
In A Cultivation World With A Death System

Reborn within a universe filled with Dungeon, MC is reborn as a cripple price. watch as he goes on to conquer the whole universe

Itachi102 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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47 Chs


Time passed, With Sora no longer having to worry about Hoshi's planet and their planet technique improving thanks to the news they got their hands on and were currently studying, Sora sat back and was forced on watching the planet be filled with more and more dungeons. with more dungeons appearing, the planet saw an increase of unique type dungeons,

dungeon which had unique monsters, or unique crystals. Fire Crystals were found within a gold-rank dungeon, these crystals allowed those who absorbed them to comprehend the fire law, other similar cases appeared within many gold-rank dungeons, but in return, such dungeons became as hard or harder than a diamond-rank dungeon.

4 months after Akon's arrival on the planet, Sora entered a workshop where a bunch of androids was being created. under the lead of Sen, the person Emilia had personally picked, within these 4 months she spent every second breaking down the androids and trying to recreate them

It was not easy as some of the parts were destroyed leading to her having to make some adjustments which lead to the androids not being as good as the original, but they were still thousands of years above the current planet tech level.

Sen nervously straightened her glasses seeing Sora entering the workshop with his guards following behind him, led by Yalan. As Sora's eyes scanned this place, she grew more and more nervous, and this feeling grew even more once Sora's eyes landed on her.

"Tell me, what have you done in these 4 months?" Sora asked calmly, Sen took a deep breath, she kept hours before the mirror training for this speech. Closing her eyes and picturing Sora in his under her... her face instantly turned. swallowing her saliva she tried picturing Sora in something else which would not make her distracted.

"Well, studying their tech, I was able to find out many things. for example, I perfected the tech needed to transfer a person's consciousness into a computer. but they seemed to use a technique long with that tech, so for now I only have one part of it perfected. another thing I created is the senses, processes, and many other things, I recreated them, and they are hundreds of times more capable than anything that could be found on this planet." Sen said before she went on to give Sora a run down of what these things were capable of.

"Unlike humans who need to enter a unique state to think at near light speed. these processes allow the androids to remain within that state at all times. allowing them to go over not one but up a million things all once at such speed before they experience some lag." Sen said softly, making Sora's eyebrow raise hearing this.

for a person's thought process to reach light speed, they have to be within a unique state known as time dilation mood. within this state, to you, everything slows down, but to others, your seed increases new heights. but no one likes to remain in this state for too long, as the faster you go the faster you age.

So this is only useful in battle, learning something, or going through your thoughts. to you, you remained within that state for 1 year but only 1 second passed in the outside world. so you would be 1 year older once you leave that stat, or an extra 1 year for every second that passes to the outside world unless you go faster or slower.

that was not a big deal if you think about it, but people grew up with the mindset that every second matters. wasting your lifespan away for things that were not important was wasting away a moment you could use in the future to break through. there are stories of people who only needed just 1 day before a breakthrough that could increase their lifespan, but they wasted it all away and died unwillingly.

So the fact such robots existed capable of thinking at such a rate at all times would make them on par with soul cultivators. As Sora cultivator cultivation improves, the rate they process information also increases. this A.I. would be equal to someone with a power measurement of 100 million in soul cultivation, but the A.I. on Hoshi planet might be more than tace as strong as the one Sen just made.

"..." Sen looked at Sora, who in her eyes was wearing a cute baby bear costume. her eyes were shining slightly, never has she seen something so adorable,

"what about the androids created?" Sora asked calmly, Sen snapped back to reality and went on to explain

"4 months isn't enough time to create them, although I have the resources and the best craftsman on had, putting them together and finding any flaws takes a long time... so currently we have one that's barely passable." She said weakly as she lowered her head

"you did all of this with the A.I. you created?" Sora asked calmly, to which Yuki nodded weakly, Sora looked at the workshop and the works which were working, he thought, or sometimes before looking at Yuki.

