
Chapter 17

The debriefing took five hours. Five merciless hours where every single major fact that Kurt and Mike had acquired was examined and analyzed. Critical attention was paid to the email exchange involving al-Jabouri. It wasn’t like this was an unusual follow up to a sensitive op, but Kurt was completely preoccupied with Mike’s status. Finally, he was done enough that Givens allowed him to leave. 7

Kurt walked softly into the hospital room that looked remarkably like any other, except for all the signs in Arabic. He found Michael in a bed, in a hospital gown, hooked to an IV and a couple of monitors. Somewhere at the far end of the hallway, a radio played music softly.

Mike opened his eyes as Kurt approached. He looked drugged and not hitting on all cylinders.

“How bad?” Kurt asked with a lot trepidation.

“It’s complicated, sort of. Sit.” Mike pointed to the edge of the bed.

“Okay, spit it out.” Kurt sat.