twitter.

That's about it for the first story... This was quite long, guess I really wanted to write about it huh?

But I won't! I have a duty and you're it!

Now, for the next idea.

This is a rather... Funny one given how I usually write.

A High School DXD fic...

Yeah... For some reason, I just love the universe man.

Below all the cringe-ass conversations and terrible plot at the end, forget that ever existed, there is a story and a world here that makes sense, is well-built and wants someone to make use of it.

A power system that can make sense if you put some thought into it, well done characters, and more.

Look, I don't want to build another story where the mc screws over Issei and then fucks all girls around, but I really wanted to try something with it.

The idea would be of a guy... Once again another guy, and I won't ever write about a girl, sorry, but I'm not a woman so I can't faithfully write about a girl.

Anyway, where were we? A guy is walking down the street when he witnesses the end of the world with a red light descending from the sky and colliding against the earth, wiping out everything.

Amidst the darkness the pain of death or the lack of any washed over him as he witnessed Oblivion, he would wake up to a blurred image of what seemed to be a pair of people looking down at him from above.

And they were speaking in Japanese, which isn't hard to figure out if you're a young guy in this era, for some it may be harder to differentiate between Chinese and Korean but I find it easy...

With great confusion and thinking about what happened, the hours would pass with him trying to figure out what the fuck is going on until his mother approached him to feed him.

As she grabbed his body and kissed his face, he would be able to take a good look at her face with his still-developing baby eyes.

A young woman with long brown hair, an ordinary-looking Japanese woman... No, above average.

And with a large smile on her face, she would call his name, Issei.

Realizing who he was and the fate that awaited him, he felt a great surge of excitement course through his body!!!

He was thoroughly fucked.

Realizing that there was no way for him to live a rather simple life by abusing the system to gather money and live well as he grows, the Mc would have to find a way to grow stronger.

Because were he not to do so, then his life would come to an end at the short age of 17 with the release of Trihexa or whatever the villains wished to do that was stopped by none other than himself.

Thus would start his grand plan of growing stronger and impeding mayhem from even starting, and since he was now meant to follow this path, maybe try to the end of it.

He already knew much of the path, might as well cross it early.

This would give him time to grow over almost two decades instead of 1-2 years like we had in the novel, this may be longer but I never really read the more recent Volumes.

I stopped around 1-3 seasons after the one that was released a few years ago.

Azazel cup? I don't remember.

This is pretty much it, I wanted to write a DXD fic about a guy that is more calm-headed and doesn't have his dicc as his main objective... Wait, my food just arrived.

Cough... I'm here after a few minutes, to write again, anyway...

The mc doesn't have his cock as his objective and he has everything to achieve a great path, he knows the conditions to awaken the boost gear, it may not be easy if he has no connection to magic, but it could be possible with some things and luck(good writting)

The mc could try growing stronger through dreaming and contact the souls within the boost gear or whatever they were since I forgot.

Even D'draig and grow a relationship with him.

Just by growing like that, training in silence, gathering sacred gears in secret and so on, he could already grow extremely by the time the canon was supposed to start.

He could even influence some events since that is the main point of a fic.

The biggest problem with this would be to read DxD again and God forbid me of it.

But I would do it if it meant doing a good job, it's not that bad anyway, just cringy, at the end it does get bad but yeah.

But that's it for this.

Straightforward, but not all stories need to be bombastic by adding elements that make no sense like giving the Mc a devil fruit.

My last story is more straightforward but I like it took in some sense.

The story is about a Martial Artist that was pretty talented himself, reaching the final stage of his martial arts, the only thing left would be to ascend and become a Martial Deity or so the legends say.

He comes from a world with a balance between that of traditional Wuxia like Douluo dalu and traditional Murin stories, tending more to the latter.

I don't really like super over-the-top shit and like Murin very much, makes understanding power concepts easier when they're at a macro scale we can envision.

Although there is a lot of mysticism and magicallity if that is a word.

Anyway, mc was about to ascend, he had no regrets, maybe only not giving his parents a grandchild and spending more time with his friends and family, instead, he choose to pursue his arts and he was good at it, respected by it.

No revenge, no overly simplistic envy, just a man who was respected and helped others too.

So he left behind his mortal body, but found no Heaven.

Instead, he woke up somewhere else... At a city made of tall towers that reached the end of the skies...

A city of technology, a modern multicultural metropolis of the 21st-century, overrun by corporations, corruption, organized crime and gang violence.

That's right, the Mc awoke in Night City, but as a child.

Like before, it is reincarnation, not transmigration or possession.

Now, in a world of technology that has long abandoned the simplicity and perfection of the flesh for the subtleties of technology, he must forge the path again and reach heaven to understand why he failed, if at all.

Maybe this was heaven, or maybe this was a trial, he didn't know.

He only knew that it was time to try again at the game called life, and as the ascended man he is, he is much more understanding of everything then most, though he is also rather inexperienced in the matters of the world, not a problem since he is starting again, he can get that as he grows up.

In a city of knifes and guns, how far can he push his own body against bullets and machinery? How far could he push himself with its aid?

A story of a martial artist fighting against metal with flesh.

This could lead to a climax where he fights Adam Smasher, the pinnacle of metal that abandoned flesh,

In this fight, he would prove once and for all by defeating the symbol of everything he abandoned, a martial artist.

From here on, we could make him ascend for good... Or try again.

This could be a multiverse story where each aspect of it has no connection with the previous one at all.

A story where the mc must come to an understanding with himself and truly understand what Heaven is to become a deity.

Or if such aspects even existed, to begin with.

That's about that for my three stories I took out of the dirty shelves of google doc entitled: Ideas.

I also have many, many original ideas, but I won't go into details, you can infer what you think the story will be about from the Titles and Tags!

Molten Core -> Mech, Scy-Fi, Genetic alteration, timetravel

My Spells aren't working! -> Modern World, D&D

In failure, I ascend -> Fantasy, cultivation?, System

Eldrich vengeance -> Modern, Horror, Psychological, System, confusing?

Hell's Elevator -> Modern, Murin? Wuxia? Cultivation, Time travel

Ultimate Grandfater -> Modern cultivation

The book of my life? -> Modern, Magic, Mystery, weak to strong?

The Gladiator of the Red Arena -> Fantasy, Historical-ish, System?

Something strange happened to my self-sustaining ecosystem aquarium... XD

All enemies grow stronger through death -> Fantasy, weak to strong

Making a Champion -> Modern Fantasy, Mystery, Games?

Priest of the Ancient Bones -> Modern

Inner-Rooms -> Modern Fantasy, Horror, Psychological, weak to strong

My shower thoughts became reality?? XD

And much more, I got tired, I have over 100 ideas in there, some were even given to me by others, unfortunately, I don't remember who, only that they were given by someone else due to the format.

Anyway, that's all, I hope you got entertained if even for a moment.



Very Extra novel idea I would love to make:

Anything in the Elder Scrolls Universe, I like them, that was why I did that thing in Zero Fate.

That's it.

Also, maybe a Borderlands Fic? We'll scrap Tales 2 and borderlands 4, at least most of its concepts.