
Entering the First Floor

Seeing the line shortened I stepped up to the counter so I could talk to Eina to finish my adventurer applications with the guild. It took some time before Eina realized I was there mostly due to my small stature at the moment.

"Hello, what can I help you with miss?" Eina asked me in a manner that reminded me of a salesclerk helping with a lost child.

"Hello. I wish to turn in my application papers as an adventurer to the guild." I stated calmly while I decided to internally pray to god that no one questions a little girl being an adventurer. Maybe she thought I was a pallum instead of a child.

Eina's eyes looked over the papers to see if I filled in everything. She seems confused at the name of the Familia's goddess.

"Chaldea? Is that the name of your goddess?" she asked confused at the name I assume. I wonder how I am supposed to deal with other gods looking for my goddess. Maybe I could say that she is looking for more members before coming to Orario.

Realizing that I was lost in thought I said "Err ye-es that is the name of my goddess." embarrassed at how I was overthinking about the situation.

"Would you like to continue our talk in my office to help finish the registration?" she asked probably thinking that I have zero social skills or something.

"Yes please," I said thankfully at the offer to finishing the meeting in a private room.

"Alright follow me to my office." she stated before turning to her co-worker before saying "Misha? I am taking her consultation." then directed me to her office.

She then gave me what was a brief but well-practiced lecture on the history of the dungeon. She then asks me some questions about the type of Familia we were. Pretty much, we just finished the last few things about registering the Familia and my adventurer permit.

What followed after that was a short lecture on the upper floors of the dungeon. What to expect, how to deal with it, and the do's and don't. She gave me 2 health potions for free and a map of the first floor. She talked about specific monsters that may show up and where to farm for my first few levels.

She then explained some laws and regulations I had to follow. There was also some information I got such as the exchange rate and drop items. It seems like the only early drop I could get was from the kobolds. She then informed me that drop items are sought after by crafters and that material requests are on a board inside the guild. I honestly doubt that materials from upper floor drops are needed considering how easy the first few floors are.

Eina did warn me about being extra careful because of my size. It seems like pallums and very short adventurers have a more dangerous time against Goblins and Kobold because they can attack more critical areas than compared to tall adventurers.

Seeing that we were finished I decided to go to check out the first floor of the dungeon. On the way to the tower, I realized that I haven't explored the town itself and have been preoccupied with my experiments.

When I finally stepped inside the giant tower, it seemed to be like a miniature shopping center or market place. Considering how the best shops are in the tower, I guess it should be expected. A quick glance around allowed me to identify the entrances to a medical center, the guild's exchange, and a lounge where adventurers can chill out or clean themselves at.

I walked down the huge hole in the floor containing a spiral staircase leading to the entrance of the actual dungeon beneath the tower. Walking closer to the wall it seems like there were some murals on the walls showcasing some of the feats of the earliest adventurers of the Age of Familia.

Nonetheless, the walk to the first floor of the dungeon took some time to reach. Seems like the racism towards pallums were pretty high considering the snide looks and comments from some adventurers. Do people automatically assume and young child and teens are equivalent to them being a pallum?

My plan was simple, get down to the first floor, find a room somewhat out of the way and kill enemies as they spawn. If the first floors are occupied then I guess I could just farm on the second floor. Seems like I should farm at an area not near the path towards the second floor because a lot of traffic occurs there.

Further in, the dungeon itself looked like a generic cave, but with a certain atmosphere that made it seems like there was a feeling of the unknown. So far it seems like there was a lot of level 1 adventurers farming here. I encountered some parties of adventurers, all of them shooing me away making their intent clear which was basically 'GTFO scrub this our hunting ground'. So I decided to go to the second floor seeing that the first floor seems to be flooded.