
Episode 36

As the head judge's booming voice announced the final round, the square erupted into a flurry of activity. Contestants rushed to put the finishing touches on their baked goods, magical ingredients sparkled in the sunlight, and the sweet, intoxicating smells of cakes and pastries filled the air. I could tell this was going to be the most chaotic round yet.

Ursha, thankfully no longer under the influence of Yzara's enchanted cookies, was rubbing her temples, clearly mortified by what had happened.

"I can't believe I did that," she muttered. "Jake, I'm sorry. That wasn't me."

I gave a slight nod, rolling in place as I tried to shrug it off. "It's fine, Ursha. It was the cookies. Just, uh… maybe be more careful next time?"

Ursha grunted, her cheeks still a little flushed from the whole ordeal. "I'm going to kill Yzara."

Yzara, lounging nearby with a satisfied smirk, shrugged nonchalantly. "I don't see the problem. I thought it was all in good fun."

Nixie was already moving things along, setting up our final round's creation, an enchanted layer cake that shimmered with magical frosting. She sprinkled some enchanted glitter over the top, causing the cake to emit a faint, ethereal glow. "Focus, everyone. We're still in this. Let's make sure our cake is perfect."

The competition was heating up. Across the square, contestants were presenting their masterpieces, everything from magically levitating soufflés to cakes that sang arias when cut. One particularly enthusiastic baker had created a pie that literally sparkled and emitted a rainbow aura when placed on the table. It was going to take more than just a tasty cake to win this competition.

"We need something extra," Nixie said, eyeing the competition. "Something that'll set our cake apart."

Ursha, still embarrassed from earlier, crossed her arms and looked at our cake critically. "I think it's fine as is. We're not going to win by adding some flashy magic. We need to stick to solid flavors and good presentation."

Yzara rolled her eyes. "How very practical of you, Ursha. But this is Lavatoria. People expect flair." She glanced at me and grinned. "Maybe Jake can add a little something special."

I immediately backed up. "No. Whatever you're thinking, no. I'm not getting involved in this."

Yzara pouted. "Oh, come on, Jake. I'm sure you have something unique to offer. Maybe a little… magical drizzle?"

I shuddered at the implication. "Absolutely not."

Before Yzara could push the idea further, the head judge's voice rang out once again, signaling that the final presentations were about to begin.

"Contestants, bring your final creations forward! The judging is about to commence!"

The crowd gathered around the judging table as each contestant presented their dish. The head judge, along with a panel of overly enthusiastic nobles, took turns sampling the entries, commenting on flavor, presentation, and, of course, magical flair.

We wheeled our cake up to the table, Nixie and Ursha standing proudly behind it. The enchanted frosting glistened under the sunlight, casting a soft glow over the cake. It looked impressive, but as I glanced at the other contestants' entries, I started to worry that it might not be enough.

The head judge, still recovering from Yzara's earlier cookie spell, approached our table with a quizzical look. His mustache twitched as he eyed the cake, clearly still slightly enchanted by Yzara's previous antics.

"Hmm," he said thoughtfully, eyeing the shimmering frosting. "An enchanted layer cake. Very well. Let's see if it lives up to the competition."

He raised a knife, ready to cut into the cake. But just as the knife touched the frosting, something unexpected happened.

The entire cake began to glow even brighter, and then, with absolutely no warning, it exploded.

Frosting, glitter, and magical sparks went flying in every direction, covering the judges, the crowd, and the other contestants in a sticky, glittering mess. The explosion wasn't dangerous, but it was spectacular. For a moment, the entire square was covered in a shower of glowing frosting and enchanted sprinkles.

I blinked in disbelief. "What the, ?"

Nixie gasped, looking down at the remnants of our cake in shock. "I didn't do that! I swear I didn't cast any explosive spells!"

Ursha wiped frosting from her face, her expression darkening. "Yzara…"

Yzara, standing a safe distance away, was laughing so hard she could barely breathe. "Oh, that was priceless! You should've seen your faces!"

"You sabotaged us!" Nixie snapped, glaring at the succubus.

Yzara held up her hands in mock innocence. "I didn't sabotage anything. I just… added a little extra magic to make things more exciting."

The head judge, now covered head to toe in glittering frosting, stared at the remnants of the cake with a bewildered expression. The other contestants were similarly coated in frosting, their once-beautiful entries now splattered with magical cake debris.

For a moment, there was stunned silence. Then, the head judge broke into a wide grin.

"Well, that was certainly… memorable!" he declared. "I've never seen a cake explode quite like that. And the flavor was… surprisingly delightful, despite the fireworks."

The crowd erupted into laughter, clapping and cheering at the spectacle. Even some of the other contestants were chuckling, clearly impressed by the chaos.

I groaned, rolling backward in defeat. "I can't believe this. We're never going to win now."

But to my surprise, the head judge raised his hands for silence, his frosting-covered face beaming with excitement.

"Ladies and gentlemen, after much deliberation, and a surprise explosion, I believe we have our winner!"

Nixie and Ursha exchanged confused looks. "Wait… we won?" Nixie asked.

The head judge nodded. "Indeed! While some might say that a cake shouldn't explode, I say it added a level of excitement and flair that this competition desperately needed. And despite the… unexpected presentation, the cake's flavor was impeccable."

Ursha blinked in disbelief. "We… won?"

Yzara grinned, sauntering up beside us. "See? I told you a little extra magic would make all the difference."

I stared at the head judge, still not fully believing what I was hearing. "We… actually won?"

The head judge nodded again. "Congratulations, adventurers! You are the champions of the Great Lavatoria Bake-Off!"

The crowd cheered, and I couldn't help but let out a laugh. "Well, that's one way to win a contest, I guess."

Ursha, now covered in frosting but looking satisfied, grinned at me. "I knew we could do it. Even if it did explode."

