
In Ben 10 with instant mastery(Dropped)

(First time writing a novel please tell if can make some corrections and changes) Verte was a soldier who happily died a soldier's death. Next moment he found himself in a mana void where he met god due to who's mistake he was stuck there and verte got to know that he had been there absorbing mana for the last 1 billion years which evolved his soul into an immortal soul. After that the god gives him 10 wishes and choice to be born in any world of his choice. Let's see what our MC will do in the future.

Ayaan_Wasim · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

2 — Wishes & Reincarnation


In the mana void

God - "so state your wishes"

Verte nodded and started to think about the 10 wishes he sould ask, after 1 hour he started saying his wishes.

Verte - "first I want to be born in the Ben 10 universe as Ben and my name to be Rex Benjamin Tennyson also can make it so that the series of incidents in the canon will start when I get 16 years old" Ben 10 was one of his favourite shows so he wanted to go there.

God said "Ok" and thought (he is a smart mortal he understands that he will be transported to a random world and used his wish to choose a world of his choice)

Verte - "for the second wish I want to get an ability that is instant mastery and third wish for eidetic memory."

God - "huh... Ok granted"

Verte - "fourth wish will be make me 10 times smarter than azmuth that is by 16 years my brain should be developed fully and should work without any problem"

God - "it will be okay but I can make you only 5 times smarter than azmuth or else you will become a nightmare for everyone, is it ok?"

Verte - "huhh.... ok no problem"

God - "ok granted say your next wish"

Verte - "my fifth wish is for you to increase my learning speed 100 times"

God - "....ok I will do that"

Verte - "so my sixth wish is make it so that whatever enters my body my body will only absorb the good effect of it and leave the bad effects"

God - " yeah I can do that"

Verte - "for the seventh wish I want to know all the fighting techniques from the old-time till now that is bare handed fighting techniques and also fighting techniques with weapons and also for the eighth wish I need all information and techniques related to mana"

God - "........*shocked*😲o-ok but won't you become like a very powerful existence on that universe"

Verte - "I need strength so I can protect my family and loved ones from any threat"

God - "*sigh* ok now let's move on to your next wish"

Verte - "For the ninth I need a AI system which can help me in my journey and has a status and inventory"

God - "Ok"

Verte - "and for my last wish I just want to customise my body features and how I will look when I become 16 years old"

God - "compared to your other whishes this wish is quite normal but I can do it."

Verte started making the changes he made his eyes amber colour, hair silver color, skin pale white color, height 190cm, with an athletic build and last but not the least the size of his little brother. He was quite happy with the features and confirmed them.

Verte - "God can you make it so that I will be adopted by Grandpa Max"

God- "it's quite a small thing it can be done now I will send you to the other universe"

Next second Verte's concious started to fade as his eyes closed when he opened his eyes again what he saw looked like a hospital ward.

Next to him he saw a mirror he went to have a look at himself he could see his silver hair and amber color eyes baby fat was still there but he could tell that this face was going to be very handsome in the future. As he was looking in the mirror a lot of information started to flow into his brain he gritted his teeth while bearing the pain in his head after about 10 minutes the pain started to fade and he started to think (looks like my name is Rex I am 5 years old and I am a genius I have skipped grades and now I was in 3rd grade also my parents who are Carl and Est had passed away due to an accident but somehow I survived the accident but was in coma from the last week till now due to the injury on my head) he was also quite happy with the information he got on fighting and mana techniques but left it for later as he heard the door open and Grandpa Max coming from the door with a smile on his face.

(NOTE: Carl had married somone else in this universe)

They talked for sometime as Rex got to know that he was going to be adopted by Grandpa Max after a week as he had to do some paperwork for the adoption process. Rex could see that Max didn't sleep properly as his face was dull and had dark circles under his eyes and you could tell that he didn't sleep properly due to sadness of losing his son and daughter-in-law and also with his grandson in hospital in coma, but now he looked better with a smile on his face as he was talking to me. The doctor said that I can discharge by tomorrow as I was healthy now.