
In A Cultivation World With A Death System

Reborn within a universe filled with Dungeon, MC is reborn as a cripple price. watch as he goes on to conquer the whole universe

Itachi102 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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47 Chs


"Husband, I believe it's clear that this prince would take the throne. I told you since back then this kid wasn't normal." An old woman said softly while drinking a cup of tea, and looking at the screen of Sora fighting a dungeon monster

"Shut Up woman. don't tell me something I already know." an old man said coldly, to which the old man snorted and calmly drink her tea.

"I wonder if his mother would return... if thats the case I believe we should build relationships, with his history I believe marriage is the best way." She said softly, making the old man's face turn dark,

"damn woman, didn't I tell you to shut up?" He said angrily, but the woman ignored him while lost in her line of thoughts,

"then again, from the information we have on him, that lustful side of humans was like a coping mechanism. His life had done a complete 360, I wonder if we should sit back and wait until he is kidnapped or killed. should we protect him or something?" She said softly, making the old man sit back in his seat in deep thought.

"We shall support him for the throne... but for an arranged marriage, Have Anna go. with everything shown, he is lucky he remains within his room cultivating most of the time, or else he would have died." the old man said stunning the old woman, but she nodded slightly after some thought.

"Have her send some gifts, I have a feeling this brat might be a turning point for our kingdom," the old man said softly, to which the old woman nodded in understanding.

they were just a kingdom, above them was the empire. Sora was just a prince to a kingdom, there were many kingdoms to be found all over the place, each kingdom having at least 1 Gold rank dungeon which they managed, and guarded.

Across the kingdom, similar talks could be heard. Sora's name even reached outside the kingdom, although at a slightly slower rate. but the higher-ups, of each kingdom, quickly got news of this new freakish talent. Many had their plans forming, while others simply sat back and watched as things plaid out.

Meanwhile, Sora was standing upside down in a room, with a cup of his hand in his hands, he slowly drank from the cup. Sora's growth was too fast, normally others other each breakthrough would have time to adapt to their strength and get used to mastering their newfound power, meanwhile, Sora was skyrocketing through these cultivation levels,

So, he had to come up with all types of ways to help him master the control of his energy, from walking up trees, standing on top of sealing, to standing on water, Sora was mastering his control of each cultivation system bit by bit.

Currently, Sora didn't need to fuse all 3 of his cultivation system for his strength to increase by 2.5 times, just two of them were enough. one should know that this fusion was something similar to nuclear fusion. two cultivation systems can come together to boost your strength by up to 5 or even 10 times, all you need to do is be able such a huge increase in power, and have enough as you would be burning through a lot of energy,

Sora of course could have such power, he just needed to be able to master his cultivation systems to be able to gain such power. the maximum power one could get through this is theorized to be 25 times boost to one strength, thats with all 3 cultivation systems perfectly combined, but not everyone was on board with this.

some said it could reach a hundred times as there is no such thing as perfection in the path of cultivation.

Anyways, Sora finished the cup in his hands, and just as the door opened, Yalan opened the door and was stunned for a moment seeing Sora standing there like that, but she ignored the prince's weird actions.

"prince, you have many quests which are soon to arrive. many being nobles within the kingdom." She said softly, stunning Sora for a moment but he nodded slightly, tapping the watch on his arm, Sora went on to call Emilia, and after a few rings, Emilia picked up with a slightly annoyed look.

her hologram appeared in front of Sora, Sora didn't need to hold his arm up, as the hologram remained fixed in front of him.

"so, what is the reason for everyone coming over?" Sora asked calmly, Emilia sighed softly before she explained what she thought could be the reason.

"pretty much many are seeing your talent and want to support you for the throne. others want to take you out of the picture, and others simply want to get a good reading of who you are. Just be on high alert for the next few months, and gather as much support as you can. I already sent a few of mine to act as your bodyguard within the shadows." She said annoyed

"I guessed all that, I what to know who I should be on guard against," Sora said with a helpless sigh, he was not the smartest, but it didn't mean he couldn't guess something so simple

"The Su Clan and the Blue Flame Clan. those two are known for their shady business, I will send you information about all the others," She said with a sigh, Sora nodded slightly and ended the call, and not too long after, Sora was sent information about every clan he needed to look out for. it was all their actions that they kept hidden from the public, though this Sora could guess what type of people he is working with

a few hours later, Sora stepped out of the castle a vehicle landed before the castle. it had 4 guards which stood around it, with their arms behind their backs. from the passenger side of the car, a maid opened the door, before holding it respectfully for a beautiful woman to slowly step out.

She was a stunning beauty, with beautiful long black hair, beautiful blue eyes, with the face of an angel, adding her beautiful blue dress, she was a woman which almost made Sora's mouth hit the ground. Sora slept with many females, but never someone this stunning. but Sora snapped out of it the next moment,

"Prince Sora, It's a pleasure to meet you." She said in a charming voice that could make the darkest of days seem not so bad. Sora smiled slightly before he greeted her respectfully.

"Lady Cai Yi, it's my pleasure. please come inside," Sora said with a charming smile, stunning her slightly. was this the same Sora of the past? she saw Sora a few times, and each time she was disgusted by the sight, where were those hungry eyes he once eyed her with? why was so so handsome? if looks could kill, Sora would have gone to jail. Such a deadly smile, shouldn't he cover his face?

"Y-yes." She said with a soft blush, don't get her wrong, she was not in love with him, she just didn't expect to be attacked like that. Sora's looks were just deadly. Death at times can be the scariest of things, but it can also be the most beautiful of things.

