
In A Game As A Blood Mage

you know the shit this is someone else's novel and I am just stealing it. Not even sure myself why I do this but oh well.

Death_God_Ryuk · Fantaisie
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41 Chs

Chapter 14

As Alex looks at the red sac in front of him, there are some basic light blue mana stones and such. But there is also a dark red ruby-like stone…

'A devil's core stone.' Immediately Alex figured out what it was. But he is still surprised at this. The <Blood Offering> spell that he just used is a spell that can be technically used to make deals with the devil's from hell, also it can only be used only twice by the user. The different low-level devils who are desperate for mana offer things that are rare to this world but very common in Hell. 

'This red stone isn't exactly rare even in hell.' Thinks Alex, contemplating the different possibilities. But the most prominent one that he can think of is that a high-class devil is trying to make a contract with him.

He frowns at this, he never really planned to make any deal with devils, he just planned to get some resources for free. Even if he made one, he plans to be the dominant one in the relationship. A High-Class devil wouldn't be willing to be under him, and Alex wouldn't accept anything like an equal contract, those things have too many loopholes.

'Hmmm… if it is like this… then…' Contemplates Alex, his thoughts moving at incredible speeds, in the end, he comes to a conclusion. 'What a dumbass High-Class Devil, as if I will make a deal with it. But maybe I can scam him to give me some more of this stuff. This Devil's Stone core is pretty good.'

He picks up the stone and has to take a deep breath as he feels his heart start to crazily beat like a generator. 'This… this was unpredictable…'

His Control Freak affects him again for not predicting something like this. 'Calm Down!!!'

Immediately his heart stops beating too fast. He of course has control over his body at a level that people would consider freaky. His own heart rate calmed down just by him wanting to be in control of his heart.

Alex breathes out a sigh of relief at this, he knows how dangerous his addiction to being in control can be. He has to consciously stop himself from panicking from not being in control.

In the end, he just takes the red stone and puts it on the table. He leaves it there as he takes out his knife. He opens his interface and puts some of his Exp into:

[Basic Enchantment (Rank 1) Lvl 0/5] 

Title it leveled to level 5, then a new notification appears in front of him. 

[For mastering Basic Enchantment, you gain +1 Potential Point]

He swipes away the notification and sees.

[Basic Enchantment (Rank 1) Lvl 5/5 (Max)] 

He smiles at that, he knows just how useful these classes and skills will be to him in the future. Though usually, a player can never fight above his level, players actually had problems even fighting NPCs at the same level. Heroes were extremes that had so many talents that they could fight above their level, and Alex also knows that this whole world has been explored by millions of players. He knows every secret, and even though he might not remember all of the details or some unimportant stuff about the game world at the moment. But as his intelligence rises he will be able to recall everything about the game. 

Already he remembers 80% of what the game had, and most of it is revolutionary strong equipment.

 But Alex is also worried that he might be tricked by one of the people in this world and as he finds the items they will just be taken from him. There are thousands of strange abilities and some can even get a glimpse of the future so he must be extra careful if he doesn't want to be trapped by those people. 

He can never let his guard down in this world. Betrayals happen just around every corner.


After preparing everything and even drawing a simple alchemical circle. Alex is drawing the finishing touches on it. Usually, a player would need a book to the side as he would draw the circle. But Alex now can see why NPCs back then didn't need a book, because the memory of someone who has fifteen points in intelligence, he can remember almost everything that he has in his life. Even his brain is working on a different level as he tries to think of different outcomes and structures at how he could experiment with the alchemical circles to change their properties.

But in the end, he just uses the alchemic circle, which is a very useful skill for an [Magic Item Maker] like him. This is not a skill, it's more like a Dwarfish Ritual.  Currently, the secret hasn't been stolen by humans yet, so technically Alex is the only human who can currently use it. 

The Alchemical Circle can in a way get rid of the need for the blacksmithing process and is the secret of how the dwarves can mass-produce weapons for humans and other creatures. The dwarves are the underground (literally) weapon merchants.  They sell weapons whenever a war happens, whether to humans or someone else, they usually sell weapons to both sides too, they do it to maximize profits. Of course, that is until humanity figures out the secret for themselves and the dwarves will become useless… and humanity has a way of dealing with things that they don't need anymore. 

Though the items that are usually created by this method are lower class than when created by a blacksmith, they can easily be mass-produced by this. It changes to labor and takes mana to 'make' the work happen. It works in the way of equal exchange, but the items must still be put in the circle as it can't create something from nothing.

As Alex finishes drawing the overly complicated alchemical circle. After putting the blue crystal and the stick that he got from carving it off the chair leg. Alex runs mana through the circle which makes it shine in bright light.


A couple of seconds later and the light dies down. As it does so, Alex looks in front of him and sees a wand with the tip of it being the blue crystal.

He picks it up and looks at it… he nods at it and immediately the notification he has been expecting comes.

[Mission Completed]


Reward: Novice Magic Item Maker, Novice Magic Item Crafting Affinity, +1 Intelligence, 2 Potential Points.


Immediately Alex can feel his mind become clearer and his thoughts become faster. He starts connecting options and alternatives that he didn't know even existed.

Though he doesn't have the Appraise skill, he can judge that with the way this wand looked and the ones that he made back in the game it is comparable to Novice Tier equipment. 

Also with his Magic Item Affinity, he can instinctually tell what grade a piece of equipment is. 

This wand should strengthen my spells by around 30%.' Contemplates Alex. 'It should last me until rank four and by then it won't be able to handle my power anymore. Strength isn't just in levels and raw power, equipment also plays a very big part in it.'

*Knock* *Knock*

Someone knocks on the door and Alex looks at it. The door opens and the person who opened it says. "I am back…"



Really need an update schedule for this... instead I udate it when I am reminded that it exists...🤣🤣🤣🤣

P.S: Will try updating it some more. I have this whole timeline of events and plans in here. Pretty epic stuff.