
In A Cultivation World With The Highest Intellect

Brax Azarov is the smartest human being ever, with an IQ that couldn't be measured. His contribution to humanity by helping humanity develop 1000s of years into the future. He created a god formula that can cure all diseases making it so that death from illness just became a myth. He found a way to extend the human life span through artificial means. living for 1000s of years is no longer just a dream. He found new elements and created many artificial ones when he felt like they needed to exist. He discovered space travel, light-speed travel, and space jump allowing humans to quickly colonize other planets across the Milky Way galaxy and other neighboring galaxies. There was no field that Brax Azarov didn't master, but at the age of 309, he was assassinated. He didn't want to die as there was more he needed to know, there was more he needed to learn. As he took his final breath, he only had regret because even after living for 309 years, he was still clueless about almost everything. His thirst for knowledge is far greater during his final last breath. Lucky for him, his journey doesn't end with his death. Just when he thought it was all over he opened his eyes and found himself in a completely new body. A body of a teenager in a completely new world, and this time he is presented with the opportunity to achieve immortality so he can never stop his search for knowledge. ________________________________ Author's Note - *WARNING^ This story contains strong sexual content and violence. Discord Link - https://discord.gg/jeghYGhh

Lust_God · Fantaisie
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19 Chs


Stepping outside of his humble adobe, Brax sees his new world's surroundings for the first time.

Through his memories, he already knew that this world is very grand and different, but seeing with his own eyes is something else.

Yes, he has traveled through galaxies in his previous life, but he has never witnessed such grand scenery.

Brax sees massive mountains across the horizon standing taller than anything he has seen in his previous life and he has seen some shit. As someone who has visited multiple planets in the galaxy, he has witnessed mountains bigger than the ones on Earth, but even they fail to compare to what he has in front of his eyes.

Eleven massive mountains connected spanning across the horizon creating a beautiful grand scenery. It is breathtaking and Brax had to take a minute to enjoy the scenery.

"I might enjoy living here," Brax said as he is a fan of beautiful scenery, not because they are beautiful but because of how much time has made an impact on a landscape to make it what it is today. The whole process was an exciting study in his eyes.

Diverting his attention from the grand mountains, he looked around and saw some of his peers walking around on the green plane.

Since this is the outer sect area, the only disciples Brax can see are the outer sect ones and they are all wearing the same uniform he is. A simple white robe with the sect's symbol on it.

All these disciples are minding their own business, some of them are heading somewhere and some of them are coming from somewhere. Some of them are talking and laughing with each other.

All of them look like any normal teenager, and almost all of them have superhuman strength, but their superhuman strength is nothing compared to the big guys. The ones who live at the peak of these mountains.

The power gap is really surprising to Brax, but he is also happy about it, knowing that standing on top of this world means becoming unrivaled. And when he becomes unrivaled, he will not end up like in his past life.

Now determined to become immortal, Brax takes his first step towards it by heading towards the manual hall.

On his way, he sees many outer disciples and their number keeps increasing as he gets closer to the manual hall.

"Brax," suddenly he hears something calling him. He stops and turns around to see an average-looking teenager of average height walking towards him with a smile on his face.

"Peter," Brax utters as he recognizes this man from his memory. Peter is a 19-year-old cultivator who is in the 6th stage of the Qi condensing realm. So by logic, he should be Brax's senior brother.

In this world, senior ship didn't depend on age, but power. The stronger you are, the more respect you hold.

The reason Brax calls him by his name is because they are friends and Peter asked him to be not formal with him.

"Where are you going?" Peter asked. "To the manual hall, I just wanted to browse through some breathing techniques," Brax answered.

"Why is the one you have difficult to understand?" he questions. "No, it's nothing like that. I wanted something better. So I was wondering if I could find something better in the manual hall." Brax answers.

"Do you have money to buy a better breathing technique?" he asked with doubt. He has been living here in the Sect for two years now and he couldn't save up enough to buy a better breathing technique, so he wondered where Brax got the money from.

"No, I don't have any money. The breathing technique I have doesn't suit me, so I wanted to find something that would suit me better," Brax said, but he lied. He wanted to compare his breathing technique with the ones in the manual hall and see the differences he could find in them.

Is every breathing technique as mediocre as the one he has and do different breathing techniques have any significant difference between them for them to matter?

He has no interest in continuing to practice a basic level Qi breathing technique. This is just research for him.

"I see, well I will join you then. I on the other hand, actually have some money to buy a better cultivation manual. I can finally speed up my cultivation," Peter says with a smile.

Brax raises his brows and takes in the information he has just been given. If he can browse through this cultivation manual, then he might have a better understanding of how a Qi breathing technique works.

"Sure let's go," Brax says with a smile and lets Peter join him.

"How were you able to procure the funds to buy a new manual?" trying to keep up a front, Brax questioned. Just like how the previous Brax would act in the current situation.

"Hehe, well technically I didn't save it up myself. I didn't tell you this, but my family is a well-known merchant family in the mortal world. My father sent me some spirit stones so that I can get a better technique," he laughs it off with almost a hint of pride in his tone.

Brax nods his head, but he is surprised that Peter got his hands on spirit stones. Spirit stones are the currency used by cultivators to buy cultivation resources, so it is very hard for a normal mortal to get their hands on one.

Even if they are filthy rich, one would never exchange spirit stones with money used by mortals. So Peter's father must have done a lot of work behind the scenes to procure some spirit stones for Peter.

The previous Brax joined the sect a year ago and till now he has only earned about 10 spirit stones which he always keeps in person because he fears he might lose or misplace it.

Soon, both of them arrive in front of the manual hall's entrance, which is packed with outer sect disciples. Both Brax and Peter join the crowd and enter the hall.

As soon as Brax entered the manual hall, he was impressed by the size of it. He couldn't see the end of the hall at all. There are rows and rows of bookshelves filled with different manuals.

To someone like Brax, this was a treasure trove. And this is just the first floor. It is the only floor that outer sect disciples can access.

If he had access to all the manuals inside the hall, he would learn so much. The only way to get access to the other parts of the hall is by becoming an inner sect disciple.

Knowing that only strength will get him what he wants, Brax is burning with the desire to grow stronger.