"you did better than I expected. tomorrow come to the throne room," Sora said calmly before turning to leave, Yuki stood there frozen in shock before she sighed in relief. Sora returned to the throne room where he sat on his throne and closed his eyes to cultivate.

the throne is not for show, the throne takes Spritit stones strength and refines them, and gives it to the person sitting on the throne. at the same time, spiritual energy is gifted to the person sitting on the throne, allowing their mind to be cool and clean, allowing them to comprehend things. this could allow a person to better master their energy and other technique they might have,

the next day came, and Yuki, wearing a dress slowly entered the throne room. the throne room was empty with only Sora sitting at the end while resting his head on his palm. Sora calmly opened his eyes to look at Yuki, who flinched slightly and quickly pictured Sora back in that cute bear costume.

Sora had looked into Yuki's past and could understand why she was like the way she was. growing up, her parents were famous scientists, but to steal their work they were framed by a noble leading to their being killed. To save Yuki, they ordered a robot to take her away to safety, where Yuki went on to grow up with the robot taking care of her, away from humans.

the last she saw of humans was them killing her parents, to say the least, this traumatized her. With the robot being the only form of care she had growing up, she grew to love robots and fear humans. but when the emperor began the tournament, he stumbled upon her and growing through the robot's memories he found out the trust behind everything.

losing two talented scientists over the greed of some noble of course enraged him, so he took her back, although she was unwilling and scared of him, she in the end was knocked out and found herself in the capital with robots waiting to take care of her needs, over the following days, although hard she slowly began connecting with others... which was only a slight improvement.

she was not so scared of humans as before, but the thought of being anywhere around her scared her. so she had to picture him looking silly, or looking like a cute animal for her to speak with them.

"The former empire didn't have the power to punish others as he wished, but I can do as I wish," Sora said calmly before throwing a paper to Yuki, who caught it and went through it, and upon seeing the paper her body shook. it was a paper on the matter of her parents and how they were framed,

"You can pick what you want me to do with your parent's murder. I want to have you move on from your past trauma and welcome you to a new family... my family, you would have nothing to fear, as I will protect you." Sora said with a smile as he got up to walk down the steps toward her.

"..." Yuki opened and closed her mouth, not knowing what to say, but in the end, all she could do was cry once Sora got on one knee and patted her head.

"You I will get justice for you, that you can rest knowing. no one hurts a member of my family and gets away with it." Sora said seriously, making Yuki's eyes explode with tears. she didn't know what she was feeling, but all of these emotions suddenly came rushing out of her.

"Let it all right... no one should ever have to go through what you went through." Sora said softly while hugging her, Yuki hugged Sora back while her tears just kept following endlessly, making Sora's robes get wet.

Sora who was hugging her looked at Yuki for a moment, a weird slight flash through his eyes, but it disappeared the next moment. after some time, Yuki stopped crying. once she did, she felt relieved, as if she got something off her shoulder.

"I'm sorry..." Yuki said softly seeing Sora's wet robes, but Sora simply recovered her tears while getting up.

"It's just clothing... you're worth so much more than these stupid things," Sora said with a smile, making Yuki's eyes water once more, since when did anyone show her so much love?

"spend a week thinking about how you wish to get justice, I don't want you to grow up feeling any regrets. so sleep on it... you're free to see your parent's grave, in fact, you're free to do anything you want." Sora said softly, to which Yuki nodded slightly, but she questioned herself if she was worthy of such treatment, but she didn't know how to ask such a question so she left after saying good.

{Host, is something wrong?} the system asked, just a moment ago when Sora was hugging Yuki, the system felt something but it disappeared before, leaving it confused.

'what do you mean?' Sora asked calmly, not knowing what the system was on about. The system was quiet for a moment, before speaking.

{a ripple of emotions... although I'm not sure. could the host have felt something towards someone whose background had something in common with you? the family problem for example?} the system asked to which Sora ignored the system, the system seeing this also thought it asked a dumb question.

with the way Sora was, he could slaughter everyone on this whole planet and feel nothing, the only reason he wasn't was that they were useful to him. He cared about no one, not even himself. Children, teens, adults, and Old, hell even the unborn. Sora cared little as possible about all of them,

Sora only cared about mattering. nothing mattered, not even himself, so why should he care about something which didn't matter? why should he care about a newborn, children, or whatever? did they matter?

Yuki's only reason to exist was to be a pawn controlled by him. A pawn could be sacrificed, destroyed, or turned into a queen. Yuki could be any one of them, and Sora didn't care. he was sure there were millions out there like her, she was easily replaceable,