
Becky's message. announcement:this chapter has many emotional stuff(well, sad stuff) so you might want to skip if you find it boring or you easily get emotional!!

Becky was still looking at the pictures,when the voices of girls chatting came from outside her room.

 She listened carefully and soon got the gist of what they were talking about. Not knowing who the news had started from but it had already started to spread like wildfire that Harrison had been expelled and the school did not even give him a time duration notice;he was already being escorted out of the school as they chatted.

Becky was perplexed and surprised by this news. Harrison was a senior for Christ's sake. It had not even been a day since the incident and had already been sent packing; that was completely unexpected.

 Becky was now regretting ever listening to Harrison's orders.  Maybe, just maybe if she had tried to do something about it,maybe the outcome would have been different?

 But it was too late now to regret,the deed had already been done and she could only harvest her mistake.