
A bogus tale

Justice gets grumpy all of a sudden. He was planning to visit Anne when the time was right but turns out, the time never was right for him. When he was finished eating breakfast, while waiting for Ageha to come, another knight came with a sort of document for him. When he tried to get out of the tent, Vale came and tried to have a conversation with him, and when he could finally save himself from the boring conversation of the new formation of the knight and mage, Brom and Henry came inside the tent.

He glared at the weird mage captain while he tried to tell them his story and Anne. "So, let's hear this important story of yours!"

Vale frowned after he heard the crown prince. "Why are you being such a pr*ck?"

"I am not! I was just… Ugh fine, I got angry because all of you coming here making me late for my… appointment." Gruntled Justice, while leaning on his desk, still glaring at Brom.