
Chapter 10

After explaining to Kara that I'm half-alien, and leaving out the kryptonian part, she's calm now. " Jadan, when we were fighting, you were holding back, by a lot, " Kara said, which shocked Barry. " What do you mean Jadan's been holding back, " Barry asked, as I looked at them. " I have these limits placed on me, which stops me from going all out, I have at least twenty limits on me at the moment, and I had two release four of them to beat Kara, " I answered, which stunned Kara. " So you're saying, you're way stronger than me, " Kara questioned, as I nodded. " I don't know where my max limit is, but for the time being, I'm staying how I am, unless I have to fight someone with the same strength as you, or equal to you, " I answered, as they nodded. ' System, for the power of my choice, give me All For One from MHA, ' I thought, as it appeared in front of me.

[All For One-

It power that allows the user to steal others powers, give people the powers you stole, and use the powers that the user has stole. When power is in use, black and red lightning streaks appear from users hand and right eye glows red. All For One can be transferred to one other. ]

' That's good, ' I thought, as we're back with the others. " The Dominators has kidnapped the humans of the group, until they get back, do not make engage with any of them, " I said, as Stein left to go do something. I walked towards Caitlyn, as she's at the computers alone. " Do you want to get rid of Frost, " I asked, as Caitlyn looked at me confused. " If you mean getting rid of the murderous personility inside of me that has powers, then yeah, " Caitlyn answered, as I touched her head. She watch as my right eye glowed red, red and black lightning streaks appeared from hand, and scanning her body.

[Ability Acquired: Cyrokinesis]. She watched as my black curly hair turned pure white. ' Did I get rid of Killer Frost, ' I thought, and knew plot wouldn't change after getting my answer. [Host Has Made Killer Frost Retreat So Deeply, That Only When Caitlyn Is At Death's Door, She'd Appear]. " Yeah, you don't have frost anymore, " I said, as she noticed my left eye is white now. ' He can take powers, ' Caitlyn thought, as Barry appeared in front of us. " What happened to your hair, " Barry asked, as Caitlyn looked at Barry and then me. " I got rid of Frost, now if you excuse me, " I answered, as I disappeared before Barry could blink. " He got rid of Fros….wait he got rid of Killer Frost, " Barry said, shocked at that. Caitlyn nodded, as Barry was just shocked.

Right now, I'm running through the speedforce. ' First time in it, ' I thought, as I stopped running, and sat down. " Who are you, " a voice said, as I'm looking at my biological mother, my previous life. " What should I call you, since you're not my mother, right Speedforce, " I asked, as the speedforce sat down next to me. " You're an speedster, but different, why are you able to come to the speedforce, " the speed-force asked, as I smiled. " Because I'm lucky, or maybe because I'm able to get almost anything I want in the universe just by asking, " I answered, as the speed-force knew that was the truth. " What do you want by coming here, " the speed-force questioned, as I stood up. " I want to fight Savitar, " I answered, the speed-force stood up. " Then look for him, " was all I needed to hear, before taking off running.

Right now, I'm looking at Savitar as he's in his armor. " Jay, I know about you, and you know you aren't faster than me, " Savitar said, as he must've seen what Barry knows. ' Barry does know about this, ' I thought, as my white eye(mc's left eye) glowed white, shocking Savitar. Before I could raise my hand, I was punched in the stomach. That didn't really do nothing to me, as I moved back a couple feet. I disappeared from my spot, as Savitar watched as my hand phased through his entire body. " Gotcha, " I said, as I froze his feet in place. He tried to vibrate his body, but I had punched him in the stomach with all of my strength, cracking his armor, and sending him flying through the speed force.

' He may be faster, but I'm way stronger, ' I thought, as I ducked backwards, dodging an punch. I was elbowed in the stomach, knocking me onto my ass. Savitar watched as both of my eyes glowed red, as he disappeared from my spot. I quickly turned around, firing my heat vision at Savitar. It phased through him, as he looked at me. I quickly flew towards him, grabbing him into the air. I flew as fast as I can, still holding onto him. We left the speedforce, as I threw him into an building. He crashed into the wall, as I'm flying in the air above him. " You aren't beating me, I'm the God Of Speed, " Savitar stated, as I smirked. " And I'm the wannabe hero, " I said, charging at him at 1600 mph.

" Where is Jay, " Thea asked, as they arrived at the warehouse with Nate and Amaya. They also have John, Sara, and Oliver with them. " Jay, he left forty minutes ago, and we haven't heard from him yet, " Cisco said, as Caitlyn called them over towards them. " This seems very similar, " Caitlyn said, as they're watching an computer screen. On the screen is me, being through into the sky, only to be caught by some invisible person and slammed into the ground. Only Barry can see what I was fighting, and he almost took off running, before I looked at the camera that they're watching from. " I know you're seeing this, so make sure Barry doesn't come over here, I'll be there in 5 minutes, maybe 10, " I stated, as my eyes glowed red, and I aimed at Savitar, pushing him backwards.

A couple moments later, I'm standing, breathing heavily, as Savitar's armor is half-way destroyed. My shirt has perished, and I'm bleeding my from head, and I have an busted lip. [5000 XP Earned, Leveled Up]. ' He acted different for a while, ' Savitar thought, spitting out some blood. Savitar looked at me, as he spoke. " You're different, but we'll meet again, " Savitar said, as he ran back into the speed force. I disappeared from my spot, returning to the warehouse. As soon as I arrived in the warehouse, as I greeted by Thea, Barry, Iris, Oliver, and Kara. " What were you fighting, " Oliver asked, as Thea hugged me, kissing me on the lips. " It doesn't matter, right now we have to worry about the Dominators, now I should get some clothes, " I answered, disappearing and reappearing in some new clothes.

Caitlyn patched up my wounds, as I smiled. " Thanks, " I said, as Caitlyn nodded, before leaving me alone. Thea walked towards me, and she sat on my lap. " After this is over, do you want to go leave everything behind, and live on an farm, " I asked, as Thea kissed me on the lips. " That sounds really nice, " Thea answered, as she laid her head on my shoulder. " Jadan, we heard they have an bomb, that'll kill every meta-human on Earth, " we heard someone say, as we turned to see Nate. Thea got off of my lap, as we walked towards where everyone else was. " So how can we stop the bomb they have, " Barry said, as I looked at Jeffrson and Stein. They know why I was looking at them, and nodded. " Barry, Oliver, and Kara, let me talk to you two, alone, " I stated, as we went into one of the trailers.