
In danmachi as a vampire

Alex wakes up in an unknown place, with no memory of who he is and where he is, but he knows something, he has a thirst, a lot, and nothing will stop him until he is satisfied, while he satiates his thirst he realizes a small and important detail... ================================== Read the auxiliary chapters pls

Alexander_sama15 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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21 Chs

Chárter 15


But they only managed to catch him because one of their arrows landed in his foot, otherwise it looked like he would keep running forever if necessary.....








~change of scene, somewhere on the 15th floor~

/pov Maxim/

When I saw Alfia running at full speed towards the direction where some adventurer's panting could be heard (Maxim is level 8 so he can also hear Alex's panting).

"Most likely he is being chased by some monster" I thought to myself.

I then proceeded to follow Alfia, who was already out of sight, but I could still hear her in the distance.

After a couple of minutes of walking, I felt a strong thirst for blood.

"I guess Alfia saw something she didn't like" I chuckled in my mind, and then hurried to the place where all that bloodlust was coming from.

In a few moments I came upon a scene that made me ask in my mind....

"what the hell happened here?"

As I approached Alfia, I noticed that she was carrying *something* on her back, but I didn't think much of it and asked her what interested me the most

"mmm, Alfia, can you explain to me why there is a group of adventurers a few steps away from dying behind you?"

Alfia, who looked like she had just realized I was here, gave me a quizzical look before looking back to where the adventurers were and making a face that said "Oh".

He then looked at me and said...

"...They're just some idiots from some family, don't worry, they won't die just because of that..."

"...Sure..." I replied unconsciously, then looked sideways at the adventurers.

"They won't die... I guess," I said in my mind to then turn to look at Alfia who was already heading towards the exit of the 15th floor.

When I saw Alfia, I got a better look at that *something* she was carrying on her back.

A boy no more than 13 years old.

Hair as black as night

Eyes as red as blood

No left arm...

"Looks like we've found the *monster* that had escaped from Alfia," I thought sarcastically in my mind, I thought that since they had called it a monster it would be at least something like one.

But he only looks like a child....

"Maybe he has some unique ability that makes him act like that," I thought in my mind when I remembered that Alfia had mentioned that the boy seemed to come to when she made him crash into one of the dungeon walls.

After thinking that, I started walking towards the surface.... Just... Yes, Alfia seems to be in a bit of a hurry to get back since she ran out with the boy still in tow.










~Change of scene, somewhere on floor 1~.

(30 minutes later)

/Pov nobody/

The shadow of a figure could be seen moving at high speed through the corridors of floor 1.

And it was none other than Alfia, who was encountering a *small* problem.

She hadn't brought healing potions....

Yes, when she heard about the change of plans, she practically rushed into the dungeon without hesitation and without any equipment or potion.

And he only realized this fact when he tried to find one to use on Alex.

Realizing this fact, he took a minute to calm his anger with the poor adventurers who were still paralyzed by his bloodlust....

Then she threw Alex on her back and after answering Maxim she ran at full speed towards the surface.

Although Alfia forgot a small detail... And that is that she was not alone, Maxim had brought healing potions, but in a hurry she forgot about it... (remember that Alfia, in spite of everything, is a clumsy person by nature)...

And here we are, with a desperate Alfia running at full speed with a face that doesn't show how uneasy she is.

"Don't die, don't die, don't die, don't die, don't die..." this is the only thing that was going through Alfia's head as she ran.

Although Alex seemed to be waving at death's door, he was actually just passed out from exhaustion and could recover thanks to his regeneration.

But Alfia didn't know....

She was worried for her life as she also blamed herself for Alex's current state.

Since she was the one who took his arm in the first place, something she couldn't heal even if they gave her mermaid blood because she also destroyed it in a moment of anger....

If he died because of her, he would only fall further into that self-imposed role of villain....

Alfia sketched a small smile of happiness when she saw the stairs leading out of the dungeon.

And without wasting time on something like climbing the stairs, she jumped perfectly to the entrance of the dungeon.

When he was outside, he wasted no time and headed for the nearest headquarters of his family.

As soon as he saw a member of his family, he ordered him to bring him a high-ranking potion for Alex.

The member, whose name was Lucia, didn't hesitate and quickly brought a couple in case they were needed.

After a few seconds that seemed eternal to Alfia, he saw her return with a couple of potions.

"...Follow me..." said Alfia in a small voice but one that left no room for complaints.

Alfia quickly made her way to the family's medical room and placed Alex face down on a bed shaped like a hospital gurney.

She then removed his shirt to check Alex's injuries, but was in for a bit of a surprise....

When Alfia found Alex, he had at least 15 arrow wounds all over his body.

But of the 15 wounds, only 9 were left, and they all seemed to have something in common....

They all had half the arrow in them.

Even the wound in his left foot was gone..... There was no trace of it left.

"...", while Alfia wondered how his wounds had disappeared like that, Lucia, who accompanied her, was shocked for a moment at the sight of the boy's body.

But she came to her senses and immediately set about removing the remains of the arrows.

After removing them all, she poured the healing potions so that no trace of any wounds remained on Alex's body.

(The MC's body couldn't heal the wounds because Alfia didn't remove the 9 arrows from his back, she only split them in half, because she thought he might bleed to death).

"Sigh... I don't even know how this guy was still alive" Lucia said after sighing in relief.

Lucia was very surprised when she saw the boy's body, as he had 9 arrows embedded in various parts of his body, and it looked like he had lost too much blood (the Mc currently only has 3% of the blood he can store left, which would be 30% of a person's blood).

"...", Alfia after some thought remembered that in the *monster* advertisement the guild posted it said it had a monstrous regeneration that could regenerate mortal wounds in seconds.

Alfia almost slapped her face when she remembered this, for if she had taken the arrows from him perhaps he would have regenerated by now.

"...Keep an eye on the room, I don't want him to escape, if he wakes up come and let me know, I'll be in the goddess Hera's room, go in every 15 minutes to check his condition in case something happens..." ordered Alfia to Lucia.

After seeing her nod, she headed to her goddess' room to inform her about Alex....
