
In Between Us

Who is the murderer? The one who the people believes? Or the one that the witness truly sees? Acacia, the daughter of the so-called murderer clash fates with Davien and Adam, the sons of the so-called victim. Will they be able to accept the truth after finding out everything?

Scarletlexy · Sports, voyage et activités
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

Acacia's Pov

"Stupid." Punch, "Adam", Another punch, "Stupid." Roundhouse kick, "Antler." I gave a full blown kick. I heave out an frustrated sigh, grabbing my phone to check the time, 11:18pm.

"Well someone looks like someone's pissy." Brennon chuckled.

"What are you doing here?" I asked without giving him a single glance.

"I felt like I should come and check on you, because base on what happened through the day, you have been feeling pissy." he chuckled.

"What's so funny with me having a bad day? Is people telling that my own father is a murderer funny?" My voice cracked as the tears that I have been trying to hold the whole day was starting to flow. Before I could even wipe my tears, I have been engulfed in a hug, which made me sob more. "He isn't a murderer." I kept saying over and over again as if I'm telling people who doesn't believe that he isn't.

"Shh... I know he isn't, your Dad is such a kind man." He caressed the back of my head to give me comfort. " I know he wouldn't do such a thing, but if he did, he might have his own reasons." His words gave me comfort that made me little by little stop crying. He held my chin and made it face him.

"Let's go." Knowing what he meant, I agreed anyway.

"Having a bad day?" Miss jinkeys asked, probably knows since everytime we come at night is because either of us are having a bad day. I nodded as an answer.

"Yes she is, now that we know she is, I'm pretty sure she needs what she needs whenever she's down right Miss Jinkeys?" He gave her a warm smile.

"You gotcha." She cheerfully said as she write down the order knowing what we want, she made her way to the kitchen.

Miss jinkeys is a middle aged woman who had been through our childhood years of growth, me and Brennon would oftenly come here all the time to order our favorite. She didn't believe the news of my dad being a murderer because they have been highschool buddies with my dad, so she basically knows every bit of his personality.

"Here ya' go kids." She placed the sweet goodness of her special chocolate bomb bowl infront of us which made my mouth water. 4 scoops of coffee crumble ice cream topped with 5 different brands of chocolate, topped with dark chocolate syrup.

Me and Brennon took our spoon and got ready to dig in. After I got to finish most of the ice cream, I left Brannon to finish it.

As I started to stare at Brannon I got to look at his face properly. He isn't ugly. I admit, Brennon grew up to become such a charming guy, too bad we can only be bestfriends and I know it will only stay that way because he only see me as just that.


I walk through the hallway without Brennon by my side.

"Go on without me, I might be there a bit later." I rolled my eyes as I hear him groan in pain in the other line.

Without him, I do not know the direction to my classroom. I sighed and scratched my head in frustration. I looked around for anyone I know until I saw him. I didn't have a choice so I followed him to our class.

Minutes have passed but we haven't reached our class yet. I was starting to get confused to where is he off to. It looked like an abandoned part of our school, but I saw him go through a hole through the wall which requires people to bend over to get through. After minutes of waiting, I decided to go through it. I would just avoid him. I stopped midway as I remembered what I told myself before. But since curiosity killed the cat, I decided to be stubborn to myself and walk through the hole.

I was amazed by the view in front of me, just like a secret garden, there are different type of flowers and trees, a broken fountain but still looking mesmerizing, and butterflies flying around. Why would he come here at such a place like this? I remembered him coming here so I was confused where he was, I was about to return when--

"AH!" I held my chest trying to calm my heartbeat when Antler suddenly came into view. He chuckled at my reaction but then suddenly turned it into a serious one.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, face close to mine trying to read my eyes. With his face close to mine I suddenly pushed his face away with my palm.

"I thought you were going to class, so I followed you." I answered honestly, looking away a bit embarassed. I hear yet again another chuckle coming from him.

"Aw, you forgot your way to class?" I just nodded as a response.

Seconds of awkward silence, I decided to make a move.

"So I'll just go--" I grabbed my bag that I dropped but was interrupted with his mumble loud enough for me to hear.

"Who are you?" he looked at me as if I was some kind of mystery.

"Uh, What do you mean by who am I?" He was getting a bit weird. "I'll just go--" I was about to leave when he pulled my wrist and pushed me slowly to the wall and locked both of my sides with his arms, not letting me to escape.

"Who are you?" He asked again, this time louder. His expression telling me to give him answers.

"It would be better if you don't know me." I said coldly, still not moving his arms, signing that I should give him the answers he wants. I sighed.

"Knowing me would just hurt you and both of our families." I took out all my strength to move out his arms and started walking out.

I walk through the hall frustrated by the thought of him going close to me, I shouldn't have not go through that hole. I scolded my self, hitting my head. But suddenly my wrist was held again and dragged by Antler.

"What are you doing?! Let me go!" I struggled to remove his hand from my wrist. But he still continue to drag me.

"Aren't you going to class?" When he said that, I suddenly felt stupid.

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