
In Against the Gods with Xenoverse system

Jerry who had been out of the army due to leave was in his home playing games. It was raining and clouds rumbled. Due to this he couldn't go out to meet his friends so to kill his boredom he decided to play a game of his favourite series dragon ball on the pc. When he was playing the game suddenly he saw a loud thunder strike as the room went dark. The next thing he felt himself loosing consciousness. So read to find out what happens next. Will Jerry die or some miracle will save his life? ******************************************* ATG and Dragon ball belongs to their respective authors. ******************************************* If you want to support me then be my patreon; https://www.patreon.com/Kingxix

pratiksymbol · Anime et bandes dessinées
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14 Chs


*Ding* [ Yes this universe is Against the Gods universe. This world was also selected by chaos as it was one of your recent memories.]

"Oh damn now this is something I can get behind " He said as he grinned. In the original world when he read this series there were times he felt quite infuriated with many characters in the series especially the main character and the female characters who fell head over heals for the MC even when he raped them in the name of saving them. He was quite disgusted by it.

"Good I will change all those bullshit things he caused ... by the way In which time period have I come into this universe ?" He asked the system.

* Ding* [You have come five months before the original series starts.]

"Oh shit if it's before the beginning of the series then there is a big trouble coming. Yun Che is going to use the mirror of samsara to change the fate and time of the world when he is going to die on that continent. If time and space gets messed up then there is a possibility that my existence might be erased. Hey system is there a way to survive the effect of mirror of samsara?" He asked seriously pondering the question.

*Ding* [ It's possible if you buy a time ring of the supreme kais as they protect their holders from causality and time manipulation.]

"Oh yes the time ring does protect one from time and causality manipulation. All right system whats the cost of a time ring?"

*Ding* [ The cost of a time ring is 150000 CP.]

"That's..... costly." He said as he listened to his system when he suddenly heard the sound of the system.

*Ding* [ Downloaded the starter package. Would you like to open it?


"Oh now this is good. Yes open the package." Jerry said with excitement in his eyes.

*Ding* [ Opening starter package....


Senzu beans - 10

potara earring - 1 pair

Body multiplication technique - 1

Supernova - 1

Vegeta's armor- full set

Janemba's sword- 1

CP- 500000

Senzu beans- These are mystical beans capable of healing any injuries instantly and return the person at their peak

potara earrings- earrings worn by supreme kais. It has the ability to fuse two person.

Body multiplication technique- A unique technique taught by the Yardratians. One can clone their body multiple times. Each clones have half of the power of the original body.

Supernova- One of frieza's signature move where the user creates a sun like energy sphere. A supernova has enough strength to obliterate a star.

Vegeta's armor- The full set of armor worn by vegeta when he first visited earth.

Janemba's sword- The extremely powerful sword used by the evil incarnate Janemba. This sword is able to cut through space and dimensions.]

"Damn now this is what you call a good haul." Jerry said as he excitedly checked all the things he got from the starter package.

Most the things he got were very necessary for him. He quickly stored them into the inventory.

"So this world is ATG. But I can use ki too while I can also sense a different form of energy from the surrounding which is suppose is profound energy. Hey system do I have profound veins and can I also cultivate profound energy?" He asked the system as he remembered that he felt a different form of power from the surrounding.

*Ding* [ You are able to cultivate profound energy as your body is inlaid with veins which can channel all forms of energy. You have only to start cultivating.]

"Good. Now I should start my ki control training so that I can project ki and fly too. This will be very necessary for me." He said as he decided to train so that he could use his ki to fly and project ki in various ways like ki blasts.

Like this he started to train his ki.

Four months passed by in a blink of an eye. Jerry has been training hard and his training was also fruitful. He had actually been able to use ki for flight in just the first two days of his training and in five days he could also project his ki into energy blasts.

Currently Jerry was standing in front of a large mountain which was surrounded by clouds.

"Phew let's see if I can control it or not." He said as he took a fighting stance and directly punched at the mountain.

*Rumble* The mountain shook fiercely as his punch came in contact with the mountain. He removed his fist and saw a imprint of the punch on the base of the mountain.

"Hehehe yes this is good!" He said as he looked at the imprint. Jerry was quite satisfied as he was finally able to control his strength.

Previously when he trained his punches would shatter entire mountains. It was due to his poor control over his ki and power so he had to train hard to control them otherwise his attacks would destroy the landscape but now it wasn't a problem as he had finally grasped ki control and could finally control the output of his power and destructive capacity.

"Alright it seems good. Now let's try that." He said as he slowly started to float above the ground. He flew high in the sky far away from the mountain as he stopped and hovered looking at the far away mountain. He then put his left hand forward as a small lime green orb of energy formed on his palm. It slowly expanded into the size of a tennis ball. Jerry then threw the orb directly towards the distant mountain. The orb flew at a speed that couldn't be perceived with eyes.

*KABOOOOOOM* The mountain and the area near it exploded with a loud boom in greenish yellow energy blast. The clouds dispersed and the area was covered with thick smoke. Slowly the smoke dispersed and Jerry could see that the place where the mountain stood, now there was a large hole there.

"Hehe now this is what I call power. Next I should increase my cultivation." Jerry was quite satisfied with his ki control now. He could use ki blast in controlled state now. But before using ki blast was quite dangerous as he remembered something.


two months before;

In a far away Island into the vast ocean one could see a figure of a man which disappeared and appeared instantly from one place to another This was Jerry.

Jerry was training his movement as be disappeared from one point to another leaving afterimages here and there. This was how he trained his movement by going as fast as he could find short ranges. This has proven quite useful as his speed and dexterity has increased.

He stopped suddenly and pulled out a towel from his in inventory as he wiped his face with it.

"Few my movements have actually become more accurate after training for two months. I can pretty much change my direction from even point blank. Now let's try those kinds blast. I have been itching to use them." Be said as he put the towel away.

He then put his hand forward and concentrated as ki started to revolve in his body.

*Buzzzz* A small lime green orb formed over his palm with a humming. It started to slowly expand and became a size of a soccer ball. Jerry was so concentrated that he couldn't see a tiger like beast approaching him.

*ROAR* The tiger roared and jumped at him which broke his concentration.

"What...." *KABOOOOOOM* He could only say this much as the orb floating in his palm exploded with a terrifying energy. The entire island including Jerry was engulfed with this chaotic energy.

Within a few moments the entire island was obliterated along with its residents. This island was tens of thousands of miles long and wide and Jerry's attack was able to obliterate it .

When everything settled one could see a figure with various injuries lying in the humongous crater left by the explosion of the island. This was Jerry who had tanked his own attack when his guards was down.

"F....fuck...." He could barely say as he somehow lifted his hand and pulled out a senzu bean from his inventory and put it in his mouth. He crunched it and swallowed it as suddenly all the injuries on his body disappeared and he stood up as he slowly floated into the sky watching the crater slowly filled up with ocean water.


"That was really something huh. If I didn't had a senzu bean with me I would have been a goner." He said remembering the past months.

"Alright I should take a bath now." He said as he checked his body which was covered with dirt.

Here is the new chapter.

I am planning to put up a *******. If you wanted to support me you can.

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