Nixie sighed in relief, wiping some glitter from her hair. "I guess a win is a win."

Yzara, still clearly pleased with herself, winked at me. "And just think, Jake. You didn't even have to add your 'special touch' to win."

I groaned. "Yeah, let's not mention that again."

As the cheers of the crowd filled the square, I couldn't help but feel a strange sense of accomplishment. Sure, the cake had exploded, and sure, the whole thing had been a chaotic mess, but somehow, we had come out on top.

And in Lavatoria, that was about as good as things got.

The crowd was still buzzing with excitement as we stood there, victorious yet covered in glittering frosting from head to toe. The announcement of our win seemed to echo in the square, and people were laughing, clapping, and congratulating each other on having witnessed such a chaotic spectacle. I, however, was still trying to process how we had won a baking competition after our cake exploded in the judges' faces.

"I can't believe that worked," I muttered, rolling in place as frosting dripped off my porcelain frame. "This whole thing is ridiculous."

Nixie wiped more frosting from her hair, trying to maintain some semblance of composure. "Honestly, I'm just glad it's over. I thought for sure we'd be disqualified after the cake blew up."

Ursha, still grinning and surprisingly pleased with the outcome, gave a proud nod. "We didn't just win. We dominated."

Yzara, always the troublemaker, was still smirking at her handiwork. "I told you, darlings. A little magical flair never hurt anyone. Besides, you can't deny that the crowd loved it."

As the judges made their way over to officially present us with the grand prize, a Golden Rolling Pin, of all things, the head judge stopped to admire our frosting-covered forms. His mustache twitched as he beamed at us.

"You know," he said, still shaking frosting out of his coat, "in all my years judging baking competitions, I've never seen anything quite like this. The explosion was unexpected, yes, but it had such… theatricality! The taste, the presentation, the sheer chaos, truly remarkable!"

Ursha took the Golden Rolling Pin from the judge with a satisfied grunt. "It was a team effort," she said, glancing at Yzara with a raised eyebrow. "Though some of us added a little too much 'theatricality.'"

Yzara gave an innocent shrug. "Oh, please. You loved it."

The head judge waved his hands dramatically. "Well, whatever the case, you are officially the champions of the Great Lavatoria Bake-Off! Your names will be remembered in Lavatorian baking history."

I couldn't help but chuckle. "Great. Just what I always wanted, to be remembered as the toilet that helped win a baking contest."

As the crowd began to disperse and the other contestants started cleaning up their stations, I rolled over to the table where the remnants of our cake still shimmered with enchanted glitter. It was a mess, just like everything in Lavatoria, but it was our mess, and somehow, we had managed to come out on top.

Nixie, clearly ready to leave the chaos behind, stretched and yawned. "Well, that was an exhausting day. I think we've earned a break after this."

Ursha nodded, still holding the Golden Rolling Pin with pride. "Yeah. Let's head back to the inn. I'm starving."

I groaned. "After all this? You still want to eat?"

Ursha smirked at me. "Why not? Victory makes me hungry."

As we started making our way back to the inn, I couldn't shake the feeling that this was only the beginning of another round of Lavatorian madness. After all, nothing ever stayed quiet for long in this ridiculous village.

Once we reached the inn, I finally thought we might get a moment of peace. But, of course, Yzara had other ideas.

As we sat at a table, trying to wash the last bits of frosting and glitter off ourselves, Yzara slid in beside me, her eyes gleaming with mischief.

"You know, Jake," she purred, leaning closer, "today's victory was fun, but I think the real prize is spending more time with you. After all, we make quite the team, don't we?"

I rolled my porcelain eyes, trying to edge away from her. "Yzara, we've been over this. I'm a sentient toilet. This, whatever you're doing, isn't going to work."

Yzara smiled, her fingers lightly tracing the edge of my frame. "Oh, I wouldn't be so sure. I've seen the way you look at me, darling."

Before I could respond, Ursha, who had been watching this exchange with mild amusement, stepped in. "Yzara, lay off him for once. Can't you just enjoy a quiet moment?"

Yzara shrugged, but the glint in her eyes didn't fade. "Oh, fine. But I'm just saying, Jake. One of these days, you'll come around."

I groaned, wondering if there would ever be a day where Yzara didn't flirt with me.

Just as we were settling in for what I hoped would be a peaceful evening, there was a knock at the door of the inn. The innkeeper hurried over to open it, and standing in the doorway was none other than the head judge from the bake-off, looking far more serious than he had earlier.

"Ah, good evening," he said, stepping inside. "I've come to deliver an additional… prize."

Ursha raised an eyebrow. "Another prize? What do you mean?"

The head judge glanced around, as if to make sure no one else was listening, and then leaned in closer.

"It's not just any prize," he whispered. "It's an invitation. A very exclusive one."

Nixie looked intrigued. "An invitation to what?"

The judge smiled mysteriously. "To the Grand Champion's Gala, an event reserved only for the winners of Lavatoria's most prestigious contests. You and your team are invited to attend, and believe me, it's not something you want to miss."

I sighed, already sensing where this was going. "Let me guess. This 'gala' isn't going to be as simple as it sounds, is it?"

The judge gave a knowing chuckle. "Well, I suppose that depends on your definition of 'simple.' But let's just say… there will be some surprises."

Yzara's eyes lit up. "Oh, I do love surprises."

Nixie groaned, rubbing her temples. "Here we go again."

As the judge handed over the official invitation, I couldn't help but feel a mix of dread and anticipation. Whatever this Grand Champion's Gala was, it was clear that we were in for yet another round of chaos, adventure, and, undoubtedly, more magical mishaps.

"Looks like our next adventure is already lined up," I muttered, rolling toward the door. "I just hope it doesn't involve any more exploding cakes."