She entered the castle, with her maids and guards following her. they went to a meeting room, where everyone but the guards stayed outside, while Sora and Cai Yi, and her maids entered the room, maids soon entered with some tea.

"So, what can this prince do to help..." Sora went quiet not knowing what to call her,

"You can call me Cai Yi... the prince's growth in the past year has been impressive, your name has spread far and wide. my clan would like to support you." She said with a smile before she pulled out a golden box which she placed onto the box.

"And what is your clan seeking from my support?" Sora said after throwing a look at the expansive box, which blocked off soul sense,

"Prince, what we see is simple. today we will be your backing, but tomorrow we ask you to be our backing." She said serouly,

"A simple request... but surely there has to be more your clan wants, do you want simple backing or something else?" Sora asked with a smile, Cai Yi was stunned for a moment, that was a bit too straightforward, but she nodded slightly.

"within the Gold rank dungeon, we wish to gain more resources than the normal 10%. we are asking 15%..." Cai Yi said seriously, Sora thought for a moment before shrugging.

"Sure," Sora said before biting his finger, stunning Cai Yi at how easy this was. she was ready to walk away with only 12%, but a whole 15% was something she was not expecting.

"you're shocked? well, it's simple. With my talent, by the time I'm ready to clear that dungeon, many clans would have disappeared from the kingdom. like this city, I plan to clean up the whole kingdom, before setting my eyes on the empire. but thats like 2 years away," Sora said with a smile, stunning Cai Yi

"you will tell me such information." Cai Yi asked with a weird look, why was he telling her this,

"It's simple if your clan supports me through this... it shall raise with me. life is too short to stay on one planet, one-star system, and one galaxy... I want to explore everything out there, but its starts here." Sora said softly, stunning Cai Yi, weirdly she believed that Sora could do everything. she didn't know where she got such trust in him from, but she had it.

"..." Cai Yi didn't say anything and nodded slightly at Sora before she bit her finger and went to draw on the table. once done, it disappeared and reappeared on their palm,

"Prince, if you need any help, please call me at any time," She said as she passed Sora her contact information, seeing as she was about to leave, Sora got up to try and see if she wanted to stay but she couldn't stay for long. after keeping one of her guards behind, she left.

after she left, it didn't take long for another person to arrive, and for Sora to have to greet them and see what they wanted. everyone that came, arrived to support Sora. Sora, of course, accepted them all and came up with a deal with suited them all. although some of them.

but the next day, the Su clan's young master arrives. stepping out of his vehicle, he threw a look around the place with a judgmental look, before his eyes landed on Sora. instantly, he froze upon seeing Sora's appearance, he had to admit that the videos didn't do Sora justice.

Sora went on to invite him into the meeting room, where it was just the two of them. Sora didn't bother to even act before him, and pulled out the death book and wrote this guy to become a loyal follower of his, but shall die 30 years later

"What is that book?" the Su clan young master asked with an uneasy look, the moment Sora began writing, he felt like his fate was suddenly taken control of by someone else, making him uneasy.

"forget about the book," Sora said calmly, The Su clan young master instantly froze for a moment before a confused look appeared in his eyes, what was he saying? he was sure he saw something, but he couldn't remember,

"what do your clan want with me?" Sora asked calmly,

"my clan wishes to assassinate you, we are planning to overthrow the kingdom, so if you stand you would get in the way of your plans sooner or later," he said respectfully, Sora rubbed his chin slightly before nodding.

"your clan must have some support, what is it?" Sora asked calmly,

"Golden Bull Kingdom." He said softly, making Sora's eyebrow raise in shock. the Golden Bull kingdom was a close friend of their empire, the fact they were doing this was of course shocking. Sora fell into deep thought for some time before nodding

"What is the name of the Golden Bull crown prince?" Sora asked as he went on online to search for the Golden Bull Kingdom

"His name is James Golden Bull." He said respectfully, it's not like people went out of their name to hide their name. Sora nodded slightly as the image of the Golden Bull Crown Prince appeared in front of him.

"Close your eyes," Sora said calmly, to which the Su clan young master closed his eyes, Sora went on to take out the death book and wrote a few things down.

'James Golden Bull shall become extremely loyal to me, he saw find a way to talk to me without anyone finding out. at the same time, fate shall flow his way. but when he hears the words 'Die Prince' from me, he saw die on the spot.' Sora calmly wrote it down, before he put the book away.

"run me through step by step your plans once you arrived... you can open your eyes." Sora said calmly, the Su clan's young master upon his eyes, and went on to explain everything.

"I was to get a good measure of who you are and see if you are easily controlled, after getting a good measure of your character, my clan would make its move. if you are lustful, we would have a powerful female beautiful woman control you. if you are the type to only care about cultivation, I was to find the best way to kill you as soon as I could." He said softly, to which Sora nodded slightly before falling into deep thought.

"return and tell them I'm lustful, try and see if you can be the one that woman can talk to. give me your contact information and use an untrackable line when talking to me." Sora said calmly, Su clan's young master nodded slightly before doing as Sora asked,

"let's see what would be the most effective way to take the throne... is it killing my father or would he step down and let me take the throne," Sora said softly while drinking some tea, he sat back and simply went through everything he should do, before sighing.

'Emilia is better at this thinking 10 steps ahead stuff... well, I should go on and cultivate, so many grade 3 spirit stones I have stored up are waiting for me to use.' Sora thought as he left behind a clone to see anyone else who might come. meanwhile, his main body went to cultivating,